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Kidney Stones

I went to the ER last nite in pain i knew what it was. After the ct the nurse came in and said congrats your the papa of a 5mm stone! Hears some lortabs and drink alot of fluids.
Passed an 8mm stone about 10 years ago. They tried twice to blast it but as my luck goes it did nothing. Had a stint in for a while (HURTS LIKE HELL) then a couple days after they took it out was taking a piss and WTF it stopped coming out and I didn't do it two seconds later I shot that ****er out into the thrown. Holly **** that hurt. I hate to hear when anyone has these things. I've had a smaller one for several years now but luck is holding out its not moving and giving any problems.
It took me 4 days to pass a 6 mm and i thought the bowling ball that was coming out would never fit in that 2" screen I was holding :****:
Had 3 so far, worst pain ever experienced. Finally quit drinking sweet tea .....said was my main cause .....hadn't had any since, may sip a glass of tea every once in a while. Wouldn't wish kidney stones on anyone. They'll bring you to your knees, don't care how big a boy u are :-\
Man, I wish I hadn't click on this thread. What's the deal with mountain dews, sweat tea and kidney stones? If diet MD causes them, I probably got one the size of a damn D60 pinion nut. :eek:
Ive had them a couple times and the best releif i found was soaking in a hot tub of water maybe even a jacoozi if possible. It was instant relief.