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My Christmas Poem


Classic American Iron, son.
May 8, 2011
Dumiton Alabama
'Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
not a creature was stirring
"cept for Barry, that louse.
Ma home from job hunting
and I'd just cashed my check
we'd just settled down
to eat turkey neck. (cause that's all we could afford)
When out on the lawn
there arose such a clatter
I jumped up from the table
to see what was the matter.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
but Barry Obama, I could tell by the ears.
His bullteproof limo
he'd parked on the lawn
surrounded by reindeer
with body armor on.
Up on the porch
on the door he did hammer
"Open up peon, I'm Barry Obammer."
"I've come for your gun
don't put up a fight
or you'll be in prison
'ere the end of the night."
I asked him
"King Barry, what will I do
to protect my poor family
from a burglar or two?"
I went back to the table
to finish my neck
and I thought to myself
"Damn, this country's a wreck."
On Stalin, on Lenin, on Castro and Marx
on Reid and Pelosi, on Soros he barks.
And I heard him exclaim
as he rolled out of sight
"My name is King Barry
you'd best get it right"
This country is mine now
and don't you forget it,
if you've got guns or money
I'm gonna come get it"

We've lost all our freedom
the Founders are weeping
He stole it away
while we were all sleeping.

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Seven Dwarfs: King Barry, Crazy Uncle Joe, Dirty Harry Reid, Nancy "Botox Baby" Pelosi, Mitch "mushmouth" McConnell, John "Oompaloompa" Boehner, and last but not least Big Bubba BJ Clinton and old Buffalo Butt Hillary. (Yeah, I know that's 8, but at least a couple of them are halfwits)

5BrothersFabrication said:
Well seeing as how the fine doctor also posted it to the ol facetube, I'm sure it's not a problem.

This poem rocks, R. ****, PhD! :dblthumb:

Well, we all know what B.S. is, then you get an M.S. and I reckon that stands for More of the Same, so PhD. must mean Piled Higher and Deeper. Yep, that's me. Feel free to repost anywhere, I'd be flattered.

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