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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
So I'm happily married with two cool children. One boy one girl. I think I'm good in the tricycle motor department. I have a little time off of work and seriously considering it.
Not that I'm trying to get medical advice from a bunch of scale squeezing, ass clowns (that's you guys) but if you had an experience good or bad post up.

Just do what they say and relax for 3-4 days afterwards. I made the mistake of going the next day (jacked up on pain meds thinking I was fine) and walked around a buddies junk yard. Wrong answer and was in bad pain for about another 2 days.
I got this done and it wasn't as pleasant as most folks say. I have broke a lot of bones and have no issue with that but something about sticking a needle in a ball sack is rough. The day of the appointment was a little stressful obviously. A pretty flamboyant gay guy comes in and says ..... Mm k I'm just gonna tape you penis to your stomach which was a weird as hell experience. So I'm laying there with the wife and this gay guy trying to make small talk with my **** taped to my stomach until the doctor comes in. Dr. finally comes in shoots my ball sack a couple times with the needle, waits till it kicks in and makes a tiny slit with a scalpel, takes what looks like an orange peeler and pulls out your nut string and burns it in half with a soldering iron and repeats on the other side. He then shows my wife the procedure is complete. It took me about three days to where it didn't feel like I was just kicked in the nuts. After all that they tell you to shoot off 20 loads before coming back to make sure you're shooting blanks. I didn't want to take a few months to wait on that deal so I tried to get that done as fast as possible which was a bitch because I only get a half hour for lunch. :rolf: They give you a brown paper sack and a plactic cup with a lid and said on your 21st one bring it in. The bad thing is when I took it back to the Drs. in their prescribed container and brown paper bag the lady at the counter was like...... What is this? I was like really lady seriously.

I'm kidding around some but I am glad I did it now I don't have to worry about having another kid and my wife can be off birth control which isn't healthy for them to be on forever either. And after that first week it was business as usual.
done it a coupe years ago just take it easy for a couple days you be good
Found this on the old interweb

What a Vasectomy is Really Like

So I did it. Got the snip -- the tiny tubes terminated -- pinched off the old baby batter blaster -- you get the picture. While it was (as every man who has ever had it done at least one year prior will tell you) a very simple and quick procedure, I would not ever in good conscience tell another man considering it that it was anything less than a miserable experience. Most guys (fellow blank shooters) I spoke with played it down and made it sound as easy and manly as getting a few stitches after a bar brawl -- well I beg to differ. Although, all the slice-snip-burn-sew blow by blow, step by step tales I was told were frighteningly similar -- and mine is no different:

THEY TAPE YOUR ****!!!- So after sitting slightly nervous and unquestionably cold in an ass-less gown for about 15 minutes -- periodically wiggling my pink pal just to shake out the shrinkage all the while being mindful not go full mast -- I mean who gets a hard-on in a cold doctor's office while waiting for some dude to rip open your sack and jam some scissors in the hole? Not this weirdo -- Anyhoo, the doctor & nurse bust in like they were trying to catch me jerkin' it (I'm too quick handed to worry about that) and get to work. I lay back, and ol' doc flips up the gown with the vigor and assuredness of a popular jock prom date -- pulls out and rips off about two feet of masking tape -- grabs my cock -- stretches it past my belly button -- and tapes it quite securely to my abdomen. In hindsight I think it's so my Johnson didn't retract into my pelvis as the pain, shame and discomfort slowly consumed me.

MEATBALLS IN A HOLE- The next step in prepping for the procedure was a generous coat of peroxide lathering my thighs -- then came the covering. The doc held up a dishtowel sized heavy cloth with a 3-4 inch diameter hole, well stitched and reinforced with a canvas-like material (you know, so your balls don't tear through it like wet toilet paper when they figure out what's about to happen to them). My freshly shaved scrotum poked through and also received an incredibly cold peroxide dousing. He says "this might get a little uncomfortable" and begins kneading and emulsifying my scrotum between his fingers looking for the right tube to terminate (there are a few on either side) and then came the needle. . .

YOU FEEL EVERYTHING- "You're probably going to feel a sharp pain and a some burning, but then you should not feel any pain from here on" -- Now, it's not that he was lying, but it's really not that simple. Needles don't bug me and a Novocaine shot is really not that high on the pain scale -- so far so good. Then he cut into my scrotum using some Chinese method I got a pamphlet on, but didn't give a **** enough to read about -- felt every bit of it, but it was not painful -- numb, but sensitive enough to know exactly what was happening down there without looking. He tears me open quite aggressively (still no pain, but discomfort was creeping in) and then the snip. . ...Ooooohhhhhh the snip. I could write a 2000 adjective only essay on the sensation that shot through my lower abdomen and there is not a woman on this planet that could read it and have even a slightest inkling of what I experienced in that very moment, but it only takes four words to let a brother know -- Kicked In The Balls. Not the initial contact pain like when the foot hits the ball or the balls slap the thigh or butthole, but the stomach ache fallout that follows. It's extreme nausea without the possibility of puking AND getting the wind knocked out of you without the breathing issue AND the cold sweats of a fever without the hot skin mixed with the sharp stinging sensation (and I'm assuming here) of being stabbed.

