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CHOC- Woodsbuggy hill climb March 17

I was really impressed with what the woods buggies could do. I got a few videos of the qualifying and had to leave early. Ive been around those types of buggies for a long time and knew they would climb violator without much effort. The bounty was placed on Violator because i didnt know of any 2wd that have been up it. My anniversary was this weekend and I promised my wife i would be home by dark, so i gave the $400 to Trey and he said he would add some to it and make sure the winner would get paid. I met alot of awsome people and look forward to riding with some of y'all. A few people have approached me about doing some events for the woods buggies like what we are doing for the rock bouncers and utvs. I would really like to add a new class to SRRS for these type rigs. If they are interested in having a series then we'll make it happen next year. We will do some more bounties this year if yall want to.
We have a nice wireless timing system for those runs that are to close to to call by using a hand held stop watch.
Thanks to all those that came out to support the event this weekend and to Trey for taking care of the bounty for us.
Jeremy Forsyth
Southern Rock Racing
dont count us out on rock ledges or walls now thats something buggies can also do well and i have been threw a few rock gardens out at mt olive in mine but i agree we all should get a 4x4 railbuggy ride on
FroggF350 said:
I was really impressed with what the woods buggies could do. I got a few videos of the qualifying and had to leave early. Ive been around those types of buggies for a long time and knew they would climb violator without much effort. The bounty was placed on Violator because i didnt know of any 2wd that have been up it. My anniversary was this weekend and I promised my wife i would be home by dark, so i gave the $400 to Trey and he said he would add some to it and make sure the winner would get paid. I met alot of awsome people and look forward to riding with some of y'all. A few people have approached me about doing some events for the woods buggies like what we are doing for the rock bouncers and utvs. I would really like to add a new class to SRRS for these type rigs. If they are interested in having a series then we'll make it happen next year. We will do some more bounties this year if yall want to.
We have a nice wireless timing system for those runs that are to close to to call by using a hand held stop watch.
Thanks to all those that came out to support the event this weekend and to Trey for taking care of the bounty for us.
Jeremy Forsyth
Southern Rock Racing
Would like to hook up with you all and ride and maybe do some climbing.thanks for the opportunity to come down and have some fun.Chad thumb.gif
The 1st hill climb event that ever happened was a 4x4 vs railbuggy. The railbuggys won. The comp was held at morris mountain orv park. It was call Battle on the mountain. We did the comp on los primos.
Not sure why it's such a battle between 2wd vs 4wd guys. I started on quads hill climbing then got into 2wd buggies for about 10 years. Back then the only thing around doing extreme hill climbs was the 2wd rails. The 4wd buggies then were all crawl and couldn't think of climbing what we did in the 2wd buggies. I got into the 4wd crawl fun after selling my buggy and had just as much fun. Now I'm in a RZR XP and love it as well. They all have their own advantages. It's all offroading but a different experience in each. The 2wd buggies will go places most people can't comprehend. The "rock bouncer" is kind of a mix of both worlds and has evolved a lot in the last few years. They are 4wd but will climb anything a 2wd buggy can climb. It all boils down to power/weight ratio. Ofcourse the driver skill can make either one look good or bad also. Doesn't matter which one you're into just get out and enjoy it with the others. That's all most of are out to do is have a good time with family and friends. Creating memories for the stories we can tell when we're old of those impossible hills we made it up. :woot:
Very well said, and I totally agree. We need to put aside our differences and just ride and have fun. And to froggF350 You put together an event or compitition that includes inviting buggies I am sure we will show up to play. I would love to us all play together and get along, we are getting attacked by enough people trying to stop us all.

SilverStarCustoms said:
Not sure why it's such a battle between 2wd vs 4wd guys. I started on quads hill climbing then got into 2wd buggies for about 10 years. Back then the only thing around doing extreme hill climbs was the 2wd rails. The 4wd buggies then were all crawl and couldn't think of climbing what we did in the 2wd buggies. I got into the 4wd crawl fun after selling my buggy and had just as much fun. Now I'm in a RZR XP and love it as well. They all have their own advantages. It's all offroading but a different experience in each. The 2wd buggies will go places most people can't comprehend. The "rock bouncer" is kind of a mix of both worlds and has evolved a lot in the last few years. They are 4wd but will climb anything a 2wd buggy can climb. It all boils down to power/weight ratio. Ofcourse the driver skill can make either one look good or bad also. Doesn't matter which one you're into just get out and enjoy it with the others. That's all most of are out to do is have a good time with family and friends. Creating memories for the stories we can tell when we're old of those impossible hills we made it up. :woot:
SilverStarCustoms said:
They are 4wd but will climb anything a 2wd buggy can climb.

