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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
All this racism / chimp-out **** has me in kind of a conundrum. I don't identify with any of the protests / murders, etc. I don't think that is right because its not really about what they say it is. They just use it as an excuse to misbehave. BUT the experiences I have had with cops, the justice system, judges, etc. makes me somewhat identify with their stated plight, be that their true motivation or not.

I have had maybe 4 or 5 experiences in my life where I have needed the cops to help me. I've never been arrested / entangled in the justice system though. In literally every case the cop has been dirty / corrupt / a liar. Now I know cops that I see day to day, they all seem like good people. I know some of their families and they are good folks too. But every time I've needed one to do his job to protect me or my family he hasn't been willing ... and I'm white.

When I was in HS I got a bad speeding ticket. I wasn't being reckless or anything, just was talking to my brother in the passenger seat coasting down a hill, lost track of my speed through a school zone. To keep my license I had to observe 7 hours of Sat. court 5 Saturdays in a row and write a 10-page report at the end. It was supposed to teach me how grand our justice system was, why America is so great. It didn't. It taught me how racism is absolutely 100% institutionalized in our courts. Case after case I saw black people get ****ed by the judge and white people get off. I watched 3 judges, 2 white and one black. Even the black one was racist against blacks, handing out uneven sentences like it was nothing. One of the worst examples was a middle age white male repeat offender who was caught carrying a duffle bag full of cocaine bricks at a Greyhound bus station. The judge gave him 6 weeks of probation, let him walk otherwise. Immediately following his case was a 17-year-old black kid that was caught with a zip lock bag of weed at school, first offense. Judge gave him 6 months in juvenile detention. These sentences were doled out by the same judge within minutes of each other. I'm not normally an activist but it took all of my self control to keep from jumping up and screaming for these people. Case after case, if you were white you automatically got the benefit of the doubt, if you were black you were going to prison.

Combine that with how impossible it is to get out of the system once you're in it. I have some close-up experience with that, too. I can't share specifics because it involves other parties whom I don't know if they would want the world to know. But suffice it to say that a prank was taken too far and someone ended up paying $15,000 in legal fees and bribery over the course of 10 years to finally clear himself of some bogus charges even after the real perp was caught and confessed and the "victim" dropped the charges. I can only imagine how bad it would be if you were black and had any REAL evidence against you!

I hear the media (and ya'll) talk about cops like they are supposed to be our friends or something. And I do know some cops that I would consider friends. But a cop's job is to gather evidence to help convict you if you are the suspect. If you enter into a suspect / arrest relationship with an officer they are 100% not your friend. They may act like it, be all nice, ask you questions that seem to be just friendly. Then when it comes time for court everything you said and did is held against you. I have a little experience with that, too.

I appreciate the risks that cops take every day. I give them the benefit of the doubt generally because of that. But given my personal experience with them, the "justice" system, and judges I do not make the mistake of believing that our system is even-handed in the least bit. I'm not a hater. My wife hates arguing with me because at a point when **** becomes negative I just cut out, leave, and go be happy somewhere without her. I refuse to let people bring me down, I want my default state to be happy. You won't find me in any protests. But if I am involved in a legal interaction with a cop you will find my lawyer present before I say a word and I will trust the lowliest maggot feeding on a piece of dog **** before I even have a kind thought about a cop or a judge. I would probably feel this way times 100 if I was black.

The thing is, knowing how difficult it is to get out of the system once you're in it, given how much power a cop has over you if you are in trouble, how they easily can and do fabricate whatever truth they want, plant whatever evidence they want, I can honestly say that I understand why a black person might feel that taking the chance of running might be a valid option. If you know you're innocent, you know you're not going to get a fair shake in court, possibly spend the rest of your life in prison for something you didn't do, or even something you did do but know you will get disproportionately punished for, why isn't running / resisting a valid choice? From what I saw in court its not as simple as, "Oh, well I'm innocent and the evidence will prove it and everything will be hunky dory." Any evidence in your favor if you are black will either be suppressed, lost, or destroyed and evidence against you will be fabricated, exaggerated, or spun. A public defender is just a judge's bitch. They bend to the judge's will, have shady deals with the judge behind closed doors behind their clients' backs. The judge will throw the book at you automatically and ask questions later and the defender will just say, "It sucks but he is within his legal rights." You are guilty until proved guilty, there is no innocence from what I have seen fi you are black. I'm sorry but its true.

