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eastside quad riding areas?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
i heard theres a place in easton to ride? if not wheres some good places to go? i know about moses and beverly but thats about it for the east side..
No good quad riding in eastern wa. its a dustbowl. Head to oregon. Its only a little farther, and way better riding. Heck, Sand Lake, even tho its pretty small, is only about 4 hours from tacoma. We've daytripped it in the past.

If your dead set on eastern wa, there is a spot just a couple miles south of beverly dunes, along the river but before you get to the dam. You park on the right side of the road, then jump over the road onto some BLM land. There are a ton of old goat trails that the dirt bike guys ride, but they skip this really awesome little piece of sand that goes up into a crack in the cliff wall. Steepest sand dune your gonna find in WA. So take paddles and dirt tires and ride both.
depends what kind of riding your looking for? trail riding there's lots of trails up in the Okanogan County area.
Choptop likes the sandy stuff so he'd know better about that style of riding.
i was told by a friend theres lots of trails in easton to ride...thats what i was asking about. i prefer sand and or dusty but wont run mine thru the mud...
no mud up there just a lot of easy trail rides. If you are doing it as a family all the better as most of the trails up there are scenic rides to homesteads, mines and just incredible country.
When I went over to Sandpoint last summer, I did see a few legit trails on hwy 20, just west of colville. I remember seeing the brown jeep and mc signs. Unfortunately I was in a Charger. :haha: There's seven mile outside of spokane too.