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I've been a little bit of a wreck as of late and I have always thought a good bit different than most. That disclaimer out there, take o leave what I say next.

Why are we all still buying into the over commercialization of Holidays? Christmas was a Pagan Holiday to begin with, then Christains stole it (8th commandment) and made it about the birth of Christ. Somewhere along the line, Christians have decided to attach to it a fat man and gifts. The Jones showed up and started getting a second mortgage just to pay for presents, that their kids don't deserve or even care about. It is a want more, need more society when we already have more than enough.

I didn't have much growing up and my dad worked extra jobs to provide gifts for Christmas. Looking back, I wished he would have just been around the house more during the holidays and spent time with us. With my children, I have changed this insane behavior. We save $100 a month for 12 months of the year. The first day of December, $1200 bucks gets deposited into our savings. We use 2/3 of it ($800) to give away to someone that is truly in need. The rest ($400) we use to get the other three gifts for our kids and pay for a Christmas dinner. Something they want, something they need and something to wear.

All of this seems crazy, but this is the results from my 5 year old last year. She awakens Christmas morning with an additional gift under the tree. This means Santa is real and he brought a gift. It just so happens that it is the gift that she wanted. She opens up the first gift and it is a jacket......SOMETHING TO WEAR! My child is ecstatic. Second gift is a new booster seat for my truck......SOMETHING I NEED, I LOVE IT. THAT MUST MEAN SANTA BROUGHT ME SOMETHING I WANTED! She tears into her last gift and it is some inexpensive doll that she has wanted and she just beams with excitement.

All of this being said....I am weird, think differently and sure as hell don't fit in many places, but.....this is the part where you should listen......finding a way to take the money out of Christmas and put the magic and love back in, is one step closer to the original Christian meaning of Christmas. I am not perfect and this probably doesn't mesh with a lot of folks and their ideology, but it has worked wonders for my family. Also notice I didn't mention my wife and I buying each other anything, because it doesn't happen. Anxiety from buying the perfect gift is the single worst reason to buy one in the first place. How about just giving a card or letter and saying I love you? If that isn't enough to those you hold dear, I recommend reevaluating why they love you, or why you love them.


P.S. This applies to birthday parties and gifts too. What point did having cake, family and friends not become enough? My child has started receiving gifts for attending parties. <<<<<<< That last bit, I will never understand.
As my family has grown it became such a burden to buy the perfect gifts and we were spending crazy money on it. A few years back we started drawing names at thanksgiving, one name, one gift to buy, that's it except for the kids, we may get them a few more things but I'm fine with that. My wife has started giving our nieces and nephews educational presents, and books more so than the toys they out grow in a few years. I have reached the point in my life where getting a pack of socks is exciting.
Agreed. Unfortunately the trend has become more about what gets received than what was given which is the opposite of what it should be and more so the opposite of the point of Christmas. I'm all for giving gifts during the holidays so long as the satisfaction comes from giving to those you love and those in need.
Now my daughters are older I pay their car insurance for a month or two. My parents and my brothers I make a donation in their names to help some poor folks in Anderson county TN. I've told them I don't want anything in return....The season should be in helping others, not what you got.
I totally agree with you Kel. I agree that Christmas anymore has gotten so far away from the true meaning it is scary. My wife and I we do way to much for our children and honestly we do way to much for each other. The one thing I have tried to teach my kids is what it means to give. I know this isn't completly anonymous but it is close enough or I would never even post this but for the last 4 years my wife and our children have tried to find a family that their kids weren't going to get christmas and Me, my Wife, and our children go and buy Christmas for that family. We go through Wal-Mart and explain to our kids what we are doing and that there are alot of children out there who don't get toys and clothes for Christmas and that we are very blessed so we are going to try and pass that blessing on. It has gotten to the point that our children get more excited about doing the shopping for the other family than they do for there own Christmas presents. I think it is a good thing to buy your kids something for Christmas and let them enjoy the whole Santa Clause thing for a few years but we must teach our kids that it is better to give than receive and hope that we can get the future generation in better shape than the generation before them. I have really been stressing to try and figure out what to buy my Wife but you said something the other day Kel and I don't remember if it was on here or Facebook about that you were gonna write your wife a letter. Well right then I opened MS Word on my computer and started typing. I have been working on it a couple of days now and I have just tried to put my appreciations and thoughts into it and I have ended up at 4 pages without even trying. I should have tried to do that along time ago because none of us do a good enough job of telling our spouse or children how much we care about them. Sorry to ramble but all of that just kind of came out.
I agree 100%. My wife and I decided to chill out with Christmas this year. We are getting my daughter a few little gifts that she wants. She doesn't need anything. All of this comes after a "Come to Jesus" meeting after several thousand dollars were spent on a three year old's birthday party this summer. I have several family members that are having a tough time this year. We are helping out all that we can and have decided to only do gifts for little kids. I just want everyone to be together and enjoy the Holidays. I get more excited about giving gifts and helping out others in need than receiving gifts.