I don't believe that cops are out to kill blacks. The statistics prove that. But I've seen racism in action in court and there is no force more powerful as far as I am concerned. Most white people never spend 35 hours or more in court like I was forced to. They have no idea what is going on.
most people don't have any concept of how much a cop or our justice system can royally **** you... For even being SUSPECT of a crime.

My wife is one of those. "Well if you aren't breaking the law you don't have anything to worry about"

I call bullshit on that.
first cops do deserve our respect and a healthy respect for the rule of law " equal for all" . Most of that is lost in our basic local government. That is the problem in our government system over all.
Officers are not well paid, " You get what you pay for" . like any job some work hard and some hardly work. Most would not put their lives on the line for us, it's a job,, some kiss boss ass and some are for the people.
They have no reason to have road blocks, " Where we are guilty till proven innocent" as in DUI and seat belt checks .Where I am stopped for no reason but to see if I breaking any laws.
We do let this kind of government start an the bottom and breed it's way to the top.. My area has speed traps and ticket quotas ,seatbelt road blocks. This is all for income for the city.. It has nothing to do , serving or protecting me. But again this is what they are told to do by my local government..

Get involved in your local government and do your best to turn it around ,, If we all did our country would not be in this state ..
good luck . this requires work on our part and personal responsibility.

"You learned how the system works, now learn how to work in the system."
billstoy said:
"You learned how the system works, now learn how to work in the system."

The thing is, the system is totally and irreparably corrupt IMO. To work in it is to become corrupt yourself. I hate to say it but I honestly think its going to take violence or an uprising to fix it if it isn't already too far gone.
patooyee said:
I honestly think its going to take violence or an uprising to fix it if it isn't already too far gone.

I 100% agree with this. That's why I'm hoping this violence against police/whites continues into a civil war. This country needs a hard reboot.
I hate to get into this cause everyone here knows how this will end. And I know I'll catch a lot of crap for this. But lets say I know quite a few cops. Some good some bad, I dont know of any that "fabricate evidence or plant evidence". I know that everyone hates cops just for doing their job. Because nobody likes to be told what to do or that what theyre doing is wrong. Seems like Everyone has had a bad experience with some asshole cop somewhere and because of that they assume all cops are dirty or corrupt. Then next time they deal with a cop theyre an asshole back to the cop and wonder why the cop doesnt cut him any slack. As for the justice system, it varies greatly with each judge and jurisdiction.

As for cops though they can do nothing right. A cop breaks a traffic law coming to your house and people say he thinks he is above the law for speeding. Those same people who complain about cops sppeding are the ones who bitch and say the cops dont do anything because the cops didnt get to their house quick enough.

Or like the cop that shot the kid in the park recently. Everyone is complaining that the cop shot a kid who didnt look like a kid and was pointing a gun at people in a park. People say the cop pulled up on the kid too close and that the cops made that kid point a gun at them. But if that situation was reversed and the cop stopped safely a block away, then the kid saw them and opened up on the people in the park. People would complain that the cop parked too far away and that it was the cops job to pull up close and engage the armed suspect.

All cops arent assholes, just like any other profession there are good ones and bad ones. Generally speaking they know everyone hates them and thinks theyre corrupt before they even get out of their car. Just like dealing with anyone else in any other profession, treat them how you want to be treated. Then make your judgement as to whether or not theyre corrupt assholes.
Oh, forgot to share my thoughts about the justice system.

1: My house got broken into, wife comes home and finds it first. She calls the cops and the first question is, "are they still in the house?", to which she replies, "I don't know, I'veonly been gone 30 minutes, so probably." Then she calls me, takes me 15 minutes to get home. An hour goes by, no cops. She calls back and they say, "units on the way." Another hour goes by, no cops and by now her parents are there, so I search the house with his pistol. Empty. She calls back and they say, "we'll just take a report over the phone." I say, "bullshit, get a cop over here NOW before I start shooting people I THINK might have done it!" An hour later the crime lab shows up. 3 ****ing hours and no cops, but there were 2 ****ING SPEED TRAPS ON MY ROAD DURING THAT TIME!!! Here's an idea, patrol around and look for suspicious ****!!!

