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Moral Decay in America!


Jun 9, 2013
North Georgia where people still believe in FREEDO
Today is just more proof that the Leftist agenda is being rammed down our necks and we are being made to like IT. There is a extremely small percent of the population that is controlling the direction of this GREAT country that we love.

I have never been political, and the only time i have voted was in the last election (in protest of OBAMA!) but i hope what is going on in this country encourages anyone that has sat on the side line to get involved, THINGS WILL NOT CHANGE IF YOU STAY SILENT!

The only way we can change the direction of OUR America is to VOTE.

This direction of our country is hinging on the next Presidential election. It will either be for the better of get worse, but we have to exersise our right to have a voice in what happens.

I encourage everyone to get involved. If you care what is going on, please get involved.
Obamacare is till intact and queers can get married... All while we are busy worrying about a 150 year old flag... They pulled the wool over on us y'all
muddinmetal said:
Obamacare is till intact and queers can get married... All while we are busy worrying about a 150 year old flag... They pulled the wool over on us y'all

this ^
The wool has pulled over our eyes for a long time. The once great United States of America is done and finished. I posted on another thread that we haven't hit rock bottom yet, boy was I wrong.
BPINAZ said:
The wool has pulled over our eyes for a long time. The once great United States of America is done and finished. I posted on another thread that we haven't hit rock bottom yet, boy was I wrong.
Yeah everytime I think we have hit a new low. It seems we find a way to go lower.

Only way to fix it is to educate yourself on three issues and vote...... but don't forget prayer. We are so far gone as a country I am afraid only God can fix it.
Lampley said:
We are so far gone as a country I am afraid only God can fix it.


"I posted on another thread that we haven't hit rock bottom yet, boy was I wrong."

No you were right we haven't hit bottom yet. when the dollar collapses from hyperinflation or the infrastructure (power grid...) stops working we will be at the beginning of rock bottom.

Every day i mourn the state of this great country and wonder how it got this way so fast. Listen to the song 35mph town by Toby Keith. It doesn't get much radio play and when you hear it you will know why.
I hate to be that guy but you are foolish if you think voting will fix anything. WE only get to vote for who they want us to vote for, I really do not believe that the votes are really even counted anymore, and if they are I don't think they are followed. The powers to be make sure that we only get the choices to pick from that they want us to have, and the only ones we get are the ones that go along with their agenda. I honestly think that if we did have an honest leader that the powers to be would have him taken out(look at JFK)

I guess what Im saying is this, if we only get 2-3 choices and we elect one, even if the votes are counted we still only elected one of the ones they wanted us to have, so what does our votes even matter, I can honestly say that the last election will be the last one I ever vote in till I think something has changed.Wasting those three hours voting cost me three hours of making money at my shop.
And while we are ranting, the government would not have to appeal Obama care if they would have read the law, studied on it, and threw it in the trash where it belonged. EVERY one of the politicians get elected then do right the opposite of what they said they would do while running.
Also to help prove my point look at Al Gore, do you think he was smart enough to come up with this global warming and figure out how to make so many hundreds of millions of dollars off of it?He didn't have harldy any money to speak of when he LOST the election due to a hanging chad( I smell bullshit ) But after loosing it he starts this stuff and is absolutely loaded now. Almost like he was told to keep his mouth shut, go along with what we want and we will set you up for life. IF he actually believed in leaving a smaller foot print in the world he would be practicing what he preaches. Which he does not
I don't understand how they pulled the wool over our eyes, what would have went different if everyone hadn't have been relentlessly raging over the confederate flag? My guess is it would have all went down the same. Now everybody just has other **** to bitch about (i.e. gay marriage, obamacare). There ain't a thing you or me could have done to change the decisions on either of those two. (that I'm aware of, anyways)

Amazing that, despite all our founders' fears, work, and blood, our country can still be controlled completely by 6 individuals sitting behind closed doors.
people do still have power over the government. You just have to quit believing what the media tells you. Research the candidates and pick who you believe in and not who they tell you has the best chance. Because anybody that makes it on the ballot on 50 states has the same mathematical chance of winning if people would give up on this "I can't make a difference" and "lesser of two evils" bullshit. There were a couple candidates in 2012 who actually believed in the Constitution. Ron Paul was ignored by the media but was the last man standing in the Republican Primary with Mitt Romney. Gary Johnson was the Libertarian candidate who was on the final ballot in all 50 states which gave him the same chance as Obama and Romney. The powers at be that are in power because those who won't do what it takes to get them out.
Rant alert. Read at your on risk. You may need to check yourself as I did.

Junk coming in is junk going out. We cant expect Christian decisions to be made by non christian people. Now to dig deeper, what is a Christian?..... a Christian is a person who has accepted the free gift of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus. It is through Jesus alone that we are known as Christians. Know that Jesus is love and without Him we do not know love. Our society is headed to hell and we are watching it happen. Wake up and smell the dirty diaper we call government. Are you praying for them? Are you you praying for their spiritual life before you pray for their leadership? I may/may not have voted for some of the leaders, it does not matter whether I like them or not. What does matter is, am I praying they seek Christ in their life then in their job. If the person is not a Christian then we cannot expect them to glorify God in their decisions. Pray for our government that they seek first the kingdom of God first and foremost. If they are seeking Christ their decisions will be glorifying to God. This world, country, state, county, city, street, home is not about us, it is about Jesus being the son of God, who came to this earth, died on a cross, resurrected after 3 days that gives us a reason to be here.
Elliott said:
I hate to be that guy but you are foolish if you think voting will fix anything. WE only get to vote for who they want us to vote for, I really do not believe that the votes are really even counted anymore, and if they are I don't think they are followed. The powers to be make sure that we only get the choices to pick from that they want us to have, and the only ones we get are the ones that go along with their agenda. I honestly think that if we did have an honest leader that the powers to be would have him taken out(look at JFK)

One fact- in 2012, several districts in Cleveland Ohio went 100% to obama. I call bullshit on that. That was some cheatin' **** if I ever seen it.

TacomaJD said:
I don't understand how they pulled the wool over our eyes, what would have went different if everyone hadn't have been relentlessly raging over the confederate flag? My guess is it would have all went down the same. Now everybody just has other **** to bitch about (i.e. gay marriage, obamacare). There ain't a thing you or me could have done to change the decisions on either of those two. (that I'm aware of, anyways)


True. Even if romney was prez, it would have gone down the same. Republicans are spineless these days. And check and see if your senator voted for the Pacific Trade deal and vote accordingly. Both of mine did. :flipgotcha:
The only problem with your last statements is this, these people are not putting religion in their choices they are deciding what to do by looking to their feelings and getting re elected, praying for them will not help in my opinion, the reason I think this is because of the whole free will option, god lets us hang ourselves, and from time to time we do just that, which is what we are doing now. I feel like we already have the rope out and are tying the knot
This pisses me off so much!!! Look, in the 2012 Election, the whole damn country (worth having) is RED !!!!! But yet, the population centers decide the election.... & look at the actual voting by district/county... Notice the non white areas are killing our country... Wait, that's racist.... probably just a coincidence :rolf:


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