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stimulus bill


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
check out this article for a sample of whats in it.


I warn you, if you read it all the way through, you MAY be tempted to throw something at your computer monitor.
P said:
? Cliff-notes ?

here's a few.

There's $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that hasn't turned a profit in 40 years

$400 million for global-warming research

There's even $650 million on top of the billions already doled out to pay for digital TV conversion coupons.

In selling the plan, President Obama has said this bill will make "dramatic investments to revive our flagging economy." Well, you be the judge. Some $30 billion, or less than 5% of the spending in the bill, is for fixing bridges or other highway projects

There's another $40 billion for broadband and electric grid development, airports and clean water projects that are arguably worthwhile priorities.
Add the roughly $20 billion for business tax cuts, and by our estimate only $90 billion out of $825 billion, or about 12 cents of every $1, is for something that can plausibly be considered a growth stimulus

Most of the rest of this project spending will go to such things as renewable energy funding ($8 billion) or mass transit ($6 billion) that have a low or negative return on investment. Most urban transit systems are so badly managed that their fares cover less than half of their costs. However, the people who operate these systems belong to public-employee unions that are campaign contributors to . . . guess which party?

spend $600 million more for the federal government to buy new cars

$7 billion for modernizing federal buildings and facilities

Another "stimulus" secret is that some $252 billion is for income-transfer payments -- that is, not investments that arguably help everyone, but cash or benefits to individuals for doing nothing at all. There's $81 billion for Medicaid, $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits, $20 billion for food stamps, and $83 billion for the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax. While some of that may be justified to help poorer Americans ride out the recession, they aren't job creators

$54 billion will go to federal programs that the Office of Management and Budget or the Government Accountability Office have already criticized as "ineffective" or unable to pass basic financial audits

Oh, and don't forget education, which would get $66 billion more. That's more than the entire Education Department spent a mere 10 years ago and is on top of the doubling under President Bush. If you think the intention here is to help kids learn, the House declares on page 257 that "No recipient . . . shall use such funds to provide financial assistance to students to attend private elementary or secondary schools." Horrors: Some money might go to nonunion teachers.

its a giant pork barrel spending bill.

how is ANY of that gonna stimulate the economy?
Lets face it, they got us by the balls. We can all raise hell and it wont do any good. Whats worst is that in four years, the people that put his dumb ass in office will be more mouthy and less educated than they are now with more dependants in tow with no daddy to claim. :****:
Well at least the bill has been shut down for now - they will try agin next with a few changes
Jamie Dupree
The U.S. House Stimulus Debate
Jamie Dupree
@ January 27, 2009 11:59 PM Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

The House Rules Committee has decided the parameters of the debate Wednesday on the $825 billion economic stimulus bill, and there's been a few changes along the way.

Along with striking the language on family planning (contraceptives) from the bill, Democrats have also taken out $200 million in money for revitalization of the National Mall here in Washington, D.C.

Another change requires $15 million in historic preservation funding for the National Park Service be set aside for Historically Black Colleges. It also waives the "institutional match" for these purposes - in other words - the schools aren't paying for anything.

There is an interesting addition that requires states to notify the feds within 45 days of the approval of this bill as to whether they are interested in receiving funding from it. It's not clear to me what that's all about.

Also the bill waives the local government matching requirements and the limits on salaries for two years of extra funding of the COPS program, which is a program that helps police forces hire extra officers.

Eleven amendments have been allowed in this debate. Several seem interesting, like one that would add $3 billion in transit funding. That's backed by a number of big city Democrats.

Republicans will get the chance to strike funding in the bill for Amtrak. Another amendment would get rid of all the spending provisions in the legislation.

The GOP will also get the chance to present their own plan at the end of the debate. You can see it at http://www.rules.house.gov/111/Speci...hr1_camp11.pdf

That plan cuts income taxes for the bottom two brackets, includes alternative minimum tax relief, small business deduction, bonus depreciation, small business expensing, expanded carryback of net operating losses, improved home buyer credit, unemployment benefit tax exemption, health insurance premium deduction, repeal of 3 percent withholding requirement for government contractors and an extension of unemployment benefits.

You can see all of this at http://www.rules.house.gov/SpecialRu...px?NewsID=4134
even more goodness.

Another change requires $15 million in historic preservation funding for the National Park Service be set aside for Historically Black Colleges. It also waives the "institutional match" for these purposes - in other words - the schools aren't paying for anything

SAYYYY WHAT???? the national park service has to set aside money for "historically black colleges??"
J.A.B said:
Well at least the bill has been shut down for now - they will try agin next with a few changes


it passed the house yesterday. on to the senate.
tonyt said:
even more goodness.

SAYYYY WHAT???? the national park service has to set aside money for "historically black colleges??"

You like that one. laughing1 So National Park Service is now paying for Historical item's , I think money towards the National Park Service should go to National park's wouldnt that make since ??? :dunno:

With Biden as VP I think we will see alot of "National Park" , Land Management , BLM funding that will basically make our Public land more and more less public in nature. Kinda like

" Hey look here's some beautiful public land we can now NEVER ever walk on. " :wtflol:
I thought I saw on the new yesterday morning that it was shut down pending some changes - It was early in the morning and I was a bit hung over
more goodness.

Page 147 - "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" H.R. 1

"not less than $335,000,000 shall be used as an additional amount to carry out domestic HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually-transmitted diseased, and tuberculosis prevention programs

holy ****. wear a rubber. how ****ing expensive can this be????? ****, for that kind of money, every man in America should get a Federally provided and paid for assistant to put the ****ing condom on every time he has sex.

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