2: My brother was 18, his girlfriend was 16. She called him at 1am and said her and her stepdad got into it BAD, she needs a ride to her papaws. He gets there and her and her friend get in. On the way, he gets in a wreck and the friend is injured. Turns out, girlfriend and girl snuck out, then told the cops they were kidnapped. Of course, brother goes to jail and gets booked on kidnapping x2, vehicular assault x2, wreckless something, couple other charges, where he calls me and I bail him out after the explaination. They send him his court date via mail at 1pm when the mail runs, said his court date was THAT DAY AT 9am! Bail is revoked and a new trial is set 6 months later. A week later, girl comes clean to mom and stepdad, stepdad goes to the authorities and tells them she lied. They tell him to show up on his court date and they'll drop the charges. FFW to court, arresting officer doesn't show up, court is rescheduled again. Next court date (by now it has been 11 1/2 months, everybody is there, stepdad says his piece, judge drops kidnapping, says time served on other charges.
Now, 10 years later, he still can't get a decent job because that **** INCLUDING kidnapping is still on his record. He goes to the courthouse and they demand a bunch of money and another court date to get it cleared. That is BULLSHIT.

3: Me and ex split up because she would sleep 16 hours a day all week, then stay up all night every weekend getting drunk with her sister while I watched our <2y/o son. At court I explained my case, judge asked, ""so he was being watched by a responsible, sober adult while this was happening?" "Well, umm, yeah. Me." Bitch judge gave HER custody and visitation with me! She still continues TO THIS DAY sleeping 16 hours a day and getting drunk with her sister!

****ing justice system, I tell ya... :flipgotcha:
d_daffron said:
treat them how you want to be treated.

This is the philosophy of my life and how I have treated every officer I have ever spoken to, even during and after them being belligerent to me. To this date I have not done business with any cop who has given me the same courtesy. And like I said, every time I have done business with a cop either I or someone in my direct family was the VICTIM, not the suspect, hence no reason to treat us that way. And this has been throughout my entire life, throughout the US, not just a local issue.
Its just like anythikn life related...some are A-holes and some are still "human". I've been thrown on the hood of a car and i've also talked my way out of a few. You know within 10 seconds of talking to them whether you're getting a ticket or not. When I know i'm gettin' a ticket I just pour on the A-hole myself. Misery loves company.

The one that springs to mind is when I was bangin' a hot Mustang chick....cuz she liked mustangs and I had one....so there. So she's following me back to my house in her mustang, i'm in front leading the way. So 2 Mustangs with no cats and big mufflers go through a subivsion at 20-30pmh-ish it sounds a little throatier than your grandma's Buick. Cop proceeds to pull in my driveway and tries to ticket us for DRAG RACING. I'm all boner'd up wanted to tag some hot car chick slut ass and this cock blockin' son of a bitch trying to be Subdivision hero by telling me I better be glad there were no kids in the street! I was like, "You should be arresting the parents for letting their damn kids play in the street!!!!"

I told him to **** his "drag racing" notation and put NASCARING in there cuz we were DRAFTING one another to save gas. My cousin saw all this goin' down from a house up and came down to calm the situation. I think I ended up getting my ticket pulled, but I think the chick just paid hers.

Now with all that chest thumpin story poured out, I was also pulled over a few months ago in my said Mustang upon which the tags were 2 years out of date(i hardly drive it these days). The cop came up just laughing and said, "I know you know why i'm talking to you right?!?!" I agree'd.....we laughed...she complimented the car and I thorughly thanked her for letting me off with a hand slap. My luck though...I seriously left the house to drive it to a spray'n'wash and come directly back. Of all the missing head/tail light weavin' in and out of traffic ****ers I saw....."I" get bit. Go figure.
Yeah, I've had a few cool ones and probably the same amount of asshole ones. I approach every police encounter with a "yep, I'm a dumbass. I have no excuse for speeding, passing in a turn lane, roll stopping, etc.", and 100% of the time I would get a warning- then I turned 30. First ticket I ever got was on 75N at Berea Ky, I was one out of ten or so doing 80 in a 70. Cop pulls me over, asks for license and registration, goes back to his car. Brings back the ticket and say "80 in a 75, pay here or go to court here, sign this." THAT ticket was obviously quota/money driven. Since then, I have gotten a speeding ticket and a tag out of date ticket, both in Pigeon Forge, where I had to pay to get out of it. The speeding ticket was for 38 in a 35 on the main drag. Seriously???

