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Absurd Drug Cost

John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
I have been using Jublia for a few months to get rid of a toe nail fungus. Today, I was on the Blue Cross site and in looking at my prescriptions, I found that Jublia is $1,095.00. Blue Cross is paying $1,035.00 and I pay $60.00.

The size is 8ml. According to my math, it would take 473.26 to make a gallon of product. That is a price of $518,219.70 per gallon.

That is absurd!
Oh, it gets worse. The solution is 10% strength. Than means it is cut 90% with some inert ingredient. That would make the cost of an uncut gallon $5,182,197.00. No ****ing way. Somebody check my math.
JohnG said:
Oh, it gets worse. The solution is 10% strength. Than means it is cut 90% with some inert ingredient. That would make the cost of an uncut gallon $5,182,197.00. No ****ing way. Somebody check my math.

But wait, there's more! (in my Billy Mays voice)

My prosthetic place charged me over $700 for a peice of foam they kinda half assed shaped like a leg with a sander, used only to fill out my pants leg. Literally, just a piece of foam and two velcro straps. $700....boom. I think I ended up having to pay $200 of it.

Medical markup on EVERYTHING is completely outrageous. The amount of money insurance companies pay is more than enough to compensate for the product or service rendered even if copays aren't paid, but yet, if you still don't pay that $400 copay on $20k medical bills that insurance covered otherwise, you get turnt over to a debt collector and credit shot to ****.....don't ask me how I know.

I still have unpaid medical bills from my wreck over 6 yrs ago. I ended up at $4k out of pocket for everything, still getting bills, so I just quit paying them until a debt collector called saying I owed money, then I'd pay it off so they'd stop calling. Finally they all stopped calling after spending about $4k, so I thought I was good to go. Had so many bills, I couldn't keep up with what was paid and what was owed......next thing I know, tried to refinance my house on a shorter loan term with lower interest and was informed my credit wasn't good enough for a 3.5% apr. Fawking horse ****. Absolute fawking rip off.
They justify the cost by saying research and lab trials so they jack the price up till their patent runs out then a generic is made and cost goes way down, plus its all a racket anyways

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I present to you, a $700 piece of "shaped" foam.....complete with velcro closure system. We'll do like Polaris and call it "Lock and ride leg foam".....



Zjman said:
They justify the cost by saying research and lab trials so they jack the price up till their patent runs out then a generic is made and cost goes way down, plus its all a racket anyways

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

keeping the lights on, equipment running and staff paid is expensive as ****... it was mind numbing to find out what it costs to do business as a non-profit med research/hospital. I'd wager more money is spent on overhead than most realize.
When my wife was sick and doing chemo one vial was something like 6g and she went three times a week. We got several 6 digit bills in the mail
Mongo44 said:
keeping the lights on, equipment running and staff paid is expensive as ****... it was mind numbing to find out what it costs to do business as a non-profit med research/hospital. I'd wager more money is spent on overhead than most realize.

I am not a "lets move to Canada or Mexico kinda guy," but there prescriptions are so much cheaper than they are in the states.
Re: Re: Absurd Drug Cost

lowbudgetjunk said:
I am not a "lets move to Canada or Mexico kinda guy," but there prescriptions are so much cheaper than they are in the states.
Plus you can get way more effective stuff OTC.
Knocked up my wife a couple years back. Went to the doctor of her choice. The finance lady pulled out a stack of papers showing the breakdown of costs and everything. Total price for prenatal and "normal" delivery was right at $20K (billed to your insurance company). I said "I don't have insurance. I want the cash price". She put those papers back in the drawer and pulled out one sheet of paper with a breakdown of costs for "self-pay" patients. $6,500 out of pocket total for normal delivery. 20% discount if its all paid before she gives birth. I wrote a check on the spot for $5200 and change.

Insurance billed for close to $20K for something that I paid $5200 for. The hospitals gouging insurance companies are the reason healthcare is so "expensive" anymore.

Had we had health insurance, you are looking at one year of premiums ($400/mo = $4,800) plus $1,000 deductible plus 20% copay of that $20,000 bill. So having a baby with insurance would have cost me right at $10,000 out of pocket versus the $5200 I paid by not having insurance. Tell me again how ****ed up our system is not?
What insurance is billed and what they pay is not the same. This was for my CT scan a couple weeks ago.

Sent using left thumb.
Olivedrabcj7 said:
Knocked up my wife a couple years back. Went to the doctor of her choice. The finance lady pulled out a stack of papers showing the breakdown of costs and everything. Total price for prenatal and "normal" delivery was right at $20K (billed to your insurance company). I said "I don't have insurance. I want the cash price". She put those papers back in the drawer and pulled out one sheet of paper with a breakdown of costs for "self-pay" patients. $6,500 out of pocket total for normal delivery. 20% discount if its all paid before she gives birth. I wrote a check on the spot for $5200 and change.

Insurance billed for close to $20K for something that I paid $5200 for. The hospitals gouging insurance companies are the reason healthcare is so "expensive" anymore.

Had we had health insurance, you are looking at one year of premiums ($400/mo = $4,800) plus $1,000 deductible plus 20% copay of that $20,000 bill. So having a baby with insurance would have cost me right at $10,000 out of pocket versus the $5200 I paid by not having insurance. Tell me again how ****ed up our system is not?

That is totally mind blowing. Damn!
Olivedrabcj7 said:
Knocked up my wife a couple years back. Went to the doctor of her choice. The finance lady pulled out a stack of papers showing the breakdown of costs and everything. Total price for prenatal and "normal" delivery was right at $20K (billed to your insurance company). I said "I don't have insurance. I want the cash price". She put those papers back in the drawer and pulled out one sheet of paper with a breakdown of costs for "self-pay" patients. $6,500 out of pocket total for normal delivery. 20% discount if its all paid before she gives birth. I wrote a check on the spot for $5200 and change.

Insurance billed for close to $20K for something that I paid $5200 for. The hospitals gouging insurance companies are the reason healthcare is so "expensive" anymore.

Had we had health insurance, you are looking at one year of premiums ($400/mo = $4,800) plus $1,000 deductible plus 20% copay of that $20,000 bill. So having a baby with insurance would have cost me right at $10,000 out of pocket versus the $5200 I paid by not having insurance. Tell me again how ****ed up our system is not?
Well, that's also assuming you don't use the insurance for anything else either. Throw in some long term illnesses and the cost for the baby will substantially drop.
Beerj said:
Well, that's also assuming you don't use the insurance for anything else either. Throw in some long term illnesses and the cost for the baby will substantially drop.

Correct. My son has had 6 surgeries so far in his life. His face is worth well over half a million bucks and we still have a long way to go.