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YouTube of the day

This morning I got West out of bed at 5:40 and we got dressed and bundled up it was 41 degrees outside at that point.
The game plan was to go see them implode two buildings at the old Imperial Sugar Plant (Sugar Lands namesake).

At 7am the blasts went off and only one of the two fell. OH NO somebody for got to light the right fuse, LOL. After a 45 minute delay of the guys going back in and working on wiring (I Guess) they lit it off again. That 2nd one stayed up still.

At that point we loaded up headed to get momma come back and then go to breakfast. When we came over the 59 bridge two miles south the 2nd buidling was up, but by the time we got through the neighborhood we had missed it dropping.

Anyway, blowing **** up is cool.

Here is the best video of the 1st building.
Imperial Sugar Mill Implosion- Best shot

Here is a video of the overall, and you can see the white one on the left should have fallen at the same time.

Imperial Sugar Factory Implosion
I swear when she was shaking her hand saying "2 in the 1 in the stink" it look like she was tring to pull start a chainsaw! :****: