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Politics/Issues thread

WHAT foreign policy achievements???? Pullin' the trigger on Bin Laden? A syphillitic FAWKLETARD could have figured that one out. Giving up missile defense in eastern Europe to the Russians for NOTHING? Giving Iraq to the Iranians? Giving Afghanistan to the Taliban? Pissing off the Israelis (our only ally in the middle east) Cutting the military budget to the bone while passing out money to every lowlife no working piece of crap in the country? Sending guns and laundering money for the Mexican drug runners? Bailing out Socialist European governments with our tax dollars? Sending money to the Pakistanis? Letting the Chinese **** us over daily while they drill for oil in the gulf but preventing American companies from drilling? Giving his buddy George Soros $200 million or our dollars to drill for oil offshore of Brazil with the rigs that left the gulf during his illegal moratorium? Piss off the Canadians by holding up the Keystone pipeline that they've spent $1.7 billion and five years on? This kind of **** just goes on and on, but I gotta quit 'cause it makes my head hurt. This country WILL NOT SURVIVE another four years of King Barry Obama. :****:
Ive only been paying attention to politics for about 4.5 years.Now i listen to it every day,the american people let things get out of hand by not paying attention just like me,Now is the time for us to take our country back! Do your home work on all canadants,the internet is full of things to learn about each one of them.
But one way or another we are going to get the candidate they want us to have! I would be amazed if we done end up with mitt.the American people don't have a say anymore
Elliott said:
But one way or another we are going to get the candidate they want us to have! I would be amazed if we done end up with mitt.the American people don't have a say anymore
Someone once said that we get the government we deserve. By not paying attention to what was going on, we've allowed our government to make us it's servants instead of government serving our best interests. None of the Repub candidates would be my first (or second or third) choice, but I figure I'll just hold my nose and vote for whoever they nominate. Can't be as bad as King Barry.

You say the American people don't have a say anymore, I don't agree. We still have the power granted us by the constitution but we just haven't used it. I think we need to start at the bottom and not let bad politicans ever get started. The mayor of New Haven Connecticut wants to give illegals voting rights. He needs to be voted out before he can run for anything else. Stop him now. A lot of people think that local elections don't mean much but that's where the Senators and Representatives come from. The next most important thing that we can all do is speak up and speak out. Speak to your policticians, send letters and e'mails about the things that concern you. Speak out to your friends and family and co'workers. That old business about never talking politics or religion is BS. That's how the crooks get away with so much, nobody calls them on what they're doing.

If I can get just one person to start paying attention and to start speaaking up, then I've made a difference. I hope you'll commit to making a difference and get just one person to start paying attention. We can get our country back, but we'll have to work at it.
Doctor ****, thanks for all your comments. I'm so pissed at what our America has downgraded to. It just seems we bow down to any minority (black, hispanic, gay or whatever special interest). so in essense we (the majority) are being controlled by the minority. I don't understand how we have let this happen. We absolutely cannot survive another 4 years of Obama's rule. I know he is a "post turtle", but he is still in charge. Dammit everybody get out and vote.
I usually refrain from adding to this thread but I feel the need to.

I am not necessarily a Huge Obama fan so this is not meant to defend him, I think you could elect the BEST possible person ever for President and he will still fail as long as as the worthless body called Congress exists in its present state!

The attention put on the race for President I think is a smoke screen to get attention off Congressmen and Senators!

Is there a need for welfare? I think so? Has it become perverted as a tool to get votes? :****: you bet it has!

Is there a need for a FAIR tax structure? I think so? Has the big money spent, as much to fix it where they don't have to pay, as if they just payed their share? :****: you bet they have!

Will one person fix either of these as President? I doubt it? Will one Party fix these issues? I doubt it?

As far as I am concerned it is time to do away with Democrats and Republicans alike :gtfo:

Give me a gun toting, blue collar working, middle class supporting, lazy ass non-supporting, put our children in a position to excel and succeed, take care of those who have tried to contribute and no longer can political party and we may see some things happen. Until then I don't care who or what party you back, IT AINT GONNA GET ANY BETTER!

I don't even want to start on the topic of our children and how they are getting it in the shorts from the first day of kindergarten!

Fed up, blue collar, middle class, gun toting, father of 4 done ranting.
Poll after poll indicate that the majority of people are "center right" politically. We've become dominated by the far left minorities because we've simply not exercised our power.
doctordick said:
Poll after poll indicate that the majority of people are "center right" politically. We've become dominated by the far left minorities because we've simply not exercised our power.

