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Weapons of war


Oct 28, 2010
Rainsville, AL
CNN (on in the breakroom at work) just informed me that my AR15 is a legitimate weapon of war....

These anti-gunners are getting fawking crazy. Also saw where Trumpy Bear ordered Jeff Sessions to look into banning bump stocks back after the vegas shooting. I thought he wasn't gonna fool with firearms regulations? I don't really care for bump stocks, but I definitely don't care for any further regulations.

People are so damn ignorant on this topic, it's pathetic. One girl on Facebook stated that there's no way anything small enough to fit in her purse or pocket could defend her against something as powerful as an AR15. Apparently she needs a ballistics lesson.

One girl stated we should ban all auto and semi auto weapons like Australia did...then went on to ask what my problem was if I could still keep my handgun on my nightstand? Bitch thought semi auto was something special, military grade or something, that no average citizen should be able to have. I was like well if you ban semi autos, I will have no guns left....well except my pump shotgun and lever action youth .22lr.... and that will probably get rid of 3/4 of everyone else's too, as majority of people's guns ARE semi auto.

You've got a bunch of morons who know nothing about guns wanting to take them away for reasons they don't understand. I'm getting tired of reading/hearing the ****. Their voice seems to be getting louder and louder.

And what about the conspiracy theory of traveling crisis actors - same people showing up being interviewed from other school shootings and such. Could be bullshit, but it keeps popping up each time.

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Im seeing the same stuff, we're doomed, just wait till the tide pod eaters get a vote.. I really wont be surprised if a lot of voluntary "assault " weapon turn ins happen.. This is the beginning of another brady bill with the exception its gonna be a "republican" that signs the bill/law like clinton did. Trump is a sell out along with the nra, they agree that people shouldnt need a bump stock..... TRAITORS in my eyes,and I will never renew my membership. So many people are willing to give up rights.. I even read today optics planet wont sell any magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. Another sell out. All the hate on guns due to some ****ed up people.

Yep, nobody thinks for themselves, they're all little minions of the media. CNN said AR15's are the debbil, so they believe every word of it. The parents of the Parkland victims on camera shouting to Trump that the govt has not done enough, demanding them to step in. Fukkkkk....

Guess I need to start hoarding ammo and mags again.

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The far left democrats make me want to throw up and cut there head off, that shows how ignorant there are, the AR 15 is the devil! We'll ****, there is about 300 more guns out there that will do the same thing! Hell, I got a semi automatic 12 gauge with a 20 round drum, what about that **** with 000 buck shot? If anyone wants to know the truth and what's really going on, listen to Rush Limbaugh, he is on the radio between 11:00-2:00
I can go into a school/church with my kimber 45........pull the hammer back........lay it on the table.........it won't kill anybody until someone picks it up and pulls the trigger. People forget.....people kill people. They will use guns...knives....bombs.....poison gas......cars......what ever it takes. If I wanted to shoot up some place and could not go to a store and but a gun, I promise I could get one somewhere. It's all politics. I can promise you one thing.......these people who want to ban guns......let a rapist or home invation happen......if I'm standing close with my 45, that would say" shoot this som bitch"
Kel and I discussed this on here somewhere. A 12ga pump in the right hands can cause as much if not more damage. Slugs ain't no joke. And with proper reloading one can fire alot. Not gun ban or law will stop mass murder. It's gonna happen. All one can do is hope and pray they are one with the Lord if they get caught up.

How many kids now are are taught not to kill something unless you plan to eat it... My guess is less that 2% and those same kids understand gun safety and responsibility. It's really sad how much this great nation has changed over the past 20 years. Kinda makes me feel old.

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I agree with you both.

Hal hit one of my arguements dead on the head. Why is everyone so worried about AR15's when we also have bombs, planes flying into buildings, knives, driving trucks into crowds, etc. The common denominator is crazy people doing crazy ****, you cannot legislate that out of the equation.

Also, everyone seems to try to drive this AR15 crap home with all the senseless deaths caused by them. How many fawking cars do they want to ban to prevent senseless deaths from DUI related accidents? Over 10k people die per year, both innocent and guilty, from DUI related accidents. The only difference is CNN is not driving stories down our necks about the innocent family of 5 killed by a drunk driver. Why are kids lives seemingly more important if they die by getting shot in a school or in the back seat of a minivan when hit by a drunk driver? It's the same ****, but nobody is screaming ban cars, ban booze, or whatever to stop that....and it kills an average of 29 people per day in the US.....way more than mass shootings.




I to am tired of hearing all of the crap, these dumb school kids can not even add and subtract, let alone tell the difference in an assault rife....

And when they find out that an AR can shoot 5.56 and 2.23 they are going to need a SAFE SPACE! They have not lived enough Life to be in the arena of Policy.

Hell they can't even find there way to Panama City Beach with out asking Mommy and Daddy for money, a phone, a car and a GPS so they can find there way....and they think there smart enough to help craft Gun Policy...RIGHT....Grow up and learn something. I also feel like We "America" are being suckered, we are constantly being fed propaganda. Everyday We get manipulated to think a certain way, act a certain way, and spend our money a certain way. I am tired of everyone being a Victim.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Clearly they need a history lesson, this amendment is to protect "THE PEOPLE" from its government and to protect the RIGHT to LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT of HAPPINESS.

Criminals LOVE Gun control!
All of this has nothing to do with guns as far as the media is .concerned. It is all about energizing the youth against the GOP. They need the youth votes next time around and they will sell their souls to get them.
Hmmmmm......ar 15 minus a r10= 5 times less dangerous ..........I wonder how many banners knows how much "more" capable of killing an a r10 is that an ar 15 .
Elliott said:
All of this has nothing to do with guns as far as the media is .concerned. It is all about energizing the youth against the GOP. They need the youth votes next time around and they will sell their souls to get them.
Yep, that's the reason most all blacks, illegal immigrants, and young stupid people are democrats, that's the people they target and promise the world for votes.
I heard a really good one this morning. The guy said "A gentlman (can't rember the name he used) did a study in 1981, and found that the US Gov. had considered deploying the AR15 during the Vietnam war. :rolf: Had they done so, more vietcong, would have been killed, saving American Soldiers lives. This is the weapon, killing school children in this country". WTF :****:
zukimaster said:
. I'm just a dumb ole county boy, I don't get your sarcasm? What do you mean

Think he means making any guns illegal ain't gonna stop people killing other people. Kinda like how drugs are illegal, but.......

There's so many damn guns in the US now, it wouldn't matter what they banned or made illegal, there'd be a hell of a black market.
Guys I heard this all day traveling.....

First off, the kid killing other kids- terrible!
Now regardless of AR, pistol, or knife he was hell bent on hurting people.

I look at this and wonder, I go in auto plants everyday. I can't even get in until goto a central location and get badged in or someone opens the gate and I walk in.
When are people going to apply same logic to schools? Between badge readers, different fences, or whatever method this will help. I know making schools add this will freak people out and cause budget to rise but pretty sure I'd pay to protect kids vs raise taxes for some bs reason lawmakers make up.

Being in Texas, some schools have teachers/ faculty that are armed. What great idea- have someone who can re-act to elimate the threat.

I hate hearing this it's the guns, well then sugar should be outlawed, beer/alcohol should be outlawed....

Sorry guys but I'm so over this, media crap.....

A lot of these people have got the mind set that the .gov and police will keep us safe. They forget that their own safety is 100% in there own hands. They will never understand they are soft targets when out in large places, everyone basically is at a big event.
We have been so blessed to live in America, where we do not see a war torn country. They will keep voting and acting like sheep, until we have a major event, that changes the course this country is on. The politicians have turned everything into a political football and will do anything to pull on the heart strings.
It is just a big push to cripple this country and the gun control nuts have no clue, as long as they have googlefaceinstatweet, they never will. Now stop and think about the people you know who had no indoor plumbing growing up, no grass in the yards, cause that would take away from living. They will never understand what is to truely survive and yet we are not many years from that. We could discuss all day long about how gun control, will save no one and will not stop a mass shooting. They will not let facts get in the way of gun control. The fbi dropped the ball, they got tips on this guy, but they were to busy trying to convince us the Russians stole the election. This time with the kids out on cnn, ot has me worried and i may get me ar10.
But until we get back to a good family system, this will never stop

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