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what to do with a dog that bites?

doctordick said:
How about finding a different home for the dog? If it's a registered or purebred dog a breeder may be interested in taking him (live out his days all up in some *****, we should all be so lucky) or maybe some farmer who can just let him do his thing. I had an Aussie and she was a great dog, extremely loyal and protective, smart as hell and always wanting to please. On the other hand she was pretty much a 1 person dog, not too sociable with anyone else. They're bred to work, go full speed all day, every day and if they can't they get grouchy. If your brother is set on keeping the dog, he needs to be sure that it has the opportunity to run it's ass off every day and get it clipped, that really calms them down.

It's a purebred female and she is already fixed. Most days she goes to work with my brother and runs around the shop all day. She did nip the UPS guy on the ass one day when she went (first time she had seen a democrat). Shes very smart and well behaved unless she's been inside all day then she will drive you crazy running around the house. A friend of ours brings his 3-4 year old son over all the time. She gets excited and wants to play with him because he runs around. My brother gets him to stand still for a minute so she can lick him then she goes on with what she was doing. Over all you would never think that she had a mean bone in her body but she's had these random acts that come out of nowhere.
wont work said:
I have seen first hand a dog put to sleep (not my dog) and it looks way more painful than one shot to the head. It is no fast process and the dog is fighting for its life the entire time. After seeing it I said I would never put a dog to sleep again.

This is wrong

I was with my girlfriend and her bulldog when he was put to sleep.
He had got to where he couldn't get up and had a enlarged heart.
We had to tote him outside to the bathroom for 2 months before the vet could talk her into putting him to sleep.
She got him as a pup and had him for 13 years.

The vet actually put him to sleep as if he were going to do surgery first.
He fell asleep while we petted him and started snoring.
Vet told her when she was ready he would give him the next shot or she could still change her mind.
When she said ok the vet gave the 2nd shot and within a min he just quit snoring and was gone.
Very peaceful
i agree with Budget YJ, I had to have a dog put down after it got hit by a car. The whole process went just like he described it.
We have had the Vet put horses down they will be gone before the needle is pulled out same with a dog
doctordick said:
i agree with Budget YJ, I had to have a dog put down after it got hit by a car. The whole process went just like he described it.
Yep, my mother had a dog put down a year or so ago and it went the same way. Very humane.
doctordick said:
i agree with Budget YJ, I had to have a dog put down after it got hit by a car. The whole process went just like he described it.

Not what i witnessed. The dog acted like it was fighting for its life. Im not saying this is how it is done all the time but that is what I witnessed.
wont work said:
Not what i witnessed. The dog acted like it was fighting for its life. Im not saying this is how it is done all the time but that is what I witnessed.

Sounds like that's the guy we need to execute criminals!!
I would just give it to someone who knew it wasnt too freindly.. i wouldnt put it down. i dont think i could ever do that
This is just my .02. Blue Heelers, Red Heelers, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies are herding dogs. Every one I have ever been around of each of these breeds are ONE owner dogs. Meaning there is only one person that they recognize as their master, they are working dogs, it is in their blood. Some are more mild mannered than others, but most will react as their bloodline intended. I am not saying that in no way this is an excuse for the dogs reaction, but these dogs are for the most part "work only" breeds. I also believe that this particular dog may have issues with her sight/hearing thus making her react before she thinks things through. This is a tragic occurrence and I believe this dog should at least be checked by a vet to determine if her senses are intact before she is put down. For her sake and the owners piece of mind. thumb.gif
if you think the dog will ever bite again , ship him to the White house.
there is a whole family up there he could nibble on....
they look well done too !
Just go ahead and end it for the dog....it will not get any better. My neighbor had a german shepherd and it was alway agressive to everyone except the owners and for no reason. It wasn't a territorial thing he was just a bastard dog. When I was 9 the dog almost removed my right knee cap for a chew toy I guess. Bad part was, it tried to pull me in the dog house with it! Me and the kid same age as me couldn't get it off me but his dad fixed that problem with a 12 guage to the head while it still had my leg in its mouth !!! Luckily he didn't think twice about it! Got lucky and my knee is fine still with very minimal scaring. I have had several dogs over the years and have two now I love a lot but that **** happens they good as dead!!!
maybe we should kill people that make 1 mistake too.I think thats a little rough to shoot the dog ,how bout getting off without killing it,HE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE A 12G ON HIM? alot of young kids that get bit are asking for it,messing with the dog and doing **** to it...So your saying if your kid was messing with the dog and got bit you would still shoot it? you have to consider why someone gets bit...
gray tj said:
maybe we should kill people that make 1 mistake too.I think thats a little rough to shoot the dog ,how bout getting off without killing it,HE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE A 12G ON HIM? alot of young kids that get bit are asking for it,messing with the dog and doing **** to it...So your saying if your kid was messing with the dog and got bit you would still shoot it? you have to consider why someone gets bit...

This wasn't a one time occurrence. Once, maybe I'll let it slide, depending on the situation.
Twice, and both being his owners, nope. Dog has to go.

And when I say go, I'd have him put to sleep as well. It's more humane.
gray tj said:
maybe we should kill people that make 1 mistake too.I think thats a little rough to shoot the dog ,how bout getting off without killing it,HE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE A 12G ON HIM? alot of young kids that get bit are asking for it,messing with the dog and doing **** to it...So your saying if your kid was messing with the dog and got bit you would still shoot it? you have to consider why someone gets bit...
IT IS A DAM DOG ! not a human thats alot of whats wrong people think more of dogs than they do humans
Update. The second time last weekend wasn't a bite. She scratched him a little bit when he jumped up since she gets excited and wants to play constantly. He over reacted because of the prior incident and the fact that he's a puss.
gray tj said:
maybe we should kill people that make 1 mistake too.I think thats a little rough to shoot the dog ,how bout getting off without killing it,HE JUST HAPPENED TO HAVE A 12G ON HIM? alot of young kids that get bit are asking for it,messing with the dog and doing **** to it...So your saying if your kid was messing with the dog and got bit you would still shoot it? you have to consider why someone gets bit...

Dear gray tj,

First off no, the dogs owner wasn't just sitn on the front porch drinkn a ice cold sweet tea with a 12 ga sittn at his side, nor was it nestled ever so gently above the back door on a gun rack loaded and waiting for the dog to bite the next sumbitch who happened to neander his way by the porch ....even though we are known around these parts to do that. He was in the house, maybe watching the newest episode of American Gladiators since it WAS 1989, I don't know?? (I always loved that show) The back door was only a few feet from the dog house near the back of the house. ME and his son was in the back yard ****in' off as most 9 year old kids do. The dog was not provoked in any way since I knew not to try and even pet the dog let alone try and play with the anal bastard! If I was messing with the dog and pissed him off, beating on him or something of that nature then yes, I would have deserved it and he would have been killed for no reason. Thats not what is being discussed here though....the original posters wife was bitten for the hell of it he said! Just as many people have been... NOT COOL !!!
Therefore........... this is not your case of some little kid "pokin a tiger" as it wasn't the case with the original poster either as stated !!!!
And to answer your question? yes! dogs are mans best friend, I truly beleive that. If they can't act like it then they need to be delt with, especially when there are young children involved and again, if the one mistake is bad enough that someone makes.......yep, killem! Prisons are too damn full of rapist and **** anyways costing us $$$$$$$$$$,
I beleive that would constitute as a justifyable cause!
By the way, I wouldn't have even typed this response.... except for the fact you questioned about the gun..............I like guns! :flipgotcha: ;D

And 85toyo.....I'm glad it wasn't another bite and I hope your wifes doing well!

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