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SETTC Where are the trucks ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
Where are the trucks? Where are the Jeeps? Where are the truggies?
I love rock bouncers but their wearing them out right now.. But a tough truck comp. What does that have to do with rock bouncers..
I have talked to many others about this. Glad to see some stepping up to the 4 and 6 cyl crowd . This is great. I hope things like a tough truck comp. actually has trucks in the comp. This sport only grows if we include something for every one. I plan to support this any way I can. And most of us do this for fun.
Rock bouncing 50 times a year is getting to be a full time rich mans sport. Who has time and money to run and repair bouncers every week just to run next weekend.
To be real we must organize to appeal to other groups, draw competitors , to get sponsors , and to get spectators out to watch, for this to be worth it. There must be some money on the line. there must be a draw for spectators. just a topic for discussion . throw in your 2 cents.
Re: SETTC questions?

settc. What does it have to do with rock bouncers? Where are the tough trucks? As stated topic for discussion!
Re: SETTC questions?

The OG TTC went the same way for the longest time until people quit getting into it and they changed it back geared more toward a stock body rig.
Re: SETTC questions?

billstoy said:
settc. What does it have to do with rock bouncers? Where are the tough trucks? As stated topic for discussion!

OK, gotcha. The initial post was just kind of rambling a bit. :)

I'll admit, kind of confusing to me too. The first one was kind of marketed as regional TTC but even the first event had few trucks, mostly buggies. So it never has been a TRUCK event really.

Everything planned yesterday was rock hills. I thought it was going to be obstacle course, truck pull, different things. Things that put the vehicles and driver out of their own elements. But oh well I had no dog in the fight. I showed up to help Tom, until the drivers meeting I didn't know what they was running
That is what it sounds like. tough truck. but when I saw the drivers list and on FB it said they were going to run 5 hills. Didn't we do that last weekend ? with most of the same people? where in the truck beat downs like the old days?the tire pits, pulls, mud pits, log piles, and truck jumps?
Re: Re: Re: SETTC Where are the trucks ?

billstoy said:
That is what it sounds like. tough truck. but when I saw the drivers list and on FB it said they were going to run 5 hills. Didn't we do that last weekend ? with most of the same people? where in the truck beat downs like the old days?the tire pits, pulls, mud pits, log piles, and truck jumps?
At county fairs is where they do all that other stuff that is not offroading...
And the bad thing about smaller 4 cylinder type comps is they're not really spectator friendly, they usually won't bring a big crowd which is what would bring the money for pay outs.And don't get me wrong I like the smaller Buggys but it would be hard to run a series with them and it be profitable.Your seeing a lot of the downfalls play out with these series right now, by that I mean rules being over looked at every event, and favorites being picked. And several people are supposibly even getting paid to show up and race from the word in the woods.I mean dang that's playing favorites right off the bat.
Re: Re: Re: SETTC Where are the trucks ?

rednecklights said:
so, I hear plenty of complaints about competitions but im not seeing many logical suggestions on how to improve them.

Good point!!! This should be a good thread.
Doesn't any type of motorsports end up about money? Most money buys the best parts and the best parts give you a much better chance to win?
Im not going down that road, and I've never seen money change hands so I'm just stating what I've heard.That would be way to much drama for my taste
One way to improve them is to stick to the rules, if you hit a cone or break a tape, stick to what ever you told everyone in a meeting, I know race suits were required at one race, 2 guys I know that were running that event had to go buy suits to race it, only to have that rule not enforced at that race after they let a big name racer in at the last minute and he showed up with out one .When people spend this much money to do an event and rules are over looked people will eventually buck up, we're americans that's how we roll. This all being said I'm glad these races go on and hope they continue, they're not my thing to watch live but I do like watching the videos. thumb.gif to all the promoters for putting them on, it's just time to tie up the laces now, and get serious about the rules.
If all you do is search for midget porn, then you'll get tired of midget porn. And then you'll start fussing about how short folks are boring to watch screw.
Go to the googles, type in MILF porn, plump porn. They're out there!

My point being, take the bouncer goggles off and look around for what you seek. There are a handful of small rig races going on. Julio races in them with the rattler. A whole buncha folks I know do. Go race/watch them races.
Or... and here's a crazy-ass idea... Go to ANY park on a weekend that an event is not going on.... AND WHEEL!

It's been awesome getting back into actually wheeling and hitting trails and obstacles I haven't hit in years. YEARS!
This past weekend at Morris Mtn, we hit Mall Crawl, and JEEBUS it's rough now! But I hadn't been on it in about 3 years! And I've been to MM prolly 12-15 times during that time period.
Re: Re: Re: SETTC Where are the trucks ?

TBItoy said:
At county fairs is where they do all that other stuff that is not offroading...
You are right Nick , But that is a tough truck comp. thus TTC. I went and raced with the bouncers last weekend. SETTC weekend, I wanted to see tough trucks. JMO.
I miss the grass roots stuff, run what you brung strap in tight **** in one sock here is the hill you either make or you don't pay your money to run winner takes all (cable hill) comp. Then we go ride some trails afterwards the racing is fun when there is one race a month and its not a rock crawl through a Quarry. I went trail riding Saturday for the first time all year and had an absolute blast. Don't get me wrong I love racing my buggy but im sick and tired of the playing favorites and people getting paid to show up makes me sick just to hear that and hearing about all the sponsers when the sponsored buggies cant even climb the hill just my 2 cents worth. Only sponser I have Is my right hip pocket and I work my ass off to get what I have and keep it going. I have never been paid to show up and prolly never will and if I did I would turn it down and that's no bullshit. On the rules I have seen them bent and damn near broken for some and not for others and the only way to have a successful race or event is be fair to all. :dblthumb: And yes I have been told through the tree line that a few drivers actually get paid to show up and show out.
kmcminn said:
This is new to me. Has anyone else heard this?

I have not personally, but I have thought it has probably been going on the last few years.... but then again, don't you think Dennis Anderson gets paid to show up places? I would think that would apply in all money making sports and entertainment