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*** URGENT: I need to borrow a trailer! ***

"as a matter of fact kiss my ass up in the crack" is what offended me. thats know way to talk to a feller.
smurfy90 said:
"as a matter of fact kiss my ass up in the crack" is what offended me. thats know way to talk to a feller.

OFFENDED ?? But it's ok for you to call someone a "FAWKTARD" ???
Remember the saying,,,, it takes one to know one ? :flipper:
blzrgb said:
OFFENDED ?? But it's ok for you to call someone a "FAWKTARD" ???
Remember the saying,,,, it takes one to know one ? :flipper:
Would have never had a reason to call you that. Til you went all bi-polar on someones thread. :gtfo:
WOW you guys are really off base. I wasn't celebrating. I wasn't bragging. That would be absurd for someone to do that. I was just explaining something which I find to be unfortunate. I guess I wasn't clear. It also happens to be the only reason he is selling it. That is all. Just explaining how the deal came about. If I wouldn't have bought it, he would have sold it to somebody else. I really feel for the guy; maybe I should have said that, but I figured you guys would know that without having it said to you.

Anyone who took offense to it: You have misinterpreted what I said. I understand how what I said could have been taken that way, but if you knew anything about me you wouldn't think it was even possible for that to be what I meant. And if you were an adult about it, you'd be civil. My father retired in 2004 with 35 years of service. He's my best friend. Every single male on my father's side of the family has been in the military, and served our country. All the way back to the Revolutionary War. So we are the epitome of a military family. Military is all I grew up with. My entire life, since childhood, I have always thought I would join. I always wanted to be a soldier. That was always the plan. But as I was about to graduate high school, my uncle and my father sat me down and talked me out of it. I won't get into the details, because frankly it's none of your business.

To the man who went off the handle about it: **** you. You seem extremely hostile about a situation that has nothing to do with you. On top of that, you are wrong about my intentions. You need to chill out, and think a bit more rationally about things. I do have pictures on this site of rigs that I own. So if you happen to come across me on the trail, I wouldn't suggest confronting me in the manner that you did on this thread. Again, being that you know nothing about me you probably don't know what I'm capable of. And I don't know what you are capable of either, so I won't be taking any chances. You seem crazy. I don't deal with crazies.

Let me reiterate something. I went to check out the truck. We talked military stuff the whole time. Spent 2-3 hours at his place on a work-night, and only about 30 minutes of it was about the truck. He was very straightforward about it, so I wasn't worried. Dad and I were more worried about how he got injured, how his life was after the fact, and how he would get himself out of the situation. On the drive home, my father and I talked more about Cody (the seller) than the truck. We didn't really talk about the truck until the next day. In fact, my father has made a few phone calls trying to see if he can help an EOD guy find something in the private sector. See, my dad is now a VP for a company that hires guys who get out of the military to pay them more to do the same job in the private sector.
American said:
...My dad is former military and they really related. I'm just a brat :flipoff1:
I think anyone who thought that I was bragging or celebrating the guy's misfortune should have read this part of my post a bit more closely.

"I'm just a brat" should have told you that I have some tiny amount of inadequacy feeling from not being in the military like all of the other men in my life. Which would then indicate my respect for military. I also mentioned my father and him "really related."

The rest of the post is simply explaining how it was a good deal.

Frankly, this whole hostility situation is disappointing.
ridered3 said:
Nothing like a littler hardline drama around here to stir the pot up a bit.
Ha ! You got that right. I feel like someone's gonna tell the principal on me or something. Maybe get to go home for 3 days.
AMERICAN...... I only read what you wrote and by that, it very much sounded like the way I took it.
So, **** you too.
I don't usually get worked up about something on the Internet. But that's some horrible **** to think I meant it that way.

One of my good buddies I grew up with was hit by a roadside bomb a few years ago. He was a Marine. We are close friends. So it's kind of pissing me off that people would think that's what I meant. On the other hand, I wasn't extremely clear. I guess it's just irritating that I'd have to spell out that I wasnt taking advantage of him and bragging about it. I kind of aasumed that the demographic on Hardline was conservatives who appreciate the military and would assume everyone else felt the same way. So I was operating under the assumption that we were all on the same page as far as things like that go. Maybe next time I won't give any details at all about anything and people can just wonder.

American said:
I don't usually get worked up about something on the Internet. But that's some horrible **** to think I meant it that way.

One of my good buddies I grew up with was hit by a roadside bomb a few years ago. He was a Marine. We are close friends. So it's kind of pissing me off that people would think that's what I meant. On the other hand, I wasn't extremely clear. I guess it's just irritating that I'd have to spell out that I wasnt taking advantage of him and bragging about it. I kind of aasumed that the demographic on Hardline was conservatives who appreciate the military and would assume everyone else felt the same way. So I was operating under the assumption that we were all on the same page as far as things like that go. Maybe next time I won't give any details at all about anything and people can just wonder.

:drinkers: :) I'm done too. NEXT !!!!!