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Dixie Run To Windrock For 2020?? TonyB Approved??

Okay, the plot thickens. I looked up the MLS. Only the lower half of the park is for sale and it does not include the wooded sections...correct me if I'm wrong. Think this should be it's own tread. I am going to pull out my shovel and start digging. Price is $850,000. I assume that there has been offers made to include the additional property.

That is the area known as the "Moon" That has been known for quite awhile. Look at at the GMP thread, it is all in there https://www.hardlinecrawlers.com/threads/golden-mountain-park-closing.59570/page-13
Part has already sold (from what I was told) and it will not be used for riding. That was one of the hiccups with the sale. Most of the good riding was on the chunk of land that already sold. Maybe someone more up to speed with the players involved can clear this up.
SFWDA is under new leadership. Positions were term limited and Ray served his term. Good or bad we are at our next phase. Jay Bird is the new President. I can't tell you what his exact vision is yet...but I will tell you he is about riding, getting people out on the trails and making this mutigenerational. He is a little on the easier side of riding. I am a little more on the hardcore side. But we are both about keeping trails open and creating new places to ride. I like to ask lots of question, nor am I a yes man or go with the flow. But I am a team player and ready to get things done. We are only relevant if we are doing what our fellow off-roaders need.

Jp We'll wait and see even if Ray in not on the leadership team he is still pulling the strings give it time you will see.
one of said dickbags didnt say **** to my face after threatening to kick my ass several times, but he did mean mug the absolute **** out of me all day.
That's ****ing funny!! I didn't even realize you were there!! I guess you know how much you matter in my life. But since you knew it was me I see you didn't have the balls to come say something keyboard warrior. Like sfwda or don't it really doesn't matter to me. Just quit ****ing crying all the time about something you don't support. You're that guy that works in a union shop and doesn't pay dues because of "right to work" laws and then bitches that the union isn't doing enough for you. Please step up or shut up
12-18-2019 8-32-30 AM.jpg
That's ****ing funny!! I didn't even realize you were there!! I guess you know how much you matter in my life. But since you knew it was me I see you didn't have the balls to come say something keyboard warrior. Like sfwda or don't it really doesn't matter to me. Just quit ****ing crying all the time about something you don't support. You're that guy that works in a union shop and doesn't pay dues because of "right to work" laws and then bitches that the union isn't doing enough for you. Please step up or shut up

Ah there's my favorite croney.....
1) I'd never never be dumb enough to be union
2) I didn't say **** because I was hungover and wanting to go ride and didn't care enough about sfwda to say anything
3) I say what I say to educate those y'all deceive. See y'all like the devil I'm like Jesus.....
That's ****ing funny!! I didn't even realize you were there!! I guess you know how much you matter in my life. But since you knew it was me I see you didn't have the balls to come say something keyboard warrior. Like sfwda or don't it really doesn't matter to me. Just quit ****ing crying all the time about something you don't support. You're that guy that works in a union shop and doesn't pay dues because of "right to work" laws and then bitches that the union isn't doing enough for you. Please step up or shut up
Shame @J.P. came in here and actually created some positivity towards sfwda and then you feel the need to come **** it up to stroke your ego
That's ****ing funny!! I didn't even realize you were there!! I guess you know how much you matter in my life. But since you knew it was me I see you didn't have the balls to come say something keyboard warrior. Like sfwda or don't it really doesn't matter to me. Just quit ****ing crying all the time about something you don't support. You're that guy that works in a union shop and doesn't pay dues because of "right to work" laws and then bitches that the union isn't doing enough for you. Please step up or shut up
One would think being a past or present SFWDA board member or what ever you are, you would want to uphold a higher standard than what you currently are IMO.
Shame @J.P. came in here and actually created some positivity towards sfwda and then you feel the need to come **** it up to stroke your ego
Couldn't have said it better myself. I have all the screenshots from last time where Pete called us retards, said he'd whoop our asses, etc... and then I have the emails from Ray saying that he isn't the kind of person they want representing SFWDA and that he would be let go.

Pete you are a disgrace to the offroad community. Whether you are or aren't still on the board, the fact that you were put into a position of leadership with SFWDA is reason enough for me to doubt the intentions of said group.

J.P., I totally understand that you cannot control what Pete says. But, if I were a sfwda rep/board member and you are serious about wanting to gain the support of this very large, influential corner of the offroad world, I would recommend doing some damage control and handling the Pete situation. Whether that be; declaring he is no longer with sfwda, that his opinions are not of the club and that he in no way represents sfwda, and I would probably refund his money and ask him politely to no longer be a member. Sometimes you need to pull the weeds from the garden. Unless you are ok with someone like that being the voice of your club, which takes me back to my original point of doubting the intentions and overall stance of SFWDA.

I think sfwda COULD change this, gain a ton of support, protect lands, and do everything that they want or originally set out to do. BUT, ya'll need to shake things up a bit. You need to buckle down, get rid of the weeds, make clearer stances and a better public appearance. If you've got nothing to hide, BE TRANSPARENT. Someone asks you a money question, send them the number to the treasurer and let them talk it out. Someone questions what work was done where, post pictures all over social media showing sfwda working with giant banners and logo's everywhere. I want my kids to grow up and have somewhere to ride. I think SFWDA had good intentions at one point. But politics, shadiness and d bags like Pete have totally screwed the way the public perceives them.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I have all the screenshots from last time where Pete called us retards, said he'd whoop our asses, etc... and then I have the emails from Ray saying that he isn't the kind of person they want representing SFWDA and that he would be let go.

