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Politics/Issues thread

P said:
Now that I think about it... it all boils down to Lawyers and Insurance... those two entitys **** up everything.


( I love these threads I might actually learn something... )

Elaborate on this before I make my comments please.....actually, the lawyer thing is self explainatory, but I want to know your beef with insurance.
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
Working my ass off to make an honest living while shaneka gets to live at home with her 13 kids and also get to support her drugheaded boyfriend. **** like that. Makes no sense that me and my wife have to pay full amount for her schooling and some person ^^^ gets to go to school for free!!!! Pisses me off!!!!

Sucks. It needs to be fixed, but no politician will look sideways at an "african american"...scared to death. Our welfare system is broken, I agree.

The damn towel heads that are taking over all the gas stations and hotels and getting charged taxes and **** like that. Here we all are with our small business and having to pay taxes. They get 7 years tax free than sell it t o their brother and get another 7 years of tax free! Bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough! Sorry for the Rant!

They have just found a good loop-hole in our tax system. Something I look for every 1/4 now that I am in business for myself. I don't look down on these people because they came here and have found a way to work their asses off and make money.
Warpig said:
This country remains the only hope this world has along with a few staunch allies. I love this country but its heading down the path to destruction.


I'll open with this by Alexander Tyler,

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage."

You tell me if it fits our current road to destruction or not. I say it does. Even though we are not a democracy, that has become the defacto modus operandis. If you think im wrong, ask a teenager if the U.S. is a democracy. Ive already had this discussion with my teenage daughter. guess what she thought? Yes, thats what our schools teach.
Our economy cannot survive while we are taxed into oblivion. Here are some facts.

The top 20% of income earners pay 60% of the taxes
The top 40% pay 80%
You do the math on whats left and then i return to my point that if your on the government tit, you should have no right to vote. These number may vary a bit from year to year. these in particular were from 98. I cant imagine its better now.


There is a war against individualism and the very concept of the individual going on in this country. Individuals have individual rights; and among those individual rights would be the right to their own life, the right to the control of their own body and the right to property. Not to mention the right to bear arms, the right to drive what ever gas guzzling POS you want,the right to send your kids to the school of your choice, etc. The individual is under attack. The government doesnt want an individual. This applies mostly to the liberal agenda but is ever so quickly bleeding into the right wing as well. They are both of the opinion that you are not capable of spending your money in an appropriate manner or that you are to stupid to save money for your retirement or for that matter, your not capable of manageing your own health care or even your childrens idiological beliefs. Our children are indoctrinated in public schools starting with the school supply pooling and moving up from there to charging all parents fees to pay for the parents who cant because their sorry ass wont put down the crack pipe long enough to get a job. Is it the kids fault? no. Should we help? yes. but not at the point of the government gun.

"All our lives we fought against exalting the individual, against the elevation of the single person, and long ago we were over and done with the business of a hero, and here it comes up again: the glorification of one personality. This is not good at all." [Vladimir Lenin, as quoted in Not by Politics Alone]

"We must stop thinking of the individual and start thinking about what is best for society." [Hillary Clinton, 1993]

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans ..." [President Bill Clinton, 'USA Today' March 11, 1993: Page 2A]
These 3 quotes sound alot like many people running for the presidency. Dont they?

Atlas is shrugging people.

Pig out pepper.gif

You go boy.....
InDaShop said:
We are on a good road here, but dare I add a twist? You know mention one word that could change all?
China :flipoff1:

Had to toss it in there. We are in a freefall, and China is right there picking up the pieces one by one for themselves and then some. Why do you think scrap is $155 a ton right now? The Peoples Republic is a consuming machine!

Their economy relys on ours and ours on theirs. Mutual assured destruction or boom. It can go either way.

We are a Wal Mart society. We all brag about the deal we got on the TV or car.......(except the house, we always tell how much we pay for the house)
wngrog said:
That is fine, and that is your perogotive, but if you have NO RIGHT to bitch moan or compalin about the system if you do not participate. Broken or not, this is the system we have and it is the BEST system in the world. Participate. VOTE.

thank you. lol
wngrog said:
That is fine, and that is your perogotive, but if you have NO RIGHT to bitch moan or compalin about the system if you do not participate. Broken or not, this is the system we have and it is the BEST system in the world. Participate. VOTE.

I'll second that!
[quote author=wngrog link

It is very easy to get drawn into Huckabee. He is very likeable and witty and the flat-tax thing is DYNAMITE. I LOVE it. Hell, my wife and I will pay over 6 figs in income tax this year........are you ****ING kidding me? Huckabee's record with taxation and immigration speak volumes with me. I am not decided, but other than the flat tax and that he is not scared to speak his faith, he scares me.

Im not scared of religion and while not popular on this website perhaps, I am a Christian but will vote the way that is most beneficial. Will it be Huckabee? i dont know. religion alone wont settle my mind. I am too scientific to be bound by dogma.

Honestly, there is no front runner in this race that does not scare me. Huckabee did impress me by being confronted with questions about the fair tax and actually reading up on the proposed legislation. He took stock and proclaimed his beliefs in its benefits. That is the only reason i can foresee any support for him. He listened and changed his views. Rare for a politician. Does it mean he has my vote? no. But its a defiinite positive. i like politicians who are not afraid to admit they found a better idea.

Anyway, this is the most electrifying and life changeing (for americans) election weve had in decades, it will at the very least be interesting to see the outcome. Most people fail to realize that this election could destroy america or save it. Thing is, i have no answer or suggestions. No one has proved them selves worthy at this point.

The choices on both sides, are truely dismal.