This was the point where I made the decision not to look up and see what was going on -- let me explain: It was during the birth of our first child that I discovered something about myself that had not previously occurred to me -- blood and gore does not phase me in person. I actually cringe sometimes when watching something particularly graphic in a movie or on TV, but when I peeked over the curtain while sitting beside my beautiful and insanely brave wife and (against the advice of the doctors and nurses in the room) peered directly into my wife's open abdomen -- did not feel faint or woozy or even the slightest bit phased witnessing the c-section birth of our daughter (I think that I am one in a very small group of men that can truthfully say that my wife is indeed beautiful both inside and out). And again for my son's circumcision (it's not mutilation if it can actually help him get laid when he is of sound mind and consenting age) where I watched wide-eyed and unflinching as they pinned back and peeled off the extra skin of my infant's penis without so much as nose crinkle. It surprised me -- I felt slightly faint in anticipation both times, but not even a knee buckle once the gore was in view. Now, after all that chest pounding I will humbly admit that I was in no condition and harbored no desire to attain so much as a glimpse of what this sadistic prick was doing to the closest friends of my taped dong.

EVER WONDER WHAT BURNT SCROTUM SMELLS LIKE?- I'm not totally sure exactly what was cauterized, but I smelled it. Didn't bug me -- it's the first thing every non-lethal sharpshooter out there told me about because it was so disturbing for them -- and because of that I was mentally prepared for it. It was weird though -- worth mentioning.

THERE ARE TWO- I am well aware that I'm no genius and this may just be common sense to most men out there -- maybe it's because I never gave it very much thought -- but it is a two part procedure and that did not initially occur to me. Two places to numb, two holes to cut, two tubes to snip and remove (which look like two small sections of spaghetti noodles -- which my doctor pointed out when he showed me commenting, "hope you weren't planning on pasta for dinner tonight" -- worth the co-pay alone) because most men have. . .everybody now. . .two balls. Duh. This was both surprising and disappointing to me as the first one is no picnic and after the full frontal sense assault I was in no mood to go through it again, but it was actually a lot easier. This time I was already entirely numb and I could identify each tug and snip as landmarks along the shameful journey and I knew exactly how many more pokes and puffs of flesh smoke were left until I could get out of there and get a burrito.

. . .AND THEN I PASSED OUT- Okay, procedure's over -- doc is gone -- nurse is gone -- and it quickly becomes (painfully) obvious that I did not shave above my penis as I rip the tape -- and my pubes -- off of my abdomen. That hurt, but detaching the tape from the loose skin of my now embarrassingly small and shriveled **** helped me to forget real quick. I was not in any pain, but I instinctively got dressed and walked out of the doctor's office (yes office -- no surgical room) like a 90 year-old with osteoporosis after a 2000 mile donkey ride. I think my ego/pride/mojo was more injured than my balls. I was texting my supportive mate to come pick me up, but looked up to see her popping up from a waiting room chair -- mojo back -- posture back -- let's go eat! We carefully walked to the car and headed to the pharmacy to pick up my new best friend for the next two days. Driving along I gave my better half a quick and g-rated rundown of the procedure and about 4 miles out the car began to close in on me. The corners got dark and I warned my bride that I was going to go under for a moment and then the entire conversation we just had played back in my head at a much higher volume and furious pace -- the screaming in my mind gave way to white noise and I came to slouched in my seat and looking over at an angelic, but severely concerned companion. If getting your balls fondled and shredded by another man doesn't **** with your self-esteem, passing out like a little girl shortly thereafter kind of closes the deal. Feel free to make fun of me.
That's some funny **** rite there !! (not laughing at you at all) I also had it done in the doctors office a woman Dr that my wife worked for for 20 + yrs the procedure went fine no pain or problem at all my embarrassment was the Dr and nurses were and still are personal friends they came in the door saying we have all been waiting for this day just to see what you are working with !! embarrasses me thinking about it even now its been 15-20 yrs ago
Bwahahahaha! That was one hell of a read! I have to imagine that having that procedure done is fairly uncomfortable... I don't have kids yet so i'm still firing potentially dangerous WMD's... But, I have had what they call a "hydrocele" which is a fluid filled sac on one of my boys that I had to have removed but I was under anesthesia and don't remember a thing except for about 2 weeks of excruciating pain afterward.
I got snipped about 17 years ago while my wife was pregnant with our last child. Like someone said....just follow the doctors orders and lay around couple days with a frozen bag of peas and corn on your junk and it'll all be good. :dblthumb:
Snipped just shy of 4 years ago.
Best thing ever and worth the EXCRUCIATING bad experience I had.

I'm a semi-ginger and have that chromosome that doesnt take well to anesthesia, IE it dont work. ****ing Dr. injected a full bottle of the **** into my junk, swollen up like GRAPEFRUITS!
They'd told me I could drive home afterwards so I didnt make arrangements. I almost died trying to get home, passing in and out of consciousness. Wife helped me fall out of truck at house. I didnt walk for a week.

