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Trail Ride Revolution 2018 at BKORP Jan 26-28

We appreciate everyone coming out and supporting the park. We had a good turnout and the weather held off until saturday night.
I wish I could have done some wheeling but was stuck in the shop building this RZR for KOH. Hope to see everyone at the the Pro Rock Hill Climb and Endurance race here March 23-25th :driving:
BustedKnucklefilms said:
We appreciate everyone coming out and supporting the park. We had a good turnout and the weather held off until saturday night.
I wish I could have done some wheeling but was stuck in the shop building this RZR for KOH. Hope to see everyone at the the Pro Rock Hill Climb and Endurance race here March 23-25th :driving:

Any idea yet what part of the park will be closed for the races? Was going to come and ride don't care allnthat much about the racing.
jeeptj99 said:
I wasn't sure my little compressor was going to do it. I'm glad we got it. Need to make you a spare tire mount for that racing machine.

Yeah spare wheels and tires are on the short list of things to buy for the RzR.
Had a good time for our first visit to BKORP. Rolled in late Friday night to camp and had the park basically to ourselves. Setup camp, ate, and sat around the fire listening to the train for awhile (bring earplugs for camping).

Saturday morning had some light rain, but trail rigs started rolling into the park pretty consistently. Seemed like a decent turnout considering the forecasted rain. Rode around the perimeter of the park, I rolled on "Lady Humps", kept riding all day, and got to check out the Race Hills (Unfinished Business has cell service on Verizon).

Packed up everything up and left the park around 4:30ish, right as a steady rain started. Rained off and on the whole way home. Park has tons of potential and plenty of trails to still be cut.
Here's some basic pictures, but still gathering pictures from others as well. Didn't take that many pictures this trip as usual.

After two complete rolls, the extent of damage was as follows: 1-My Pride; 2-few dents in the roof; 3-broken zip tie; 4-front axle shafts that were already loose, and now looser, but kept me trail riding the rest of the day.

Will post more pictures as they come in from others. I know there's a video of my roll, but unsure how to post the video on here. :dunno:
jeeptj99 said:
Any idea yet what part of the park will be closed for the races? Was going to come and ride don't care allnthat much about the racing.

The right side of the park from the cabin to the powerline is all that will be used for the endurance racing, the rest of the park should be open for riding. :dblthumb:
BustedKnucklefilms said:
The right side of the park from the cabin to the powerline is all that will be used for the endurance racing, the rest of the park should be open for riding. :dblthumb:

So the southern perimeter trail around jolean and beast will be closed and the side with moonshine and northern loop will be open right?
jeeptj99 said:
So the southern perimeter trail around jolean and beast will be closed and the side with moonshine and northern loop will be open right?

Exactly. The Bouncers will be racing up the Waterfall most likely, so you probably don't want to miss that. :dblthumb:
BustedKnucklefilms said:
The right side of the park from the cabin to the powerline is all that will be used for the endurance racing, the rest of the park should be open for riding. :dblthumb:

That doesn't sound like we will have a very long race course then
Craig_c said:
That doesn't sound like we will have a very long race course then

That loop is fairly long. Throw in a hole or two like on lady humps it would be challenging imo. Esp if damp in anyway.
jeeptj99 said:
That loop is fairly long. Throw in a hole or two like on lady humps it would be challenging imo. Esp if damp in anyway.

Am I thinking wrong then, that he was saying the right side of drive coming in is all we would be racing on? Basically the side of property the house is on.
Craig_c said:
That doesn't sound like we will have a very long race course then

It is a 20 to 30 minute lap at race speed. That way we can do multiple laps. It will be a fun course. Guaranteed. :dblthumb:
BustedKnucklefilms said:
It is a 20 to 30 minute lap at race speed. That way we can do multiple laps. It will be a fun course. Guaranteed. :dblthumb:

Must be more land on that side than we saw at RBD. We didn't get very far up and had to head back with some issues. Longer laps the better!!
BustedKnucklefilms said:
It is a 20 to 30 minute lap at race speed. That way we can do multiple laps. It will be a fun course. Guaranteed. :dblthumb:

What are the classes for the endurance racing? Anywhere to find more information about it
jeeptj99 said:
What are the classes for the endurance racing? Anywhere to find more information about it

Pro rock racing on FB and they have a page. Classes are similar to other organizations
jeeptj99 said:
What are the classes for the endurance racing? Anywhere to find more information about it

Here's info from the ProRock website.