But the most recent stop was when a Knoxville cop pulls me over the week after the tag ticket in PF. He says my tags or out of date, and I said, "I swear to Christ above I am on my way to get them renewed, I got a ticket in PF for it Saturday." He goes back to the car, then comes back and tells me he is gonna let me go, he hates to get busted twice for the same thing himself. He actually said, "If you had an obama or UT sticker on this thing I would have gave you a ticket. That Alabama sticker is the reason I'm letting you go. Roll Tide." and he walked away. He pulls up beside me at the red light and rolls his window down and I shout Roll Tide!, he shouts it back, and we drive off.

The latter incedent restored my faith that there are some cool ones out there, but it is hard to find in a quota driven system.

I deliberately didn't tell any bad cop stories because I have had decent cops in minor traffic violations etc. They're not all bad and I acknowledge that. Maybe I should have named the thread courts instead of cops. My point was just that racism does exist, white people don't understand for the most part, and the underlying presumption of all this bs right now has foundation in reality IMHO. It isn't all just a chimp out.
I'm so sorry most people have given up on our system. Like the great barn finds 65 mustang, hemi cuda. Big block vette. When you see one of these you say it is to far gone!!
Others see a vin and title " The constituion" And say we can fix it,, It takes time, hard work and support. Some are willing to do it.. They need our support..
WE THE PEOPLE let it get this way .. WE THE PEOPLE can still fix it. YES Someone will get their hands cut and dirty. Blood sweat and tears.. That is how we did it the first time!!
Please honor ALL the people who work every day to keep us safe. RESTORE IT TO THE SHINE IT ONCE HAD !!!!! get our title out of pawn. :afro:
I have only had one run it with the cops, other than traffic citations. Great for a camp fire chat, but I will not elaborate here except to say. I was in the wrong, I was treated fair by the cops. Courts treated me fair.

Just comply: "Hands up, do not resist".
JohnG said:
Just comply: "Hands up, do not resist".

I generally agree there, and it is what I would probably do, but I don't think its that simple for your average black person. I think the average black justice system experience is vastly different than ours. For a black person if you put your hands up and comply, here is almost certainly what will happen:

- You will be discriminated against in a court of law.
- You will not be able to afford a decent attorney.
- You will be assigned a public defender, someone who is the dumbest law school drop out and couldn't get any better job, and probably has shady behind the scenes deals with all of the judges.
- You will be caught up in the system for the rest of your life most likely.
- If you have kids your ability to see them and be their father will be greatly diminished, if not completely eliminated, long into their adulthood. (This is a big one for me. If someone told me they were going to eliminate my ability to be a father to my daughter I would kill them without hesitation and with ZERO regret whatsoever, badge or no badge. Without her my life is not worth living.)
- Your ability to earn for your family will be permanently destroyed, you will never have a decent job again.
- What little money you do make will all go toward legal fees for at least the next 10-15 years, possibly the rest of your life. You may never get out from under that financial burden.
- If you do somehow manage to stay out of prison, which isn't likely, your overall quality of life will be very low. Probably so low that you will wish you were dead.

You have tons of friends, family, people you know who have all been affected in this way. The vast majority of people you know who get arrested end up with these results. Chances of any other outcome are infinitesimal, probably even lower than the chances of successfully getting away if you resist or run. This isn't a theoretical possibility. It is a realistic probability. You see it day in and day out. It happens to people you know, people in your neighborhood, people you are related to.

