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New LEO thread locked?

I did see the increased presence on 410. They've been parking at the bottom of Crystal Mountain Blvd at the close of Crystal. 2 vehicles there and also sitting in Greenwater a lot more lately.

I ran across a guy coming down from Crystal earlier this year that drove off the road, flipped his blazer in the ditch. We were just around the corner, thankfully, coming the other way. No seat belt and drunk. I ran up and thought the guy was dead. Blood coming from his head and not moving. He was in the drivers see in a wierd contortion and the vehicle was on the driver's side. After a couple of minutes he came to - Amy was on her was to Greenwater to call for help because we were in a cell dead zone.

Anyway, we got him out. The guy could hardly talk or walk, his lip was about to fall off his face, but he still managed to light up a smoke. Several other's had stopped to help by then. I had to literally lift him out of the vehicle and carry him on my shoulders since he had to climb out the passenger side broken window. He didn't want to stay put but with the broken drivers side window, he was literally laying in the snow. Luckily there was no passenger because the right front suspension, was IN the passenger seat!

I like to see the increase presence.

I question that a lawyer can get you off a DUI just because you're not on a paved road. The rules don't state that the road has to be paved, but I believe the key terms are "care and control" of a motor vehicle. Sitting in one with the keys (not even in the ignition) can get you nailed for a DUI. I had a nice cop give me that info while I was sleeping off a good one many years ago. I was sleeping in the back seat but he said that he could have ticketed my because I COULD have gotten up and driven.
Very true about not having to even be driving to get a dui. A friend of mine got one for sleeping in his truck in a gas station parking lot because the chick who was driving him took off and left him there.
"Why did Pokey lock the new LEO thread?"

Because it was simply an annoucement to give folks a heads up on changes at Evans creek and Naches. Was never meant to be a disscusion on right or wrong or anything else. I should have closed it after I posted it (my Bad) seems somebody always wants to argue about anything :eeek:
I question that a lawyer can get you off a DUI just because you're not on a paved road. The rules don't state that the road has to be paved, but I believe the key terms are "care and control" of a motor vehicle. Sitting in one with the keys (not even in the ignition) can get you nailed for a DUI.
The way I read it, it doesn't even have to be on a road, or public property, because it doesn't specify. You could be sitting in your car in your own garage making vroom vroom noises and get a DUI. Hell, if you attempt suicide in your car they could probly get you for being impaired due to CO.
"Drinking's bad, mkay!"


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"Why did Pokey lock the new LEO thread?"

Because it was simply an annoucement to give folks a heads up on changes at Evans creek and Naches.

Thanks for keep us informed...I look forward to meeting the LEO on the trails :awesomework:
The way I read it, it doesn't even have to be on a road, or public property, because it doesn't specify. You could be sitting in your car in your own garage making vroom vroom noises and get a DUI. Hell, if you attempt suicide in your car they could probly get you for being impaired due to CO.

I believe that you ARE correct.
The way he described it was if you were operating a mechanized (sp) vehicle. That even includes bikes:booo: But a joke was made that horses are ok to operate while drinking:rolleyes:
I haven't really followed the DUI and drinking and driving threads here -- but I did some quick searching of the law and found these things:

Open Container Law
Basically says you can drink all you want on the trail -- since trails aren't considered highways.. that is unless there is a specific ordinance that prohibits it. (46.61.5191)

BUT -- if you drink too much and get over .08 (or .02 under 21--thats a different issue all together) -- it doesn't matter if you're on a trail, your backyard, etc. If you're within state lines, driving a motor vehicle, and have a BAC > .08 thats DUI:

The cool thing about the first law is that its totally legal (statewise) for your buddies to get plastered in the vehicle in the trail, I just wouldn't be drinking if you were driving. And again, this might be different for certain jurastictions.

This has probably be mentioned somewhere else, but since people were beating dead horses here -- I figured its worth mentioning again.
A DNR or Forest Service road would qualify as a highway. Not sure about the actual trail though.
Sorry Pokey i never meant to be argumentative.

It just sounded like drinking and wheeling was the hot topic for the new LEO.

These are all issues which are relevant to our trails,

and a lot of people see a gray area with regards to drinking on trails.
A DNR or Forest Service road would qualify as a highway. Not sure about the actual trail though.

Yah I was thinking the actual trails. If your passengers were drinking on cable trail going upto the rock garden and playing around in those parts I think its legal..

as far as the DNR road, you're probably right though -- but depends on the judge. If the driver ain't drunk, he/she'd probably throw it out.

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