Bad **** bro, but still totally worth it!
Worst part for me was when they pulled off the tape .... It ripped out my chest hair !!!
Seriously best move ever for me
personal friends came in the door saying we have all been waiting for this day just to see what you are working with !! embarrasses me thinking about it even now its been 15-20 yrs ago

Imagine preaching a sermon in a church and knowing some of your friends that are listening to you have seen your "how a man with no hands claps" joke after a bunch of Natty! Talk about embarrassed!!!
Had it done 6 years ago. I got lucky in that I had Kidney Stones and was already going under the knife (knocked the fuss out!!) so I don't remember ****! sat around for 2 days with the wife changing out bags of frozen peas and bringing me beers. After that I was good to go.

I will say this.....it was awkward as F&*K when I had to go back to jizz in the jar!! FINE A$$ little nurse didn't want to let my wife in the room with me. The look on her face and my wife's when I said "then you come take the sample" was PRICELESS :****: Needless to say she let the wife in to do the job.
Re: Vasectomy

Maybe I was lucky but it really wasn't a big deal. I played softball on a Tuesday night. Wednesday morning I went in and got the cut, snip, clip, burn and sew me up done. They gave me a Valium when I arrived so I had to have a driver. Rode home, laid on the couch all day Thursday with peas on my sack. Friday I gingerly walked around a little, went out for lunch then took it very easy until Monday when I went back to work. Of course I was mindful for a while but I played softball again the following Tuesday night. Never had another issue until the 6 week follow up visit for "testing". I'm gonna tell you that 6 weeks of no relief built up and that **** was not fun when the volcanic eruption ensued. After that there was no issue and I'm now 12 years of firing blanks.

I would do it again tomorrow if I was told it reversed itself or needed to be redone.

2010 Jim's Garage 4429
2012 Jim's Garage YJ
2013 Wide Open Design WFO
I got mine done in 2002 after unplanned kid #2. Wife was seriously pissed about me getting it done because she wanted more kids that I wasn't mature enough for nor could I support (I was only 23). Shaved my junk, and went in and had it done on a Monday morning. The entire procedure was painless, but you do feel a ton of pressure (like someone gently squeezing your balls in a vice) and then the smell of flesh burning then its over. My wife was so pissed I had it done she punched me in the balls when she got home from work that night. The next day I felt fine and went and did some moto's on my dirtbike.. Other than my balls being tender when sitting on the seat, it didn't really bother me at all. I felt good enough to drive to Atlanta the next day (8hrs) and try to qualify for the Atlanta supercross that weekend. Fast forward to Friday press day practice, and I seat bounced and cased the 3rd jump of a quad (same jump Kevin Windham broke his femur on the next day) and when I when my balls collided with the seat I seriously thought I would die the pain was so bad.. Within an hour my balls were the size of grapefruit and later turned a nice shade of black and blue that lasted about 2 weeks. The wife never noticed as she was so pissed she cut me off for almost 3 months
Re: Vasectomy

I had mine done just this past sept. So just before Christmas I could drive my Ferrari !!

My procedure was done no scalpel. Sounds like from the stories on here, my **** isn't big enough to get in the way. They never taped it down.

They snapped my sack with a lidocaine pen 5-6 times on each side to numb me up. Then poked a hole in my sack, put a small plastic hook inside and fished out each tube. Cut it, burned it, then clamped it with a little stainless clamp. Smelled nice.

No stitches. Just a gauze pad in my underwear.

Maybe all you guys work some kind of office jobs. I work outside all day on my feet. That whole couple days with a bag of peas and you're all good, horse ****.

It took every bit of 2 weeks before I was comfortable again. For sure 6 weeks before I was 100%

It was worth every second of discomfort. My wife doesn't have to be on birth control anymore. It's freakin awesome.

I wouldn't turn anyone away from it. You'll never regret it

PS: That's not your true experience is it...EddyJ ??
We just had our second and while she was pregnant we THOUGHT we might want more someday. Now we no we only can handle I mean want two. So we had the perfect opportunity to have her fixed (c section) but didn't. Now she wants me too but I said hell no. I just can't stand ppl looking or touching my junk. It makes me so awkward feeling just thinking about it. I'm sure I'd pass out. You'd thought I was forced to wear a bomb into a dr office when I go get a physical.
I have one. It was awkward talking to the doctor while he was playing with your dangling but it worked awesome it is well worth it. But absolutely do not jump out of the bed of your truck within the first three days they swell up like a balloon and turn black and blue.
Had it done 2yrs ago right after #3 baby happened. Went in for consult, 15mins later I was laying on a bed with my junk laid out for the Dr to work on. The needle in the sack was very intimidating for me. After they numbed things up I felt pressure but no pain, thankfully. Worst pain was afterward trying to get my body to relax from being tensed up. Felt like someone was squeezing my balls, saying cough. Had it done on Friday morning,took it easy til Monday and slowly got back into the swing of things. Played basketball on Tuesday, but I did not run maybe a couple of brisk trots but no running. After 2 weeks was pretty much 100%.

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