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Pre Surgery Elbe Run


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2008
USS John C Stennis
so some of you saw I was looking for people to wheel with before my surgery that I had this past tuesday.

a guy named Tony (mcbadwish) offered to let me join him and a couple buddies running The Busy up at Elbe. Since I had never been there I took the offer. We all met up at safeway, loaded up on food and fuel, then took off for the trails. Around 1130 we were finally unloaded and putting dirt behind us.

about 200 yds into the trail we had our first issue.


trying to avoid busting out his rear glass this guy got hung up on the big log. About 30 minutes of creative winching and rig shaking finally got him around it. the funny part was though, his other rear quarter panel was already bashed in from an earlier tree.:awesomework:

the rest of the rigs made it through there in short oder.



further down the trail...





then we had to stop for another ~45 min while a front birf got changed. apparently toyota front ends don't like meeting trees at high rates of speed. someone else got video of it. hopefully they can post it up.



got it fixed and motor'd along until we couldn't find the trail anymore. loggers had completely blocked the trail with logs stacked perpendicular across the thing. :mad:







the silver yota started losing oil pressure so we went back to the main staging area. here's the group pictures.


we decided we wanted to run one more trail while we were out there, so we headed off for "Getcha". about 400 yds into that trail I took an optional I shouldn't have taken. All day the holes hadn't been that deep, and this one didn't look any different. Boy was I wrong :mad::mad:



ended up having to get winched backwards out of it. in the process of doing that a ~10"x48" log (that someone previously had probably tossed in for traction) wedged itself between my frame and the ground...taking out at least the brake line. I don't know if there is any other collateral damage yet, but once my shoulder gets better I'll be looking into it further.

rather than try to clean off the jeep and do a trail fix I opted to head to the trailer. Overall it was a good day of wheeling. Although it wasn't too difficult, I could definitely see the busy getting interesting when it's more filled with water. I'd like to get back to the area when my shoulder is better and try the rest of Getcha and Rainer Vista.

Big thanks to Tony and the rest of the guys for letting me and my girlfriend tag along. I had a great time and hopefully you'll let me join ya the next time y'all head out.
I was up there Saturday and Sunday. Now I know why you guys were back so soon. Rainier Vista wasn't too bad on Sunday. Should be fun once it's starts getting wet.
Yeah anytime it should be fun once it gets soupy out there and I want to find the rest of the damn busy. I still want to make it over your way and try anarchy hill for the hell of it
I think we seen you guys down by the bridge on the busy.

I remember the 4runner limping with a broke birf. Looked like you guys were having fun!
were you in that group of 3 rigs...two buggies with yota drivetrain and one black flatbed yota?

Yeah I drove the blue tube beater with a keg tank and my buddy drove the other one with a blue STI hood and Jack was driving the exoed toy pickup. I promise that trail will change pretty quickly and be prime again before too long.

A big thanks for letting us by!:awesomework:

Probably see you guys up there again!

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