It doesn't have to be a battle and I agree with everything you said but this.and we can have a blast riding together. And both of us hitting some of the same stuff.
I would love to watch it.I have rode with and seen some top notch 4x4's try to straight up out climb us but just couldn't.yes they are some bad ass machines on here and are very wicked in what they do,but they are not made
For hill climbing as we are not built for rock gardens.true you probably are correct on having the best machine to do both in cause quite a few on here can climb pretty good but to say they will climb anything I can I gotta call b.s..sure there's probably certain places where ground clearance gets me but bolt a set of 31" tall tires on them and come try it,we will have some fun that's for sure.Chad thumb.gif
SilverStarCustoms said:
Not sure why it's such a battle between 2wd vs 4wd guys. I started on quads hill climbing then got into 2wd buggies for about 10 years. Back then the only thing around doing extreme hill climbs was the 2wd rails. The 4wd buggies then were all crawl and couldn't think of climbing what we did in the 2wd buggies. I got into the 4wd crawl fun after selling my buggy and had just as much fun. Now I'm in a RZR XP and love it as well. They all have their own advantages. It's all offroading but a different experience in each. The 2wd buggies will go places most people can't comprehend. The "rock bouncer" is kind of a mix of both worlds and has evolved a lot in the last few years. They are 4wd but will climb anything a 2wd buggy can climb. It all boils down to power/weight ratio. Ofcourse the driver skill can make either one look good or bad also. Doesn't matter which one you're into just get out and enjoy it with the others. That's all most of are out to do is have a good time with family and friends. Creating memories for the stories we can tell when we're old of those impossible hills we made it up. :woot:
Well said! thumb.gif
The term BATTLE waqs just in the name of the event. We all had a blast, no argueing or anything of that sort. I agree though we just need to all get along and ride together. Nearly evertime we go to grayrock we get talked to like scum of the earth. I dont know why but I just take it and walk away and go elsewhere.
Yall are so blessed to have Cole S, Ricky B, the guys from Busted Knucklesand other media sources following yall around from park to park. I've witnessed these little 2wd buggys do some of the most amazing things over the years. I've also seen some truly epic fails :****: but thats where it stops. No real media coverage what so ever. Probably why no one ever believes how truly capable these machines are. Just a shout to all the guys that video tape rides and put themselves in harms way to get the videos up on the internet for others to enjoy. Thank you
Wow, what a weekend!!!!!! loller.gif :spin: We had a huge turn out with record attendance in the race.

THANK YOU WOODSBUGGY and everyone who participated. That race was one heck of a show!!!! :driving:

The hill climb on the VIOLATER and SHOW TIME was awesome, I still cant believe how fast they was climbing the VIOLATOR, all of them. :****: :driving:

The fastest up both hills was KEVIN THOMAS with an impressive time of 7.56 up the VIOLATOR.
He was paid the promised bounty for VIOLATOR plus some. Special thanks to SOUTHERN ROCK RACE SERIES AND PEAKS HILL FAB :dblthumb:
Trey said:
Wow, what a weekend!!!!!! loller.gif :spin: We had a huge turn out with record attendance in the race.

THANK YOU WOODSBUGGY and everyone who participated. That race was one heck of a show!!!! :driving:

The hill climb on the VIOLATER and SHOW TIME was awesome, I still cant believe how fast they was climbing the VIOLATOR, all of them. :****: :driving:

The fastest up both hills was KEVIN THOMAS with an impressive time of 7.56 up the VIOLATOR.
He was paid the promised bounty for VIOLATOR plus some. Special thanks to SOUTHERN ROCK RACE SERIES AND PEAKS HILL FAB :dblthumb:
Thanks again Trey for giving us such a nice park and nice people to work with and make this happen.
yes a big thank you for trey and also the srrs, and thanks to everybody that showed up and participated :dblthumb: loller.gif

also i would like to say that we are sorry for taking longer than expected to finish the woodsbuggy event in part due to a larger than expected crowd and participants plus a few timer issues, mainly due to not having the long range antennas
I've been wheeling for about 30 years,railbuggys started all the hill climing,we as cab trucks back in the day just tried to keep up.Got a good friend Keith Shell that had a bad ass rail buggy that could beat us all on some hills ,but could'nt keep up in the rocks ,so we built him a rockbuggy ,if you ask him today don't think he has any regrets.Bernard and Curtis Burns built the first chain drive buggy prob 20 years ago,always loved riding with them,some hills they would beat us and some hills we would beat them,at the end of the day we would all gather by the campfire and talk about it and have a good time.I don't know why there's such a problem nowadays.I loved to ride with them then and still love to ride with them.Went up to Manchester KY a few weeks ago,railbuggy territory, they spanked our ass,but we all had a good time,would love to go back,we climed some hills they thought we wouldn't,they climeb some hills we thought they couldn't,but had a good time,thats what it's about,just my 20 cents worth..
:dblthumb: Agreed, now we just need to figure out how to get some get togethers that include everyone. Maybe a good poker run or something without all the compitition to boil the blood. Or maybe each side makes a hill and the guy with the best time combined wins??? Just someyhing to pull us all together vs the seperation that has seemingly gotten worse and worse.