Pete you are a disgrace to the offroad community. Whether you are or aren't still on the board, the fact that you were put into a position of leadership with SFWDA is reason enough for me to doubt the intentions of said group.

J.P., I totally understand that you cannot control what Pete says. But, if I were a sfwda rep/board member and you are serious about wanting to gain the support of this very large, influential corner of the offroad world, I would recommend doing some damage control and handling the Pete situation. Whether that be; declaring he is no longer with sfwda, that his opinions are not of the club and that he in no way represents sfwda, and I would probably refund his money and ask him politely to no longer be a member. Sometimes you need to pull the weeds from the garden. Unless you are ok with someone like that being the voice of your club, which takes me back to my original point of doubting the intentions and overall stance of SFWDA.

I think sfwda COULD change this, gain a ton of support, protect lands, and do everything that they want or originally set out to do. BUT, ya'll need to shake things up a bit. You need to buckle down, get rid of the weeds, make clearer stances and a better public appearance. If you've got nothing to hide, BE TRANSPARENT. Someone asks you a money question, send them the number to the treasurer and let them talk it out. Someone questions what work was done where, post pictures all over social media showing sfwda working with giant banners and logo's everywhere. I want my kids to grow up and have somewhere to ride. I think SFWDA had good intentions at one point. But politics, shadiness and d bags like Pete have totally screwed the way the public perceives them.
Damn....Luke makes me want to be a better person. Then again where I'm at I can only go up.
Pete is a deadbeat loser. I could get into how he lived in the AOP farmhouse for some time and did nothing but cause trouble for the park and the owners. I could get into how he complained about everything including the condition of the bath houses, trash at the park and other issues, ones that he could have easily taken into his own hands if he gave a ****, but he preferred to cry to the owners and be a general thorn in the side of everyone until he was asked to move out and leave. I could talk about these things but since I am the guy that likes to take the high road, I won't.
SFWDA rep #1 rudest people on the trail.
I don't even ask people about their lives outside of wheeling !
I don't make riding a money thing !
I don't care who you are off the trail ! Treat people right on the trail!
I have made many friends from all walks !
SFWDA . Makes riding , Who are you ? What can you do for us ? How much money do you have ? Political ?
They are anti me !!
I ride a MISFIT , piece of **** , Toyota. Don't fit in their mold !!
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That's ****ing funny!! I didn't even realize you were there!! I guess you know how much you matter in my life. But since you knew it was me I see you didn't have the balls to come say something keyboard warrior. Like sfwda or don't it really doesn't matter to me. Just quit ****ing crying all the time about something you don't support. You're that guy that works in a union shop and doesn't pay dues because of "right to work" laws and then bitches that the union isn't doing enough for you. Please step up or shut up

Soooo... You are saying that you did in fact "threaten to kick his ass several times" (I'm assuming on facebook)... but you didn't...

Couldn't have said it better myself. I have all the screenshots from last time where Pete called us retards, said he'd whoop our asses, etc... and then I have the emails from Ray saying that he isn't the kind of person they want representing SFWDA and that he would be let go.

Pete you are a disgrace to the offroad community. Whether you are or aren't still on the board, the fact that you were put into a position of leadership with SFWDA is reason enough for me to doubt the intentions of said group.

J.P., I totally understand that you cannot control what Pete says. But, if I were a sfwda rep/board member and you are serious about wanting to gain the support of this very large, influential corner of the offroad world, I would recommend doing some damage control and handling the Pete situation. Whether that be; declaring he is no longer with sfwda, that his opinions are not of the club and that he in no way represents sfwda, and I would probably refund his money and ask him politely to no longer be a member. Sometimes you need to pull the weeds from the garden. Unless you are ok with someone like that being the voice of your club, which takes me back to my original point of doubting the intentions and overall stance of SFWDA.

I think sfwda COULD change this, gain a ton of support, protect lands, and do everything that they want or originally set out to do. BUT, ya'll need to shake things up a bit. You need to buckle down, get rid of the weeds, make clearer stances and a better public appearance. If you've got nothing to hide, BE TRANSPARENT. Someone asks you a money question, send them the number to the treasurer and let them talk it out. Someone questions what work was done where, post pictures all over social media showing sfwda working with giant banners and logo's everywhere. I want my kids to grow up and have somewhere to ride. I think SFWDA had good intentions at one point. But politics, shadiness and d bags like Pete have totally screwed the way the public perceives them.

Holy Crap! Missed out on all the fun the past few days!

I know Pete and I know he has done plenty of work in Coppinger Cove. Also yes at one point he was involve with SFWDA and like I said I wasn't around for much of the past couple years. And he is not actively in the leadership now. Pissing in each other Cheerio's get us no closer into achieving anything.

I have in fact been in serval conversations with the board over the past few days, and been using this as a platform of things that we need to change going forward. I was also at the Rattle Rock Club ( A past SFWDA club) meeting Saturday listening to some of their ideas. One thing that I can tell you and we all can agree on is that we are not getting the information out on what we are doing. We are putting it a few places and hope people find it. So I talked with our director of communications and hopefully will be coming up with a new game plan.

We will be having a Leadership meeting Feb. 8 in Chattanooga. I'll be glad to share the information from there with everyone...….Thoughts on a SFWDA Q&A thread here?

I don't mind getting into some good debates, but I have no want of getting into a **** throwing contest for pages and pages. It's good to have constructive criticism. It's a great way to grow. There are many things we ARE doing right and many place we are reaching out to and wining fights. There are also plenty of things I/We need to know more about. Again thank you for all the interest. Lets keep this ball rolling in the right direction, and get things done!