Pig out again, with 3 glasses of Scotch in him. I apologize for any type os or other micellaneous wanderings and or drunken babblings
wngrog said:
That is fine, and that is your perogotive, but if you have NO RIGHT to bitch moan or compalin about the system if you do not participate. Broken or not, this is the system we have and it is the BEST system in the world. Participate. VOTE.

You didnt take in my entire thoughts on that one... I just feel that Alabama will be republican as a state, somewhat from default so in my simple mind being that I live in Alabama now I dont feel Im getting "my one vote counted" out of it. I could be totally wrong in that and havent researched Alabama's voting history one bit. Like I said, its a "feeling" I get more than straight up knowledge laughing
wngrog said:
Elaborate on this before I make my comments please.....actually, the lawyer thing is self explainatory, but I want to know your beef with insurance.

large insurance based settlements .... that kinda **** costs everyone money . How much money do you spend each month on insurance. I know what I spend and its more than my rent and more than the last Mortagage I held. Health insurance, car insurance, life insurance policy's, renters insurance and if I were really trying to protect my self Id have even more damn insurance spending still more money monthly.

I feel like the relationship between the legal system (lawyers ) and the social and responsible requirements of insurance in general drives the cost of said insurance through the roof. Lets face it... we are a letigious society, slip and fall in the stoo... "Ima sue and get me some money", Get in an "accident " with a company owned vehicle or better yet a semi.. "Oh Snap, I just won the lottery." I guess it boils down to society really more than "insurance" in general. But if insurance wasnt such a valued thing and all that , personal responsibility and common sense would have to take over and maybe socially we wouldnt be out to sue the **** out of each other.

Its a vicious circle anyway you tackle it I suppose. Like I said, its probably more of a social issue and Im finding it easier to blame insurance companies because I gotta pay them so much through out the span of each year. laughing
P said:
large insurance based settlements .... that kinda **** costs everyone money . How much money do you spend each month on insurance. I know what I spend and its more than my rent and more than the last Mortagage I held. Health insurance, car insurance, life insurance policy's, renters insurance and if I were really trying to protect my self Id have even more damn insurance spending still more money monthly.

I feel like the relationship between the legal system (lawyers ) and the social and responsible requirements of insurance in general drives the cost of said insurance through the roof. Lets face it... we are a letigious society, slip and fall in the stoo... "Ima sue and get me some money", Get in an "accident " with a company owned vehicle or better yet a semi.. "Oh Snap, I just won the lottery." I guess it boils down to society really more than "insurance" in general. But if insurance wasnt such a valued thing and all that , personal responsibility and common sense would have to take over and maybe socially we wouldnt be out to sue the **** out of each other.

Its a vicious circle anyway you tackle it I suppose. Like I said, its probably more of a social issue and Im finding it easier to blame insurance companies because I gotta pay them so much through out the span of each year. laughing

I feel your pain on that. My insurance bill is not too bad because we don't have insurance on the toys around here or the heavy equipment. Some things you just have to self-insure to make it possible.

It all comes down to people doing the right thing. Insurance fraud is what costs you and I so much money every year. Combine that with predatory lawsuits and like you said, it is a vicious cycle.

Where is this the Insurance companiies fault? They have bean-counters in there that look at all of the factors in your life and slap you wilh a premium that will hopefully cover admin costs and pay the shareholders at the end of the day. **** like Katrina can cause a big problem with these guys.

I sold a 6 million dollar life policy at the end of the summer to a guy and he died within a month of issue. He paid 2 premiums and his family got 6 million dollars. I had an appendix rupture a year ago. The hospital charged $16,000 for the procedure. I paid $50.

If you run over a car full of "Democrats" while towing your buggy to the XXRA race, you can bet there will soon be 2 lawyers and at least one insurance company in your life immediatly. 2 ot of 3 of those guys won't be part of your problem.
P said:
You didnt take in my entire thoughts on that one... I just feel that Alabama will be republican as a state, somewhat from default so in my simple mind being that I live in Alabama now I dont feel Im getting "my one vote counted" out of it. I could be totally wrong in that and havent researched Alabama's voting history one bit. Like I said, its a "feeling" I get more than straight up knowledge laughing

I have been watching the news and trying to follow the race. Here in Alabama, who is it NBC that has channel 13 HD news or whatever, all they have been talking about is Obama. "Lets go live to our team coverage at the Obama birmingham headquarters." That's all that I have heard. No live coverage about anyone else. To me that's not a good thing. P, you might wanna go vote. Seems to me like the news cast is trying to be onesided here. maybe they are not and I jsut seeing it that way but who knows?
i know this is an old thread , but i saw this today


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By Gawd, who gives a **** how old the thread is, it needs to keep going! The president is a ****ing idiot, the representatives and senators are ****ing idiots, it only starts to get better at the governors level with guys like Rick Perry, Rick Scott, and maaaaybe a couple others. **** 'em all, vote for the pothead with the dumb ideas that is taped onto the back of your ballot because they ran out of room. **** he'd be too baked to write legislation, too stoned to show up, and ****, he can't **** it up any worse! :gtfo:
Every time i hear a politician speak, I think I'm in the Amazon jungle, F'n parrots squawking everywhere!!! I think the most ironic thing about this whole fustercluck is that Glenn (I'm in my bunker) Beck and Chris (tingle down my leg) Matthews agree on something. If you want to know what Obama's gonna do next, get out your copy of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". If you're not familiar with it, it might not be a bad idea to pick up a copy. It's a handbook for bringing about marxist revolution. I'm glad I'm old and won't have to watch my country be completely destroyed.
A woman in the street asked of Ben Franklin after the constitutional convention : "Mr. Franklin, what have you given us?" Franklin replied "A Republic........if you can keep it." Looks like we couldn't

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