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DNR Volunteer Work


Active Member
Oct 18, 2006
So everyone knows, as of Tuesday the 14th, the DNR has reversed themselves on Volunteer's using any type of equipment. It is now OK for volunteers to use equipment at work parties. You will need to have a TSA, Task Safety Awareness, document reviewed and signed by you and DNR. This was stated at the Walker Valley Focus Group Meeting by the DNR. This supposed to happen state wide for all DNR areas.
Thanks Ed for relaying the info...I believe the forms will be brought by DNR as needed Jim...
Whatever they use for volunteer work, they have a form that must be filled out and signed by both DNR and the equipment user (whether it's a volunteer, or a paid employee by a business)---be it a mini or fullsize excavator, dump truck, material-moving trailer/machine, etc...
This is what I understand based on some personal experience just prior to the cease operation order this spring/summer...They had just implimented this very form, and soon after they ceased use of motorized/wheeled equipment.
Personally I think the reason for the re-implenting of machine use was the HUGE drop/ near stop in volunteer hours after the original order--they realized they shot themselves in the foot...
From what I was told, there was an accident that caused the whole thing. The stupid thing is that it was a DNR employee that was involved not a volunteer. Typical govt bullshit.