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"GOLD DIGGA" by Dirtysouth Motorsports

NOT LONG NOW ............... it came outta tha garage on its own pwr saturday :driving: ..... few lil grimlins ...... but not long :-X 8) let tha haten begin
B3 said:
NOT LONG NOW ............... it came outta tha garage on its own pwr saturday :driving: ..... few lil grimlins ...... but not long :-X 8) let tha haten begin

Did you paint it rainbow pride?
posting pics arnt his problem . he had to pawn the camera off to buy more goats for the lawn scaping where he could sell the lawnmower for more parts and now jon jon is helpin for free with the new entertainment around



Sales Manager
Alright yall just saw the pics of CCOR tunin shocks on GOLD DIGGA so you already know shes finnished up flashemifyougotem ,,,,so heres the pics I snapped of the maiden voyage this weekend

at the Wounded Warriors Benefit Ride at Morris Mountain Off Road Park this past Memorial Day weekend!!!!!!

HATS OFF to Pete Deck "DirtysouthMotorsports" outta Rome Ga. for this BADDASS lil chassis and to Mike"B3" and CCOR for gettin her finnished up just in time for that GREAT EVENT :woot: :woot: :woot:

Them headers make me wanna RUB on em ,,,,,even when ther HOT flashemifyougotem

Like said earlier in the build thread,,,,every good gold digger always has a NICE ASS :cougar:

Alright yall thats enough of them "sittin pretty" pictures,,,,up next Mike "B3" hits some of Morris Mountains BADDASS obstacles & trails :woot: :woot: :woot:
That thing is a work of art, I had a chance to look it over right before he brought it down for your photo shoot. :woot:
THANKS :dblthumb:,,,,hee hee you should have talked with him longer then so I coulda stayed hungover in my tent a little longer :eek:,,,FAWKER woke me up Satdy mornin ;D

Heres Mike hittin the smack damn middel on GBU and comin rite on up it,,,,,,,,,

up next it was over to walk up V-NOTCH loller.gif

Then it was time to move over to DESTABILZER ,,,

Thats all for tonight folks ;D,,,,I,ll get the rest of em finnished and posted up tommorrow :dblthumb:
I just wish that Robby Bobby lookin Mohawk was still on the finished product molaugh molaugh

Buggy looks badass and sounds even more badass! :****:
HAH,,,,Robby Bobby gone be PISSED we he sees that mowhawk got took off :eek: :eek: :eek:

Heres the rest of the GOLD DIGGA wheelin pics yall,,,,,,,

Comin up GAUNTLET!!!!!

Now were over on LOOP SPRINGS,,,,,,

Now here comes ROCK N ROLL ,,,,,

Rite after I took this shot there was TOO MUCH TIRE SMOKE to see the rest of this climb :woot: :woot: :woot:

Time for LOS PRIMOS now folks,,,,,,

RBD got CRAWLED next yall!!!!!

And up next was STILL HILL were Mike turned over the drivin duties to the builder Pete himself!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,

STEEP obstacle here yall,,,,,

Pete went RITE UP yall ,,,,,,

THATS ALL FOLKS!!!!,,,,,,,GOLD DIGGA,s first trip out went real well and it climbed / performed GREAT :dblthumb: