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Can you weld in the rain?


That rock walker guy
Feb 7, 2008
What happens if you weld in the rain? I have a friend coming over on Saturday that plans to do a little driveway wrenching. If you wipe away the big puddles with a towel can you weld in the rain? I'm concerned it will cool too fast or not HAZ correctly but I don't know. Maybe a few raindrops are nothing compared to the heat of a welder.

Ive done it under tarp , there's alot of other factors wind and such that make it more difficult. Obviously you need to have a dry clean surface.
Ever heard of underwater welding?

Yes you can weld in the rain. But why would you want to get drenched doing so? If your broke on the trail that's another story...

BTW I have welded in the blowing rain and it sucks catching water in you helmet and trying to get you bead done before your lens in underwater and you can't see out of it.
Hmm, good feedback. As I think about it more I should be able to make enough room in the garage for the front end of the truck. We're installing a new crossmember and front spring hanger so the back half of the truck can sit in the rain.

As for why, we decided on this weekend and Sunday is my wife's birthday. I know his wife is pregnant, he goes on call, etc. It's just hard to find time that works for both families so we might wrench in the (half) rain. :dunno:
its not a bad charge though. I've sat 20' up on an all steel structure with a rod jammed in the end of the lead (stinger fell off, damned if I was going to climb down, recrimp and climb back up for 4 more welds in the sleet) and if you sit lightly, you don't get shocked to the point of freezing up. plus if its cold it keeps you warm laughing1
yes you can, but why not put a small tarp over you
HAZ, wtfe. just do it.
I've done it.. I wouldn't wait for a fuggin hurricane to weld tho... if you gotta weld do it... and if you need safety advice don't ask kelly! laughing1
Don't do it. All that electricity can draw lightning towards you which would probably equal death.
FWIW, we're putting it off. I think we could have used tarps, part of my garage, etc. to get it done but the wind will be over 20 mph. It's just turning into a worse and worse idea.

Thanks for the feedback anyway.
vanguard said:
laughing1 laughing1

I'm glad you could laugh and not get 80 grit up in yer nay nay... it think it's funny bashn' each other politically on the boards laughing1 That's what 'merica is all bout!