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Man down.. Man down!! What's the worst pain you ever had??


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
in tha garage blowing smoke...
Ok well , I haven't Posted much lately , since last friday Ya boy has been in some serious fawkin pain!! I thought I had felt pain before.. But I was wrong. I can honestly say that a crash wearing t shirt and jeans, (no leathers) on I-20 at 100+ mph was less painful as this .. And that was some pain,,
Wait , Wait for it.... A TOOTH ACHE. Holy ****. I'm sure some have had a wisdom tooth act up.. And I don't know wtf happened to mine but good lord man... I thought I was dying... :****: it was so bad I wanted to go to the ER the other night..
Well, I called the dentist, which I'm absolutly terrified of, and made a emergancy appt.. He looked and then referred me to a oral surgeon.. I knew when he said that it was over with. :'(. I just thought the dentist was bad. Had consultation Tuesday.. And all hell broke loose on Wednesday. I have never been put to sleep. The worst thing I have had done was stitches. Well I'm here to tell Ya... They straight ****ed me up!!! Goodness man, shits unreal. Yes the pain of the tooth ache was just plain unbearable.. But dam them fukers put me to sleep and got what feels like a Sawzall to my mouth.
I've taken enough pain killers to kill a small country and still feel tha pain.
I know it will be worth it when I heal, but getting there sucks balls. So I'm Layin here , miserable as ****. And was wondering what YAll have had happen to Ya that hurt so bad Ya wanted to die?? This **** will take a billy badass and make him look like a sissy. Fukin tooth ache is at the top of my list as far as pain goes. What topped your list?? Figured it might make me feel better. Hahaha. This sucks, bad. I been doin good on not smoking Ciggs... But as of this Mornin I put my foot down on the Whole "not smoking reefer" thing. **** on that. I think I figured out a way to burn and not get a dry socket. God I hope so anyways.
I can't begin to explain how important a Doobie is to my healing process. :****:
I truly hope none of YAll ever feel what I have the last few days. I know yAll really missed me. Haha. Glad to be somewhat back!!
Nothing beats a tooth ache in my book. Been dealing with them for 3-4 years now....pulled 1 myself and had dad snatch another out with some needle nose one day. I really don't think there is anything out there that hurts more then a tooth, I don't think your body releases adrenaline for a toothache like it would in a crash :****:
Yep I agree, I had 2 teeth abscess on me years ago on a dive trip, came home eating pain pills like candy, wife carried me to the dentist in her Mustang, I felt every fawkin' pebble on the road. I told her on the way back home I hated her car and was going to sell it. She said go a head, it was gone the end of the week. She didn't really think I was serious, but it gave her a good excuse for a new car.
Re: Man down.. Man down!! What's the worst pain you ever had??

Be carefull with the doobies if you think that's bad wait till you get dry socket mother of ****ing god it sucks
I had to get oral surgery too and it blows but worthe it in the end.

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When I was in High school I had a cavity filled on a tooth in the back without getting numbed, my dentist said "this way your face wont be numb at the game" It hurt bad. I despise the dentist, I hate it more than anything, and I even sleep with my hygienist. Probably the worst non tooth pain was when I had a trailer drop off the forklift and land on my hand. I took off running and when i got back the old man who ran the store I was working at said we needed to clean it with peroxide. As he was pouring i saw "Iodine" on the bottle. It was like slow motion as I watched it trickle out onto the wide open gash on my hand. I cussed him in 3 different languages!
Yea they suck I had all four of mine taken out by a oral surgeon it was not terrible but they were not infected! But the dry sockets I got afterwards were awful I would not wish that on anyone . Hope you get better soon !
Never had a toothache, but when I ruptured a disc in my lower back trying to lift a TH400 + converter I was in some pretty serious pain, the most I've been in in my life. At first it wasn't so bad. I felt the cartilage squirt out, was like, "Hm, that's an odd feeling, never felt that before." Then I started trying to move around and realized something was wrong. I closed down the shop, got in the truck very carefully, went home, and by the time I walked in the front door could barely walk. I took about a full bottle off acetaminophen and ibuprofen and went to lay down. From that point forward I could not move without excruciating pain. We actually had to call an ambulance to come get me. Then a fire truck came because the two drivers couldn't lift me alone on the stretcher. They shot me up with a bunch of morphine which didn't do **** other than make me cold. I spent the rest of the night in the ER with pain meds being introduced intravenously. They sent me home the next morning and I still couldn't walk. It wasn't until a few months later that I actually consulted a specialist who did an MRI and found the ruptured disc.
Agree - I've had broken bones, surgery etc. The ONLY thing that comes close to a toothache for me is when my back goes out and I get that shooting pain up and down my back that actually locks me up and drops me to my knees involuntarily. Good thing about that is if I keep my core in shape and don't get too fat it stays in check and doesn't bother me. Toothaches come at ya and there isn't much you can do about it...

