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I'm losing it right now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2013
Cleveland Tn
As I type this in sitting in my house waiting on my parents to get here. My dog has cancer. we found out about it in January and they said she could live a week or she could live years. There was nothing they could do to fight it without putting her through more pain and making her miserable during the recovery and even then it was a long shot it would do anything at all. Tonight she started having a really hard time breathing. Sounds almost like she's suffocating. And I'm absolutely losing it. This dog has gotten me through more ****. I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to lose her. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do. I just needed to rant and vent sorry about the sobby story. Just really ****ed up right now.
Ugh. I'm sorry to hear that :-/

Do what's best for her, and that will always be what's best for you.
I've been there too brother. Nothing easy about it. Had my dog of 16 years get kidney failure. He couldn't keep any food or water in him and he couldn't walk at the end. The night before I just gathered him up in my arms and held him on the couch. I was trying to make the decision that you are struggling with. Watch him suffer and be in agony in his last days or weeks, or take him to the vet in the morning and have him put down. I went with the second choice even though it was not easy to do. The vet let me stay in the office holding my dog while they gave the shot. He went peaceful and I knew I did the right thing for him. Only you can make the decision. I have all our good memories that I think about more often then taking him to the vet. I pray for you to find comfort and peace.

Still not fully over losing mine....still look at "his spot" when I come home from work....

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It's tough and it's only going to get tougher unfortunately, because most all of us have been there before. You will get through it and it won't be easy, no sugarcoating here, just reality. You have to put yourself in her position and think about what she would do for you. I swore that I would trade positions with any of my dogs that I have gone through this with. It's not fair, but it is life. If her quality of life is going to only get worse, so will yours. Cancer is not forgiving, only a taker. It's not your fault, it is just a fact of life that we all have to deal with and in our own ways. Love her knowing you have done all you can for her and let her be, it's what is best for the both of you. I am so sorry I have to write this, but I have been through this many times before and know what the end result is. God rest her soul, I know she's been a good girl. :indianajones:

Hate that for you, losing a dog is tough!! Keep your head up and do the best thing you can do for a friend!
We had to put ours down a coupe of months ago. I should have done it sooner, it was selfish of me to try and keep him around. He got to where he was pissing himself and could only get up 1 time a day. It is hands down the hardest part of owning a pet. Just take comfort in the fact that you gave the dog the best life possible. It helps us to laugh and talk about the things that made him such a special dog. Hang in there!
I feel for ya bud.... had my little buddy from 15 to 33.... had to put her down 10 years ago and it still hurts to think about it.

Like they said it's not your fault.... It's a fact of life.... Just remember, you aren't choosing whether the dog lives or dies... you are choosing whether it is suffering more than it needs to at the end..... For me I asked myself if I would want to live a week longer in her condition and the answer was obvious.
I've been through this quite a few times and it doesn't get any easier. I suppose the joy they bring to our lives more than overpowers the hurt we get from having to give them up so early. Unfortunately, the hard decision is the right decision. I had to give one up at 4 to lymphoma. That was extremely tough. I still have his brother and he is the only dog we currently have, and t is amazing how attached you become to them when they are the only dog. So many people in this world don't value a pets life for ****. Thank you for not being one of those people. It speaks volumes about your character.
I feel for you bud. Had to put my girl down last fall after a six month battle with cancer. Hardest **** there is. I was able to hold her while they gave her the shot. It was terrible, but only for me, I know it was best for her, she isn't suffering any more. Do what you have to do, thoughts and prayers for you and family.
These type of threads are always hard to read with dry eyes.....Makes me dread what I know I have to go though in the every near future and what I've done many times in the past.
You know the right answer...The right answer for her, not you.
Ask the vet to come to your place, that way it causes less stress of moving her and she's home.

My only wish is dog would live as long as we do, that way we wouldn't have to go though this.
I always pay the extra to have them come to my house to put them down. I agree it causes less stress and they fade away in their home with their people. It's ideal in my mind.
pholmann said:
I always pay the extra to have them come to my house to put them down. I agree it causes less stress and they fade away in their home with their people. It's ideal in my mind.

They only way IMHO
pholmann said:
I always pay the extra to have them come to my house to put them down. I agree it causes less stress and they fade away in their home with their people. It's ideal in my mind.

Wish I would have known they would do this when I put mine down last summer. That **** tore me up and I'm not emotional at all.
Our first golden retriever got cancer on her spleen. She was 13 and went downhill fast, but the vet would not say it was time to put her down, but he said to look for 3 things:
- she couldn't get up on her own
- she started peeing on herself
- she started acting like she just didn't want to go on any more
All that eventually happened. That was 30 years ago and I still think about it.
Our last golden got cancer last year; she was only 9. We spent $2,000 to remove her spleen. The biopsy came back as hemangio sarcoma. They can't survive that. She lasted about 6 more weeks and we had one last trip to Windrock with her. She finally got so weak she could not walk from one end of the house to the other.
Good dogs never live long enough. We trade a whole lot of very good days for one very bad one. Sorry for your loss.
well, yesterday morning I called the vet to find out what I needed to do. told him what was going on he said before we do anything he said lets try one last thing. He gave her some sort of pills she gets 1/2 of a pill a day. Well this morning she was up running around and playing with the other dogs. I know this is only a band aid but I'll take any day I can get with her at this point. She also might have gotten one of those rotisserie chickens yesterday. Thanks for all the support and kind words.
Awesome man!! I hope you get a good amount more quality time with your dog. So glad you don't have to cross that bridge yet.
Well figured i'd give an update. I had been taking her to my parents in the mornings because my dad comes home on lunch and was able to spend time with her, plus my mom had been working from home a good bit. She had been going down hill I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later, Friday dad called me at work and said she wouldn't get off the couch and couldn't breath. So we made the call and Friday evening the vet came and now she's not suffering. It's been the hardest 3 days I've had in a while. I don't sleep well without her beside me, I keep looking for her when I go in the house and I miss her bad breath kisses. It sucks, but I know she's not suffering any more.


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