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November Ride pix at Windrock


Bypass Crawler
Nov 24, 2011
Lenoir City, TN
Thanks to all you fellow Hardliners coming down and putting on the show! So nice to put a check mark by another good group to wheel with! Weather cooperated nicely and conditions were fairly prime! We'll get some more action on the backside of the mountain next time.


What my rig does best.....drive me to spots so I can take pix. Scenery is so nice over there this time of year. Yup...just a leaf looker! ;)


Not a problem at all!

The attention to detail on these rigs goes far beyond any pix I could've taken.

You find one cool part...then notice 3 others. Amazing!
Thanks a lot tony, a super group of guys to ride with and very helpful, hated we had to leave early but wasn't going to leave my buddy hanging since he was broke we would really like to come back up there and spend a couple days. Maybe we can hook up in the spring thanks again
Thanks a lot tony for the good ride ! Hopefully next time I won't be broke and can ride more ! Had a blast ! Hopefully we all can meet up in the spring for a weekend ride . Thanks for all the help !