All that said - I've never had a child...I can only imagine what it feels like to squeeze something the size of a watermelon out a hole the size of a golf ball.... My wife tells me it's the worst thing she has ever experienced...and she did it twice!!
Kidney Stones..... Worst pain ever. Told em in ER just shoot me!!!!!Had to have 3 surgically removed. After that doc went over what I eat and drink etc. Turns out sweet tea was on top of my list. I Love Sweet tea but finally give it up. I drink a glass every now and then but ever since then no more kidney stones. Thank The Lord!!
it's a tie for me:

When I was a sophomore in highschool a guy cheap shot me in football and crushed my knee.
I was a junior and got cheap shot again and got a concussion. For 2 weeks I couldn't walk or anything. Massive headaches and mri and ct scans like crazy. Thanks God my parents had insurance.

Or maybe when a cow kicked me in the nuts that felt all sorts of great.
Toothache is definitely at the top somewhere. Not sure which is worse, a gall bladder attack or an absessed tooth. Gall bladder attack is ****ing awful.

Is this worst than the wrist pain you had a few weeks back? Between your teeth, wrists, and heat strokes, I can see why you are treating yourself with medicinal marijuana
I'm going with appendicitis. Docs at the ER didn't think much of it until I passed out from the pain in the waiting room. Next thing I remember was waking up in the post-op.
Never really dealt with normal toothaches but I did shatter two of my molars in a wreck, which makes them sensitive to cold stuff. I guess I was lucky not to have a broken jaw so I can't complain. I was in the passenger seat of a little Mazda and a Z71 doing about 35-40 centered my door. Since then my back decides to not work a few times a year. Now that **** hurts.

When I was in the hospital, I was so drugged up that I couldn't really tell my teeth were gone. It kinda felt like I had a bunch of little pieces of glass in my mouth which made since at the time because they had just stitch up my arm and neck that looked like hamburger meat from all of the glass. Of all things, it was the bacon that brought a tear to my eye. When the nurse brought in a little plate for breakfast, the first thing I reached for was the bacon. What should be the most be the most glorious part of breakfast brought on the most pain I've ever felt.

The only other thing that really sticks out there is getting burned. We were having our annual, drink beer and fry **** party the night before thanksgiving last year. We usually cook a bunch of whole chickens to season the oil for the turkeys. I'm dropping in the last bird of the night and the new guy(buddies brother in law) decided to dump a whole pan of injection into the fryer. The flame went up high enough that my buddy saw it from the neighbors house on the opposite side we were cooking on. Once the oil gets on you, that stuff keeps on cooking. We had a nurse on hand and after a trip to the pharmacy and liquor store, they had me bandaged up and numb enough that the pain was bearable. I lost a lot of feeling in my hand and lower arm for about 3 months but its all good now.
kushKrawlin said:
Ok well , I haven't Posted much lately , since last friday Ya boy has been in some serious fawkin pain!! I thought I had felt pain before.. But I was wrong. I can honestly say that a crash wearing t shirt and jeans, (no leathers) on I-20 at 100+ mph was less painful as this .. And that was some pain,,
Wait , Wait for it.... A TOOTH ACHE. Holy ****. I'm sure some have had a wisdom tooth act up.. And I don't know wtf happened to mine but good lord man... I thought I was dying... :****: it was so bad I wanted to go to the ER the other night..
Well, I called the dentist, which I'm absolutly terrified of, and made a emergancy appt.. He looked and then referred me to a oral surgeon.. I knew when he said that it was over with. :'(. I just thought the dentist was bad. Had consultation Tuesday.. And all hell broke loose on Wednesday. I have never been put to sleep. The worst thing I have had done was stitches. Well I'm here to tell Ya... They straight ****ed me up!!! Goodness man, shits unreal. Yes the pain of the tooth ache was just plain unbearable.. But dam them fukers put me to sleep and got what feels like a Sawzall to my mouth.
I've taken enough pain killers to kill a small country and still feel tha pain.
I know it will be worth it when I heal, but getting there sucks balls. So I'm Layin here , miserable as ****. And was wondering what YAll have had happen to Ya that hurt so bad Ya wanted to die?? This **** will take a billy badass and make him look like a sissy. Fukin tooth ache is at the top of my list as far as pain goes. What topped your list?? Figured it might make me feel better. Hahaha. This sucks, bad. I been doin good on not smoking Ciggs... But as of this Mornin I put my foot down on the Whole "not smoking reefer" thing. **** on that. I think I figured out a way to burn and not get a dry socket. God I hope so anyways.
I can't begin to explain how important a Doobie is to my healing process. :****:
I truly hope none of YAll ever feel what I have the last few days. I know yAll really missed me. Haha. Glad to be somewhat back!!

So it's worse than anal gang-rape in jail?

Another vote for Kidney stones. Them jagged motherfuckers hurt like hell and make you piss blood.
Got to admit- had scope up my pee pee, afterwards had to pee before leaving…. :gtfo:

WORST THING ever…. imagine pissing razor blades, stopping peeing, cause it hurts & screaming; nurse ran in & said ohh thats normal. :eek:

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