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Reiter Trails Cleanup OCTOBER 7th

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We came

We saw

we cleaned

we ate

we wheeled

we got wet :awesomework:

Thanks guys....:cool:

"Wet"? I swear the puddles were deeper coming out than going in. I don't think I had one dry spot on me. Next time, I'm bringing a snorkle with me.

Oh for those that don't know, I was the 'dead weight' in Crash's rig for the wheeling fun. He drives through puddles the way I do, but I have an enclosed cab.....

Dang I feel sorry for that guy in the new Rubicon that was only set for the street. Stock lockers or not, when the tread gets filled with mud, you ain't going far, very fast...

I bet he goes and gets some trail rated tires when he gets a chance.
Comet: you are welcome, thank you for the nice words. And thanks for always letting me give you a ration of sh*t.

Thanks to everyone that helped me get all that stuff off the truck, and back on it again.... my back and Brett thank you all.

Food is still on ice in my truck waiting for the RTW meeting on Wednesday night my place... strong guys get to hump that friggen cooler up to my back deck.

ETM, thank you darling for all your help in getting the things accomplished that I needed, (and crusty too) you guys are gems in my book

Toyotanut and _____? thanks for following me around the parking lot at MGO and helping to get that stuff packed into the truck, and heavy lifting!

Everyone that helped at the cleanup for setup/breakdown.... its a lot of stuff that we have to pack in and pack out just to put on the thing, it takes an amazing amount of effort, coordination, teamwork and effective planning.

As the years go by, we learn from each event, and are even able to build up a store of unused items to put towards the next years event, it will get easier as we go!

ETM, you rock behind the wheel. and as a passenger... I have a very special place in my heart for you, and it it weren't for NWW and RTW I don't know that we would have met, you are a unexpected gift to my heart, and a friend when I needed one the most. I love you like a sister...

I have plenty of pictures, however I left them in the truck at Brett's house with the broke-@$$ jeep and will be bringing at least the truck home tonight... if this is my third locker I just blew through, I'm gonna be beyond pissed:mad:! but I sure had fun prior to that ETM and I had a blast going around taking pics and even busting some creepy guys in a van...

I'll post pics up laterz
I think last count was around 170 or so. Jason has the official numbers. Not bad at all considering the nasty weather we had. Jason, are you turning them in to the DNR?
When there is a final count, PM me the number, I will add it to my spreadsheet for this year, to go off of for next year....

On another thread he said 140. I thought there were more because after lunch I counted 143 and there were others signing before the end of the day. I wonder if a sheet got lost.
more Crash, Brain Damage, Jeepless: Rock garden
its dain bramage, foo. get it right.:fawkdancesmiley:

had a great time, forgot my camera, tho. ah well, maybe next time. my 56k isnt exactly picture friendly. thanks for the food, and thanks for airing me up, glen, and thanks karl, sam, kat, and whoever all else vacated the canopy so i could change my tire in the dry. :awesomework:
Here's a couple from the pics I took with Kats camera.

You are very welcome and you could have used it all day if needed.

I would like to thank everybody that came out and cleaned, wheeled, ate and just general having fun in the wet.

Rhonda and I took her parents up there today and drove up the trail with the mine on it and found more junk in the upper parking area and on top of the big hill and there are some logs and skids in the main area together. There is also a double axle 30' camper trailer there with no vehicles around it, its not trashed yet BUT lord only knows with the kids.

There is also a double axle 30' camper trailer there with no vehicles around it, its not trashed yet BUT lord only knows with the kids.


That's the one that the Sheriff took the info on right?

I remember joking that I should bring it home and let Kyle live in it :haha:
That's the one that the Sheriff took the info on right?

I remember joking that I should bring it home and let Kyle live in it :haha:

I have no idea if he did or not, i was just reminding you all that it was there being we were yesterday afternoon till 6:pm
Thanks to all the folks that came out. I had a blast. The dumpster bitch is always a good time. So, my question is... does stale beer cover up the trash nasty stench in the back of a pickup truck?

No, but it did make the head gasket fail. At least that's what I'm blaming it on.
How many signed in?
Theres a sign in sheet for those things? Ive been to like three, and no one ever told me there was as sign in sheet... Wow, I feel like a noob. You can add two to whatever your count was. Ashes and I were there and picked up a bunch of garbage. Then again, Ive been late all three times and missed the morning meeting - maybe its put out there? Were there signs or anything?

When I first got there I needed water for my radiator from a pinhole leak I forgot to top off. I walked over to the tables to try and see if anyone had some (which I found, thanks. I think you were Toyotanut), but I stood there for a few minutes before there was a silence and I just blurted it out. No one asked who I was, greeted, nothing. It was a little awkward.

