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MMORV - Wheelin' 4 Warriors - May 23-26, 2014

Diamond B

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Panama City, FL
It's getting close to that time of year again: Memorial Day Weekend (May 23-26) is the annual Wheelin' 4 Warriors Rock Ride at Morris Mountain. This year we will be supporting the Fisher House -- An organization that helps military families be close to their wounded heros when going through treatment. Much like the Ronald McDonald House, Fisher house provides lodging, free of charge, for these families across the nation. Also, last year when the gov't shut down and would not pay the death benefits for soldiers that died during that time, Fisher House stepped, up and ensured the families recieved their benefits by paying it out of their own coffers -- no one asked them they did it because it was right.

Over the last 6 years, Wheelin' 4 Warriors has raised over $60,000 for veterans benefits organizations and this year we are hoping to make it the largest ever. So make plans to be at MMORV over Memorial Day weekend and help those who help Vets.
joho75287 said:
If my vote counts I like that design for the shirts!!!
I'm getting that more and more, it started off as a logo but I've gotten a comment to that affect in a lot of places it has been posted..

Thanks, Hope to make it happen, See you there.
As long as we have enough interested folks, we'll race up something. As of now we are planning for a race on Saturday afternoon to be run in classes based on tire size, not sure of the trail. In previous years they raced up Hammerdown -- not sure about last year (I couldn't make it) but I think they ran Gauntlet. Sunday's events (Mud Run, moto track, Big Air, etc) are based purely on participation interest.