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1TONZR2 said:
does anyone have pics of Cream Puff? I am sure it doesnt do justice though.....

This was less than 1/2 way up it, after that it gets worse.


Last year, when it was bone dry. Patrick didn't even want to ride up it.

What's tougher about cream puff, the last 12 feet or the rocky section in the middle. Most of the videos seem to stress the middle section but it's the top that scares me.
The vids don't do it justice, it is probably one of the scariest looking hill climbs I have seen. There are some BIG rocks littered along the way also.
BamaTJ said:
The vids don't do it justice, it is probably one of the scariest looking hill climbs I have seen. There are some BIG rocks littered along the way also.

x2 made mistake of starting up it on 4 wheeler last year when i was up there picking up a buggy!!!
looks like a pretty narly hill climb....thanks for the vids

I am still looking forward to that ride in Oct....gonna be some good times.

had I known I woulda had a buggy roll down cream puff right where I was standing I coulda gotten a better angle than running from it laughing1 That climb is wicked.
I didn't get a chance to run it again. I broke a ring and pinion doing a front dig in the mud near lion's den. ::)

I think it might have been damaged already, I've heard it pop before but I've always tried to convince myself that it was just the lockrite. I drove back on the broken R&P for hours and ran the lower rock garden. I told myself, "I'm just going to look at cream puff" so I drove up with a broken front R&P. Then I thought, "Hmm, I'll just go a little higher" and kept going. I was about 2/3 up the big rock face before I lost traction. I'm just sure I can make it. I noticed all day that Harlan has pretty good traction in the rain. All the rocks were clean and you could get a little grip. The next day the traction was worse because everything was muddy but equivalent obstacles still seem easier than gray rock.

Overall it was a good trip even though the weather was pretty yucky. Harlan is just a lot of fun.
You got a hp 3rd in the front? I'm putting one in Amy's buggy in hopes the R&P might be a little stronger.
GStone said:
You got a hp 3rd in the front? I'm putting one in Amy's buggy in hopes the R&P might be a little stronger.
No, it's a low pinion. I'm not sure what my problem is but this is the third R&P that I've broken. This is the pattern on the drive side (well, coast running backwards).

You're the 2% that Hi-9's don't hold up for. I'm in the 98% that toyota's don't hold up for. :) It was a US gear R&P. I'm going to go with precision this time and I'm going to make sure the carrier bearing preload is tight enough. (I might need a new carrier) I don't know what to say, my friends seem to beat on their axles a lot harder than I do without any problems at all. :dunno:

Your 4.0 should put out way more power than a 4banger yota though. I'd be looking into an HP 3rd for the front so you're running on the drive side of the R&P,
GStone said:
Your 4.0 should put out way more power than a 4banger yota though. I'd be looking into an HP 3rd for the front so you're running on the drive side of the R&P,
You're right, I'm hunting around for one now. They aren't that easy to find if you're not interested in waiting. I may end up buying a new one. We'll see.
BamaTJ said:
When are you guys heading back to Harlan next? Wanna get back and ride there in the spring

Realistically, I probably won't make it back up there until the Memorial day ride. Yall are more than welcome to come up for that long weekend.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure thats the event. If yall want to come up on a different weekend after that, just let me know. I've got something planned every other weekend until then.