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Rules and regulations

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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2016
I'm new to this forum and this weekend I posted a meme that really upset some members. I was not trying to upset anyone or was I trolling. The response to the post was not nice. I was told I crossed the line. So I don't see any rules or regulations and I do not want to upset anyone in the future. My intention was a bad humor funny meme. So what rules does this forum have? I'm not looking for trouble.

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The rules were for the most part made, enforced, and amended by the last admin for as long as I have been part of this forum.
We never needed written rules that people could argue with and interpret as they see fit. We as a collective group had our admins back. We have recently switched admins and are dealing with some transitional issues.
I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like this is the admins and OGs playground and I enjoy playing in it so I will follow their rules written or otherwise.
If your having this much butt hurt over getting your hand slapped and can't take it like a man or are so confused you can't grasp what is going on around you, possibly you should start your own forum.
I have been trying to live more by ''The Golden Rule'' Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Even though I still have my slip ups, like my reply to your meme. Hell I have had my hand slapped and pissed a bunch of people off also. All you can do is apologize, learn from your mistakes, and move on. If you haven't noticed there are a lot of great people on this site and will give you the shirt off there back, but will call you out in a heart beat if you screw up. If its not positive I say leave religion out and post up something cool you may be bulding
Your post as of right now it appears you are being a smartass and looking for confrontation. Let's assume for a moment that that is not true. As you said "I am not looking for trouble". I have never taken anything on this forum seriously. I am the first to make a joke on here or walk up and talk to you in person like I've known you my whole life. Hopefully one or three people can back me up on that. So I will be completely honest with you. I would hate to "run off" someone over a misunderstanding.
Your post so far have hit two very vital subjects to this group of people, who I would like to assume is pretty much made up of like minded god fearing men.

1. Religion - what you posted literally broke one of the commandment. You took the lords name in vein. Have others typed it out on this forum in the past? Sure, I can't speak for everyone but it effects me every time I see it. ( I'm astonished every time that someone would take the time to type it out ) Yes, there are other things on this site that admin have ignored or chose to let stay that may be just as vulgar and uncalled for. That is for the creators of this site to decide where the line is. I don't agree with everything but there is way to much good here to just turn my back on it.

2. It appears you are ,for lack of a better term "trolling". Even after our admin has warned you. We have lost someone who dedicated a large part of his life to making sure this place ran as smoothly as it could. Again I can't speak for everybody but I'm concearned about the future of this site. I've met some very good people and had some very good times with my fake internet friends. So we may have our guard up when someone tries to break the rules. Even if those rules are unwritten.

So giving you the benefit of the doubt. If anything is unclear and you intentions are good feel free to pm any of the admins or myself, text if you want 2059108578
Looking forward to riding with you one day.
June dog said:
Please pm me that meme. I miss all the good stuff. Welcome to hardline.

Probably gonna be disappointed, there are other memes in that thread I'd say are more controversial than the one that was posted.
Rule #1, Don't be a fonsanoon. (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fonsanoon)

Rule #2, See rule # 1.

While you may not be trying to kick the dead horse, it sure seems like it.

I feel like you were the type of kid who was told not to pee on the electric fence, but continues to pee ass absolutely as close to it as possible.

Here is how I see it, lets say some body makes a joke about a person in a wheel chair. Unbeknownst to that person, maybe there is somebody here who has had an accident and is now in a wheel chair. They bring it to everyone's attention so its public information and there might not be any more awkward situations. However, there is that one person who wants to know if they wheel chair guy is quad or paraplegic, so they can dance as close to the line as possible. I'd say if the first handicapped joke was a flop, don't tell any more like that............

Just my .02
As a new person here .....If you want to know what the un-written "Rules" are for this site are..... Do a little bit of research, look back at some of the threads from months/years ago were and how the people acted. There was one about someone that had a religious awakening and another member started busting his ass on it. He was called out on it and all ended well.
Plus there are plenty of other threads on here dealing with others religious beliefs. So knowing that, you would have known to steer clear of whatever you posted. Unless you got the reaction/attention you were hoping to get.....Then, good luck to you.

Not to kiss ass...... But from what I've seen here so far, there a whole bunch of good/funny people on here....Not to mention they know their **** when it comes to the tech ( Worth read back there too ) So it's worth sicking around.
I don't post much at all but several people know me very well on this site and know I like to have as much fun as anyone. I requested for the picture to be removed because I personally did not want it spread and seen by other people. That was my personal thought and judgment when I saw it. I do not retract my statement and I am not judging you or anyone else on here. It would have bothered me until this day if I had not said anything.
Were all adults here since we got rid of a certain superhero rock bouncer. We know how lines work in life and generally know where that line is and not to step across it. Of course we all accidentally step over the line from time to time. That's what sets us apart from teenagers and makes us mature, professional adults. It's not just here, it's in every aspect of life. You have lines with your boss, customers, wife, children, police, etc. everything has a boundary that isn't meant to be crossed. Is there some nudity in threads here? Yes. Is there cussing? Yes. Is there a devotional thread? Yes. Is there a praise satan and make fun of God thread? No. Well, I'll be damned. Seems there is a definite line drawn there. We have mutual friends that say your a good dude, and I don't doubt that. I get that. 86chevota is a friend of mine and he's a habitual line stepper. He can be an asshat from time to time on here. Does that change my opinion of him? Nope. He poked the bear and got the ban hammer/timeout. That's the same path your taking. I may be a tattooed up, beer drinking, cussing, fighting, deplorable sumbitch, but I was taught my whole life that you don't taunt God. Whether you are a T-totaller southern baptist, a non participating believer, or even a non believer you are not beyond Gods vengeance or his grace and mercy. I don't speak on religion much, but it doesn't mean I don't have my beliefs and my faith. This place as a whole is a group of rowdy wheelers but we are believers for the most part. If you just have to know, the phrase is common. We hear it all the time. The difference was the context in which it was used. People may say it (and I'm not saying it's ok), but to change the context of the word, ****ing, changes it entirely. I'd still drink beer with you, wheel with you, and have a good time yet still call you out on sacrilegious joke and remarks on here and to your face. You pushed pretty much my only offense button. As of right now, I don't think anyone has any hard feelings toward you at all. You stepped over a line, we pushed you back over it, slapped your hand, explained in great detail what you did, and now we move on. Let it go and nobody will even remember it in 6 weeks. So, if you like it here at all, just let it go. Your the only one holding on to this. We had all moved on to the next shiny object catching our attention. No hard feelings. No grudges. Next subject.

tonybolton said:
Sent.....they're all over Google. Nothing secretive or new about it.
You should have let JD google that for him...

It's kind of his "thing"
I saw the meme and could frankly care less about it. God has been mocked from the begining, Christ was mocked throughout his whole life and even at his death as he hung on the cross baring the burden of mine and your sins, so it is nothing new. That does not make it right, or healthy for that matter, it just gave me one more thing to pray for. I will spare you the details, but when you see things like that, we are quick to focus on the symptoms and tend to not focus on the cause. I would worry less about getting right with the Hardline crowd and focus more on getting right with God. PM or call me if there is any way I can help you do that 731-780-7212 and welcome to Hardline, enjoy your stay, and I am certain I will see you on the trail in the future!!
Thank you everyone for keeping this forum real. I believe coldbeer has gotten the picture and hope he continues to participate on this forum. We all have our limits to different subjects and this is one to not be crossed or taunted/tainted here on HLC. This is a family based forum and will continue to be monitored as such, therefore I am locking this thread.

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