I know I stood at the tables with Ashley for a while after that kinda just looking around trying to figure it all out. After the few people behind the tables just stood there silently for a while looking at us, we finally gave up and just went out looking for garbage. When we had my bed full we came back to try and find bags again. We found them out on the tables, but I had to ask if we could take them. I didn't know if it was a "sign in to get supplies" type thing or not, but couldn't find a sign in sheet. The people standing behind the table kinda stared at us, and I finally asked. A simple "do you need bags or gloves?" would have been nice for those who didn't know what the heck was going on.

Comet (I think that was Comet) was also the only one who took a step out to show us what was going on about lunch since we were late for that too from picking up garbage. Granted, we were just trying to stay dry and wait for another group of friends near the table, but the food was nice to even have been offered. Everyone else just stood around looking at us like we were lost. We even walked over by the grill, and the group there ignored us too. If the person making the food had asked if we wanted food, then explained how to get it, that would have been nice. There was even a conversation about how much food was leftover and what the heck to do with it while we were standing there by the tables having not eaten yet with no offer or question as to if we had eaten yet or not, wanted more, or whatever to help get rid of it.

I've never said this before, but all in all, the three times Ive gone there, Ive walked around quite a bit, and it seems as if you don't know anyone in real life, you don't get talked to at all there. I know Ashley doesn't like going simply because its awkward to stand around with people who ignore you the whole time unless they know who you are.

Basically, I think if you're going to have people standing behind official looking tables, I think they need to put the effort forward to greet and explain whats going on to people who approach - ESPECIALLY if they dont know who they are! Dont just stand there leaning against the truck the whole time making it seem like you cant wait until we leave.

What if I had no clue what was going on, and I just happened to come use Reiter that weekend? I get there and walk up to the tables to see whats going on. I see RTW t-shirts, see all the food and stuff, yet no one asks who I am, or offers to explain? I think I would get the feeling like its a "club thing" and I don't belong. Then Id walk away. Thats a person you could have just educated, let know about the forum, told them what we are trying to do there, or hell, asked if they wanted to help! I thought we were there to help the land. I think a big part of that is educating and making contact with the group thats larger than your own here on the internet - the general public. That would involve having people actually be friendly, and greet people who approach.

Ive been to a number of forum meets with other forums before I got into the wheeling scene, and its definitely always been different. This is the only group that hasn't gone the extra mile to try and make you feel welcome, and that they're glad you came to the event. I've also been the son of a president of a motorcycle club, and I know when I used to follow my Dad around at our club meets, he would make it a point to try and welcome everyone, explain the events that are going on, etc at the ticket table.

Just my two cents I guess. Take it for what its worth. Let the bashing of my ignorance begin. I'm still glad I came.

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That is why I wore my sweat shirt with name on it so someone at least knew who I was if I didn't know them. I apologize for you not feeling welcome. Jason (toyotanut) and I pretty much figured out who you two were by your rigs. I guess we should have been more friendly and introduced ourselves. I figured my sweatshirt gave me away though.

I see people every year and recognize many. I still don't know everyone either. Heck I recognize people and still forget who they are :haha: The sign up sheets were at the table next to the bags/gloves.

yes the morning thing is set up where a big announcement is given to explain how things run, where things are at, where to get everything and how to get the tickets for the food. I didn't know you were both so uncomfortable though. I do apologize. I will remember next time to be more outgoing and introduce myself.
Yeah it was me making sure you got fed. I urged you two to fill up and eat more! It goes both ways, I kept trying to engage in discussion and I got nods or "I'm fine" with the food, etc. I even told Ashley she needed to wear more clothes to stay dry and warm.
As for the sign ins, if you have been to several and didn't know about that, I can't say it's RTW's fault. I announced it over the loud speaker at least 5 times during the day. It was right next to the shirts. It has also been posted on the clean up reminders for people to sign in. It was good to see you guys out there, ask more questions next time. I had no clue you had no clue :haha: You didn't ask many questions of me when we talked, so I mentioned the food and I think I also said that the dumpsters were going to be closing up at 2pm (which I learned later was a mis understanding on my part from WM)
I got the same feeling and it was my first time coming to any event.

x2 for me, but I'm not super outgoing either, kinda reserved sometimes. I had lots of fun though and look forward to future events and wheeling runs to meet more people. Many thanks to everyone who helped spot my little red yj through the stairsteps. Now that I've seen it done by more rigs I feel like a :looser: for pulling cable there. I'll get it next time! :awesomework:
x2 for me, but I'm not super outgoing either, kinda reserved sometimes. I had lots of fun though and look forward to future events and wheeling runs to meet more people. Many thanks to everyone who helped spot my little red yj through the stairsteps. Now that I've seen it done by more rigs I feel like a :looser: for pulling cable there. I'll get it next time! :awesomework:

That was you on the stair steps after Joe? Shoulda said something, I was the guy in the white YJ two rigs behind you.
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