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Charleston Shooting

patooyee said:
You get paranoid of a lot of **** when the delicate life of a beautiful, amazingly intelligent, 3 year old daughter relies on you to protect it.

Do what you got to do and hope that me or at least one person like me is on the jury.
Re: Re: Charleston Shooting

Batmobile Will said:
Guy is a coward anyone that would go into a place of worship and start killing unarmed people because they have darker skin then him is not a man just a scared little punk , praying for the piece and confront for the 9 families loss
Well said.
That does make more sense. I do agree, it was a cowardly act. I still can't help to think that with a presidential election coming up that the government doesn't to some degree allow, cause, or have some level of involvement with gun related tragedies such as this. Maybe elections are like full moons and the crazies come out. Here's a question though, would this be considered a "hate crime" if the shooter were black and the victims were white, black, Hindu, American Indian, or any other color, ethnicity or religion?

If the shooter and victims were the same race, no one would have heard about it outside the local news.

A white guy shot up a church here in Baxter last year or so, it made the Nashville news, but no national uproar.

Of course he "only" killed his wife, a few of her friends, and himself....
This is just another way for the media to keep racism alive in my opinion. Racism will never decrease as long as it is always looked at from a racial standpoint and that's the first thing the government, the media and the minorities do is turn it into a race thing. He may not have had anything against the color of the people he was shooting, maybe just a problem with their ideologies. Would we hear that? Nope. Just that a white guy shot black people. ****in media!!!
No, this one incident was completely about race. He singled out the AME church for that very reason. Also tried recruiting old friends who he remembered as racists who would help him. Dude was sick though, because as recently as a year ago he had close black friends. Something happened in his life in the recent past that made him trip.

I am tired of the media NOT covering all stories though. This morning the three major stories are about white men who used guns to inflict harm. Between this SC event and the Colorado event in trial. Where is the Muscle Shoals event? The Mississippi event? Oklahoma event? Why are the random attacks on sidewalks called "knock out GAME"?!

I'm tired of being public enemy number One, a Straight White Male.
I understand that this incident was about race. What I was saying is that it didn't matter if it wasn't. It would be reported that way because you are correct, a straight white male is the most discriminated against profile these days in our country.
pholmann said:

Yes as in you are agreeing with me, or yes as in you feel discriminated against in daily life?


To clarify, by daily life, I mean interactions with other people in public. I never feel that when I walk into a store, that the person behind the counter assumes that I am going to steal something or rob them.

HELL YES I feel discriminated against when I applied for college, scholarships, grants, etc and there were "special" accommodations and affirmative actions for EVERY group or type or identity possible, EXCEPT straight white male.

Or when you have corporations and companies that HAVE to have a certain percentage of salaried employees/management identified as female/minority/homosexual... which should be illegal to even know those statistics, but it seems like everyone does...

I really feel sorry for the families, it's good that they can go back to worship. Way I see the gunman is just another DA that is getting the attention they wanted.

ROKTOY829 said:
Landspeeder, you talking about muscle shoals al?

I'm not sure about what happened in Muscle Shoals, but I think he's referring to the Florence, AL beating that is being called random act by some kids. That happened after the first Fridays monthly event. I heard about it that night, but not even local news has really mentioned. At least I haven't seen other than one arrest has been made and the article stated it was up to the victims to press charges since the charges are only a misdemeanor.

What I was thinking, I live up in the area and there hasn't been much really about it, that I have heard. Local blog site for the area stated it was mostly kids till parents got involved.

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