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Just Wondering


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
I am just wondering who else out there has this problem and what you did to solve it.

For the past two to three weeks I have only been sleeping 3 to 4 hours a night, not because I have to or even want to.

I have been taking over the counter sleeping pills, melatonin; I have been exercising and eating right, the whole nine yards. The only thing I really want is to sleep for a solid 6 to 8 hours. This is why the posting at 4:30 in the morning.

There is a advantage though- getting alot of **** down by 6 in the morning ;D

So who out there has this problem or is this just a sign of age (Bones you are still not old enough :flipoff1:)

Just wondering
Rozerem, I have the same problem 3 or 4 hours max w/o, 6 or 7 with, about twice a week
Im a terrible insomniac. Usually i can have a glass of my favorite tequila and read for awhile and my brain will slow down enough to get to sleep. When nothing works, the doc gave me ambien which will put me on my back for about 6 hours.
I worked shift work for 5 years and ran into many if not all sleep issues. Some fatigue related some stress related.

1. Examine your sleep environment. Is it dark enough, is it comfortable. What is the noise level? Have you tried sleeping with a fan on to give you some good whitenoise to drown everything else out?

2. I have luckily been able to avoid these for the most part. But, look into Ambiene. Quite a few of my co-workers us it. Don't take it until you are ready for bed. Yes it is presciption. I haven't used it, but got very close once to getting a prescription.

Are you napping? 30 minute or shorter cat naps are ok, but any longer and you mess up your REM sleep when you actually get to sleep for real.
I do take a cat nap during the day about 15 to 20 minutes at lunch, but that is getting to the point that I can't even do that.

I took ambiene when I was over in Iraq; it help me get to sleep and stay asleep. the docs over there told me to take it and go striaght to bed; I didn't go straight to bed and woke up 6 hours later of the floor of my room. It knocks you out cold. I probably need to look into taking that again just so that I can stay asleep.

I keep my room dark with a fan running and very cool. The sound of the fan helps me fall asleep; I just can't stay asleep. The weird thing is that I do not even feel tired just weak.
6uldv8 said:
Move into a rougher neighborhood.....obviously your brain needs the sounds of gunfire and mortars before it settles down for the night!

Sad to say but you are probably right!

I do miss the mortar attacks :eek:
Sis said:
I took ambiene when I was over in Iraq; it help me get to sleep and stay asleep. the docs over there told me to take it and go striaght to bed; I didn't go straight to bed and woke up 6 hours later of the floor of my room. It knocks you out cold. I probably need to look into taking that again just so that I can stay asleep.

Just dont ever fight your way through it and stay awake after youve taken it :spin:
Its a hypnotic, i took it one night and decided i wasnt ready for bed after all......... i dont remember **** about that night after that point but the next morning i had a email box full of replys and phone numbers from "love at AOL' apparently im very charming when whacked out of my mind on ambien ;D . And yes................... i wound up going out with one of em :eek:
100% agree pig. my freind's gf at the time and now my roomate was on ambien. I had several beers and 1.5 ambien one night bored. holy balls. that **** is hallucenigenic or something. we were in the hayfield cutting donuts in my friend's 5.0 mustang and I was on the phone with my old booty call telling her that we were in a jungle outside the car and that there were animals and stuff. don't remember any of it. she told me about it the next day laughing her head off at me. when I did crash, I crashed hard as **** though. on the nasty ass floor of the animal house (trust me, nothing but stale beer and nasty foot smell.) :spin:
good stuff.

insomnia, yes. bad. I took sleeping pills for about 4 years. heavily in '00, and then again towards the end of college '04-'06. I could work in the shop until mental shutdown, like 16 hours, and still lay there thinking about what I needed to get done. it was always with a lot of change or heat in my life. It could be an emotional issue or a work issue. I am hard on myself for not getting enough done every day (I am on the comp now ::) ) and could never sleep at night. it was worst in '05 when I was trying to make a shop go. No sleep ever, maybe 3 hours. lots of tossing and turning. tired all day and frustrated a lot. Are you depressed about anything or just stressed? lots of changes, going from over there to back here, new place, new business, getting back into a normal world/relationship (I think?) . I would get ambien. just me. it helped the people I have talked to. just hope your house doesn't catch fire in the middle of the night :eek:
Stress me...nay......just starting a new business, living in a new city, no motar attacks (expect when the lady downstairs from me slams her door then I hit the floor..LOL)

you are probably right with it being emotional and all the changes that I am going through at the moment. I guess when I finally make my millions then I will sleep like a baby.
nope, its never enough for a success driven or accomplishment driven individual. more money is just a milestone. I want the (attention whore, I know) recognition for doing a good job, the feeling of accomplishment from doing the next bigger thing than I did last time and the itch to continue to top it next time.
****, I just want beer money and a blow job. :flipoff1:

You both need to watch Fight Club and simplify your lives. .....

Amy your stressed as ****, have a few drinks late in the evening and youll crash right out.
Speaking of Ambien. Did or have any of you guys seen those video's of people sleep eating, sleep driving, sleep whatever while on Ambien. Can you imagine taking an ambien, going to sleep, and when you woke up all of your clothes were muddy or something? I saw it on Dateline a few months ago. They set up camara's and one broad even went got in her car and drove off. Yep, she came back home, went back to bed, and doesn't remember any of it. :eek:

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