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Search for noah

patooyee said:
Can people please post links to where they are reading some of this? No offense, but I've heard some pretty pie-in-the-sky "facts" about the case, some of which directly contradict each other. I don't watch TV and I would like to read more.
On Facebook they have a sight called search for Noah: volunteers and donations.
wont work said:
Just a few questions and my answers
How exactly does a 2 year old go hiking?
He doesnt. You take him in the woods to look at birds and leaves while carrying him 95% of the time
How do you as the one that took the 2 year old hiking not realize almost immediately that he isn't keeping up on the hike?
I cant honestly anwers this since it only takes a second to realize when it ls only the kid and you in the woods that one of you is missing
How far off the path could he hike off the path?
Evidently miles and hide with a big foot.

Nothing about this is adding up

It doesn't take many questions like this to realize something is up. If it the parents or a parent I hope the get the death penalty.
My nephew drove three hours to help look for the little boy. He was talking with local law enforcement and other volunteers, all parties involved were saying that something didn't add up. Tracks disappear, no scent trail and nothing showed up on helicopter infrared cameras. Having a two year old myself, I couldn't imagine losing her. I pray for the little boy and the family members not involved. The best case scenario is that someone did take him and he is eventually found unharmed.
muddinmetal said:
I figure he was gone before the "hike" even took place... No body, no crime... somebody will walk on this :'(

This is what we call a brush out. No foot sign on the trail, no scent trail, no trace of Noah........because he never hiked the trail.

I've been seeing lots of fb post and stuff on this subject.. all I can say is I hope and pray the little dude is alright. Nothing in any of the story I have seen adds up .. something seems to be missing

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Reminds me of the time in Franklin county AL, little girl went missing, parents finally done some jail time. Sad thing the little girl has never been found.
When I was three, I was playing with the family dog, it yelped, and fearing a major ass-beating, I peaced out the front door and hit the road running. Then started walking. I was probably gone for over an hour and was picked up by the Evergreen Chief of Police at the time. I had made it across two highways and was in his neighborhood about 3 or 4 miles away. I honestly have no clue where I was heading. He recognized me, and the fact that I was walking down the road at 3 years old by myself. When he radio'd me in, dispatch told him where I lived and he took me back. There at the kitchen table, my mother sat with my oldest sister sewing a dress of hers or something. No one knew I had ever left until the C.O.P rolled up in his squad car. And by that time it was close to two hours. I still got my ass beat. But even at that age, I knew no one in that house would miss me for hours if I ever went missing.

I feel sorry for Noah and all kids in bad situations. I truly pray that a miracle happens for this boy.
what I cant figure out is why they have certain times and areas they will allow to be searched... If it were my kid out there and willing people are offering their help they can look as long as they want wherever they want as long as they are helping... Just seems like a weird situation that I'm guessing not the whole story has been told yet
What a shame... Hopefully he just found a soft spot to curl up and take a nap. I hate hearing about things like this happening to kids
Just so hard to believe all those people could not find him! I mean there were hundreds of people looking, and seems they should had heard him crying, very sad.
I sure don't understand how they didn't find him, and having 2 boys and one of them is the same age as him, really breaks my heart to even think about this.
So sad to hear, something needs to be done in these lost child situations. A super quick response by helicopter or even a drone outfitted with FLIR could have picked up his heat signature. I was worried coyotes might have heard him crying, it seems he fell asleep and never woke up. Prayers go out to his family
Re: Re: Search for noah

rapidrob said:
So sad to hear, something needs to be done in these lost child situations. A super quick response by helicopter or even a drone outfitted with FLIR could have picked up his heat signature. I was worried coyotes might have heard him crying, it seems he fell asleep and never woke up. Prayers go out to his family

Law enforcement uses helis with heat imaging equipment to look for pot farmers, you think they'd deploy one immediately to search for a missing child in the woods.

Of course, if my child went missing in the same or similar situation, I would be demanding the use of such equipment...
Re: Re: Search for noah

TBItoy said:

Law enforcement uses helis with heat imaging equipment to look for pot farmers, you think they'd deploy one immediately to search for a missing child in the woods.

Of course, if my child went missing in the same or similar situation, I would be demanding the use of such equipment...

Exactly what I was thinking too! To make matters worse they found him in a area that they had already searched so sad