Or you can d fend yourself and hope for the best. If you read what I typed above and believe it, put yourself in their shoes, know that the above is certain. Resisting becomes a much more logical option than it is for a white person IMHO.
The experiences I've had with police has been good and bad, the good being far outweighed by the bad. A cop knows exactly who you are when they get around to screwing with you and they get an ego rush fawkin with people and treating them like garbage criminals regardless of record. They will violate every right you have and even those you didn't know you had. Sure I've been let go with a handshake cought going 5 miles over. Even been apologized to for being police escorted out of establishments for disorderly conduct wearing boots nonsense... Does that excuse those times I've been handcuffed at gunpoint and searched and in the middle of the highway wearing a t shirt in 20 degree weather for an hour? Fawk no.
I don't hate cops as people. I hate them for theur career and lifestyle choice. Nobody is forcing them to do what they do.
I have had a few incidences with the cops believe it or not.. :****: ok a **** ton... Most of the time i was Prob in the wrong, I always kiss ass, they Always suck ass. Unfortunately I live where most of the police officers if not all of them, are mildly retarded and used to get picked on in school... That's the only thing I can come up with for their attitudes... I'm not sure if it's the $30,000 a year they make, or that shiny little badge that gives them a bad attitude but I have yet to come across a cop I like. I do have one little guy I went to church with that as a police officer now... And I feel sorry for him and hope he gets another job. I just can imagine the shitty pay stupid hours and dealing with morons like myself. I definitely would not be a prick, Who are we kidding I would get fired my first week.
A buddy of mine just passed the bar, he works in Atlanta, hey just keeps on and on telling me "Marlow man, it makes me ****ing sick how corrupt the system is.. I thought I knew, but man you have no idea". This is coming from an old business partner, I won't go into too many details on what kind of business.. (Use ur head)
But he is just simply amazed at how corrupt and crooked every single damn person is in our oh so awesome "system" is... sad but true. Just another case of no matter how much you know, it doesn't mean **** it's who you know.
rednecklights said:
- Blame the reasons for stereotypes - they did it to themselves.

- pull your pants up and get a job

- if I get arrested and can't afford a lawyer I'll get the same scenario

- quit having so many damn kids, if he was a father instead of a baby daddy then maybe he would have made better choices

- job ? he will still aspire to slang rocks on the corner , be a rapper or be a basketball icon.

The problem as I see it is quit blaming someone else for the shitty situation your in. Do something to make it better.

I'd gladly pay for a plane ticket back to mother Africa to any black person that hates America and would like to go back.

But wait, Africa is a pretty good reflection of the people that came from there ......

Jon Piper

^^^^^^ Exactly
rednecklights said:
- Blame the reasons for stereotypes - they did it to themselves.

- pull your pants up and get a job

- if I get arrested and can't afford a lawyer I'll get the same scenario

- quit having so many damn kids, if he was a father instead of a baby daddy then maybe he would have made better choices

- job ? he will still aspire to slang rocks on the corner , be a rapper or be a basketball icon.

The problem as I see it is quit blaming someone else for the shitty situation your in. Do something to make it better.

I'd gladly pay for a plane ticket back to mother Africa to any black person that hates America and would like to go back.

But wait, Africa is a pretty good reflection of the people that came from there ......

Jon Piper

You and I will not receive equal treatment. We start off with the benefit of the doubt. No lawyers were present in the court that I witnessed. There was a public defender or two, most of which were useless, but 99.9% of all judgments were just a judge and his decision on a person sitting there alone. The white repeat offender with the duffel bag full of coke got off scott-free for no other reason than the color of his skin. The black kid who went to prison for a bag of pot did so because of the color of his skin, too. I probably watched 20 other white kids with the same offense get off with no punishment whatsoever. That's not right, stereotype or not. The black kid's punishment was too heavy and the white folks was too light. (And yes, the black kid's pants were saggin', even though he was very respectful to the judge.)

I see your side, too. You reap what you sew, I agree. I get job applicants all the time who come in with their XXXXL shirts and pants down to their knees, blood-shot eyes, can barely speak English, tats all the way up their necks, not a skill in the world other than being a looser. Black and white kids do that. No way I can hire them. They doom themselves for life. If you're incapable of learning how to flip ribs on a grill what can you do in life besides steal and breed until someone ends or imprisons you? That's fine with me, too. We're better off as a society without them. And its those people who are out there rioting, burning businesses down, misbehaving in the name of social justice. That's why you won't find me sympathizing with them. They're all out there yelling **** THE PO-LEECE when if they really believed in what they were doing they would be yelling CHANGE FOR MY KIDS.

You can walk into any court house, sit down and watch. Its all public. I wish people would do it. You would have to be the most hardened racist to see what goes on and not hang your head. People on this site talk so hard all the time. I would challenge you to go in there, watch, and not stand up and yell. If people here truly believed in their convictions as much as they say they did they would be honor-bound to do something. Then maybe it would be Hardline Crawlers on the news protesting. I seriously doubt it though. I think most of us would sit there and thank our lucky stars that we are white, that its not us. I know I did. :-[
So, JJ.........not to pick a fight.........if you had a magic wand and could wave that magic wand.......... how could this racial divide be fixed? Now that's a 64 thousand dollar question.

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