Merry Christmas to All!
For all of you guys that say it makes you feel good to give gifts and not receive, I need a atlas transfer case, 2 14" coil overs, and some small stocking stuffer stuff like gauges, shifter, etc.. See, this is a win,win! Makes you feel good, makes me feel good! :flipoff1:
I get a year pass to Harlan and Windrock, clothes and tools, which I would buy anyway if I didn't get it, so it's a wash.

Get her **** she needs, kitchen cabinets, shoes, etc.

Boys get whatever they want, according to behavior. We grew up poor, I remember 3 gifts I got that were memorable. I do remember 2 Christmases where we didn't get anything. I'm sure as hell not knocking any of your admirable traditions, I'm just giving another perspective.
I hate Christmas, I legit hate it. If it wasnt for my mom i wouldnt do anything. Last year at the get together "Santa" brought one of the 10 year olds a freakin iphone, ipad, and a new tv, plus all the bull **** his parents got him. It was retarded. And the little **** was complaining because his iphone was the wrong color. God I hate this time of year.
Re: Re: Christmas

stepup said:
I totally agree with you Kel. I agree that Christmas anymore has gotten so far away from the true meaning it is scary. My wife and I we do way to much for our children and honestly we do way to much for each other. The one thing I have tried to teach my kids is what it means to give. I know this isn't completly anonymous but it is close enough or I would never even post this but for the last 4 years my wife and our children have tried to find a family that their kids weren't going to get christmas and Me, my Wife, and our children go and buy Christmas for that family. We go through Wal-Mart and explain to our kids what we are doing and that there are alot of children out there who don't get toys and clothes for Christmas and that we are very blessed so we are going to try and pass that blessing on. It has gotten to the point that our children get more excited about doing the shopping for the other family than they do for there own Christmas presents. I think it is a good thing to buy your kids something for Christmas and let them enjoy the whole Santa Clause thing for a few years but we must teach our kids that it is better to give than receive and hope that we can get the future generation in better shape than the generation before them. I have really been stressing to try and figure out what to buy my Wife but you said something the other day Kel and I don't remember if it was on here or Facebook about that you were gonna write your wife a letter. Well right then I opened MS Word on my computer and started typing. I have been working on it a couple of days now and I have just tried to put my appreciations and thoughts into it and I have ended up at 4 pages without even trying. I should have tried to do that along time ago because none of us do a good enough job of telling our spouse or children how much we care about them. Sorry to ramble but all of that just kind of came out.
Glad to be a little inspiration. I try to block out a lot of the music, shows and advertising during this time period. If it is a Christmas show to watch or music, it is better to listen or watch together. Usually that will give an opportunity for my child to ask a question about why some believe what they do about presents, giving etc. I try not to let the commercial world teach my child what I think are important issues.

Teach em young and they will know no different. Poor lady and fella at my house.

I agree with the commercialization of Christmas has taken away from the true meaning. Should be, we celebrate the true reason. That we was given the gift of ever lasting life in heaven if we choose it.

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