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This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

Heard about that last night. That is a ****ing hate crime and these BLM idiots should be treated as a hate group.
And not a soul did ****!! Them cock suckers remind me of buzzards.. Buncha pussies.. Makes me hate people even more. As God as my witness they would have to taze me to get me off of chokin him till blood snot bubbles came out of his nose. I would gladly be the guy that pushes the button, or pulls the lever, or what ever the fuk they do when they put someone to death. Man I have done some pretty ****ed up ****.. But ain't never Fukin hurt an innocent person. **** that.
" person of interest" my ass. Tha monkey was hangin out at the McDonald's prob all day. **** on them.
They will be judged one day. And oh when they do stand before the man .. That'll be the day. Shouldn't have even watched that ****.. One thing I bet we'd hear is ..
"He was a good boy, ain't never hurt no body". Pshhhh.
I heard about this yesterday and have a vet buddy that has done some homework and the guy that got beat is supposedly a turd that is a BLM supporter that's has been trying to run for some political office. Their saying this could be some kinda propaganda. All I`m saying is do some homework on the vet and make your opinion there. My buddy was in the mits of telling the me the story but, got called into a meeting. I haven`t had a chance to read up yet.
Let be clear either way I DO NOT condone this. I`m just saying somebody do some research here to see if we are having the wool pulled over our eyes here.
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

So here's what I gather from the surveillance. We have similar places all over our city where a group of Afros stand around, hoot and holler. Just sayin it puts me at a 95% adrenaline heart pump.

Why? Because they have proven to be dangerous. Now, I don't want to offend anyone, but especially being a war vet, do you not walk through the rest of your life with a smidge more of situational awareness than you did when you were just a civilian?

So it's obvious there was a crime committed.

The main thing I walk away from thinking after seeing the vid and reading the article is, do we go to the zoo and sit in the lion exhibit to read a book 50ft from juvenile lions??

No, we use our melons and deduct from previous experience and stories that a group of lions will instinctually harm you, maul you, rip your clothes etc.

So when you get hungry and you have to walk past a group of teenage black kids blocking the doorway to a restaurant, that's when you rethink how badly you want a Big Mac.

If Bernie were pres, he would unite us and make all of this go away. . . . .
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

All of this is being driven by the media and mostly celebrities. Watch almost any rap video or current hip hop artist and almost every one of them is sending a loud message to blacks.........kill whitey.

If that had been me, I'd be in jail right now with the media planting seeds of "was his this shooting racially motivated?". I've been a federal agent for 10 years now and in the Army for 11 years before this. I do not go ANYWHERE without a firearm. I will not allow anyone around me, or myself, to be a victim.

Just so everyone here knows this. If you're ever in a shooting, or situation like this, here's the 3 things that you must be able to articulate to justify using deadly force.

1. The threat must have the means of causing loss of life, limb, or eyesight to you or a 3rd party. The "Means" doesn't necessarily equal a gun, knife, axe, stick, ice pick or any other object. It can simply be their size, strength, fighting ability, influence of certain drugs (I've been in scuffles with 140 lb little guys that are either coke'd up or on meth........scary). The Means can also simply be that you are outnumbered.....like in this case, or you no longer have the stamina/strength to continue fight for your life.

2. The threat must have the opportunity to cause loss of life, limb, or eyesight. That's fairly simple.......example - if a person standing on one side of a fence and you're on the other side and he threatens you with a knife, and you shoot him........you're going to prison......there was an obstacle/barrier between you and him. Now, "opportunity" can be many different things, so don't get tunnel vision on my example.

3. The threat must display the intent to cause loss of life, limb, or eyesight. Basically, a verbal threat, a text, any kind of threat, or........intent can also be that you are pleading for them to stop beating you, but they continue with their actions. This covers non verbal communications as well.

In any case, regardless of how well you fight, shoot, experience, or whatever............afterwards, when you're arrested and questioned (because you will be, but at least you're alive) make damn sure you drive home the FACT that......I FEARED FOR MY LIFE, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!!!!!

If you're like me and you carry a firearm and you're not afraid to use, I recommend asking a lawyer to explain all of the above stuff to you. I have a very good understanding of it, but I'm not always capable of explaining it just right.
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

BPINAZ said:
make damn sure you drive home the FACT that......I FEARED FOR MY LIFE, I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!!!!!

Repeat after me and afix this in your mind: "I was in fear for my life and saw no reasonable means of escape" and "I want to talk to my lawyer".
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

JohnG said:
Repeat after me and afix this in your mind: "I was in fear for my life and saw no reasonable means of escape" and "I want to talk to my lawyer".

You hit the nail on the head John. The second part more so than the first. DO NOT make statements without your lawyer present. Period.
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

I do not know the guy that was beat up, but my brother texted me this morning upset because that was his assistant team leader on his last deployment. The guy is a war hero from what my brother has told me. I have no military background, but I trust anything my brother says because he is the most level headed and put together man I know. Black lives should matter, but only after blacks show that they matter. They kill the crap out of each other every day, but then scream BLM.

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This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

So the million dollar question Bpinaz is, being that your carry everywhere and you know going into a situation what could potentially happen, would you have gone into a McDonald's at night alone with a crowd of black loitering teenagers in the city?
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

LightBnDr said:
So the million dollar question Bpinaz is, being that your carry everywhere and you know going into a situation what could potentially happen, would you have gone into a McDonald's at night alone with a crowd of black loitering teenagers in the city?

Nope, I prefer Burger King......lol

Seriously, the best deterrence is avoidance. I don't live in fear, but I avoid situations like that. Also, I'm not the know all/do all, I just been alive long enough to know that I'm not that much of a badass to fight off 3 people.......but my sidearm is......lol

The advice I gave is to protect honest people. Let's face it, sometimes bad **** happens to good people. Sadly, the laws are so ****ed up that sometimes a good person is prosecuted for doing the right thing.
Re: This Should Piss Off EVERYONE

I understand. I wasn't in any way critiquing any advice you gave. I was really just hoping to confirm a point that especially someone who has combat experience walks through life a bit more alert than the average civilian.

Mainly saying everything you said is vital information. Though maybe the most powerful is learning to recognize a potentially hazardous situation and avoid it.

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