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HALE - Rock Race

Really not trying to drag this out, but I've already made my statement once earlier in this thread. I could see an inflated price in driver and rig fees to maybe $35 a pop to help cover all the extra preperations....for passengers too? That's rediculous. Also as I have already stated, there will be (or at least expected to be) a larger crowd there for the "special event" which in turn generates even more money from larger attendance to help cover those extra preperations....also more ppl attending means more ppl eating....which generates that much more money from food sales.

To state: "If an extra $20 is gonna hurt you, you might as well sell your rig" ....is ignorant....and it would actually be an extra $55 between myself and my lady if you want to get mathematically correct just to ride. The passenger fees being $35 is really the only thing that is outrageous to me. Either way, I don't give a ****....I still want to try this place out, just not on a $35 per person weekend. I hear it's a great park and great ppl run it.
TacomaJD said:
Really not trying to drag this out, but I've already made my statement once earlier in this thread. I could see an inflated price in driver and rig fees to maybe $35 a pop to help cover all the extra preperations....for passengers too? That's rediculous. Also as I have already stated, there will be (or at least expected to be) a larger crowd there for the "special event" which in turn generates even more money from larger attendance to help cover those extra preperations....also more ppl attending means more ppl eating....which generates that much more money from food sales.

To state: "If an extra $20 is gonna hurt you, you might as well sell your rig" ....is ignorant....and it would actually be an extra $55 between myself and my lady if you want to get mathematically correct just to ride. The passenger fees being $35 is really the only thing that is outrageous to me. Either way, I don't give a ****....I still want to try this place out, just not on a $35 per person weekend. I hear it's a great park and great ppl run it.

You ARE trying to drag this out.
Let me correct myself for mathmatical clarity.
If an extra hundred dollars is going to break you you are absolutly in the wrong sport.
I do have the greenbacks but wouldn't want to pay for you to come and listen to your whiny ass.
Support the places you ride or you will be riding to the mall.
Hale is a wonderful place.Hale's owners are the finest park owners you will ever find.
You say you want to go there, but don't want to pay for this event.
Then perhaps ,just perhaps, you should excuse yourself from this event's thread.
had some badluck at the rock race, w were riding over on the trai axial wall and flipped my rig:
1st w broke the rear axle
2nd destoyed the cab and the tube door got bent down at the hinges.
3r my brothers high dollar camera equipment got oil all in it.
4h some how cant figure this one out, the block has a big chunk missing out of it.
really sucks. but we will rebuild it evebetter than beore.
1st picture is the motor block



That stuff happens when you dont listen to your spotter loller.gif It was a nice flop tho
my brother has quit a few picks of you rkey and brian cole and a few more on axial wall,
think he said like 200 picks. i will get a cd from him tomorrow and start posting some picks tomorrow afternoon
did the race ever take place, we had to leave early because of my rig flip.
RKEY said:
i thought u were going we looked 4 u up there

We were going to but had a shitty night at work friday. I didn't know ya'll were going or we would have suffered through staying up all day to ride with ya'll. :****: We'll catch ya'll at Fall for All. :dblthumb:

Mahan said:
Draco was a no show. :wtflol: ;D ;D
:flipgotcha: ;D
Just like I always bitch about, you have 6000000000000 people on the bank holdin up cell phones,cameras & video cameras takin pics & film and yet you NEVER see any of it ::)


I wonder how many people are walkin around with 7500000000000000 pics in there phones & cameras goin to ROT in a digital wasteland, or how many GREAT shots get freakin deleted off

when thay have to "make room" for more pics at the next ride ::)