Not disagreeing with this, do you think it is fair to say that a lot of the attention has been focused on minorities to get it off of big money?
I believe that there has been an effort going back roughly a hundred years to develop in this country a permanent dependant underclass. By this I mean a whole class of people who are so dependant on government that they are locked into supporting politically the people or party which assures their continued handouts. Roughly half of all U.S. workers pay no income taxes at all. Unemployment compensation has been extended to almost two full years. The Agriculture Department runs TV ads encouraging people to get on food stamps. Obama care if allowed to stand will make everyone dependant on government for medical care. Unwed mothers are encouraged to have more illegitimate children by being paid more for each child. Recently, someone posted a Youtube video of a woman bragging about how much money she was getting by gaming the system. I ran into a guy (age 19) at a ride who was apparently healthy and at least reasonably intelligent who didn't work because he got full disability benefits for being "stupid" (his word).

The point of all this is that by convincing a great enough number of people that they are minorities that are entitled to handouts, politicians have locked up their votes for whoever promises them the most. Why would Obama hold up the Keystone project which can produce thousands of jobs at no cost to the taxpayer? Why does the left generally favor allowing 12 million illegals to stay here with "a pathway to citizenship"?

This is the means by which all dictators throughout history have come to power. They have organized masses of poor, exploited hungry people to put them in power. Since the U.S. developed into the wealthiest country in the world, there has not really been a huge underclass, certainly nowhere near a majority. This has necessitated the artificial development of groups of people who believe they are exploited and entitled to whatever they can take.

Can it be turned around? Sure, but it will take time and a whole lot of people who are aware of what's happening and are willing to do something about it.

Fed up, blue collar, middle class , gun toting father of two and grandfather of three done ranting.
I agree it can be turned around with the efforts of many.
I just think so many times the finger gets pointed at the commander in chief when in fact it is our worthless congress and senate keeping things from getting better?
No political expert by no means, if you rely on 2 places to buy buggy parts and they both start failing at their job, you leave them both and go somewhere new? As far as I am concerned, both of our leading political parties have failed to do their job and we need someplace new to buy parts from :dunno:

Here I said I was done ranting, Democrats :gtfo: Republicans :gtfo: Government Dependents (Lazy Ones) :gtfo: Non Tax Paying Multimillionaire :gtfo:, and while your at it, take all the homo's and tree huggers with ya! :gtfo:

Sorry, now I am done :dblthumb:
Millionaires pay they're fair share, you need to rethink what you're saying . You take the average family paying in just say 5000 in a year in taxes and getting back 7-8 they are not paying taxes.Much less the ones getting all the disability when they are able to work and the same ones on food stamps they are getting all of our tax dollars, EVERYONE needs to pay a set percentage, I think the number is 95 percent do not pay a dime. Imagine how much better it would be if everyone helped out and not just the ones that we're trying.And they( the lazy fuctards) say they can't afford to. I remember when I moved out from home and thought how in the world am I going to be able to afford this but it made me work more and give a crap what I spent my money on, same thing would happen to all of these lazy asses if they were dropped off the SYSTEM
Elliott said:
EVERYONE needs to pay a set percentage, I think the number is 95 percent do not pay a dime. Imagine how much better it would be if everyone helped out and not just the ones that we're trying.

I may have not made that clear, Government Dependents(Lazy Ones) was referring exactly to what you are talking about, those that take without contributing. Like always showing up to a pot luck empty handed :gtfo:

I agree 10,000% that a set percentage for EVERYONE is what we need. Unfortunately, as long as the welfare system abusers and big money businesses out number working people like the majority on this board its not gonna happen.

The system is definitely broken and I hope someone with the fix shows up soon.


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doctordick said:
WHAT foreign policy achievements???? Pullin' the trigger on Bin Laden? A syphillitic FAWKLETARD could have figured that one out. Giving up missile defense in eastern Europe to the Russians for NOTHING? Giving Iraq to the Iranians? Giving Afghanistan to the Taliban? Pissing off the Israelis (our only ally in the middle east) Cutting the military budget to the bone while passing out money to every lowlife no working piece of crap in the country? Sending guns and laundering money for the Mexican drug runners? Bailing out Socialist European governments with our tax dollars? Sending money to the Pakistanis? Letting the Chinese **** us over daily while they drill for oil in the gulf but preventing American companies from drilling? Giving his buddy George Soros $200 million or our dollars to drill for oil offshore of Brazil with the rigs that left the gulf during his illegal moratorium? Piss off the Canadians by holding up the Keystone pipeline that they've spent $1.7 billion and five years on? This kind of **** just goes on and on, but I gotta quit 'cause it makes my head hurt. This country WILL NOT SURVIVE another four years of King Barry Obama. :****:
We are all familiar with a

Herd of cows,

A Flock of chickens,

A School of fish

And a Gaggle of geese.

A Pride of lions,

A Murder of crows

(as well as their cousins
the rooks and ravens),

An Exaltation of doves

And, presumably because they look so wise:
A Parliament of owls.

Now consider a group of Baboons.

They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive and least intelligent of all primates.

And what is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not... A Congress!


I guess that pretty much explains the things that come out of Washington!