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women and puking


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
I can't decide if I am a wimp, women are wimps, or women are tough as nails.

Pretty much all women I have ever known puke way more often then most men I know or I do. To women it seems like just a boring, regular occurrence sometimes. My wife will just get up out of bed, go puke, and get back in. I'm like, "Holy **** are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Tummy was just a little upset."

I rarely puke. I never puke as a mundane action. If I am puking it is because I am so sick that I can barely ****ing move. I exorcise demons when I puke. It is loud and anyone in the house is liable to call the police if they don't know what is going on. If I am puking I am in some of the worst pain of my life. Forget going to work. Work could ****ing burn down, I would not care. If I am puking, there is a valid chance that I may be on my death bed. I do not have a weak stomach. I may get so sick that I puke only about every few years. It is the end of the ****ing universe when I do puke though.

But to women is seems like just a mundane, semi-regular occurrence. They're good to go to work most of the time and they'll just do it once and be over it. Are women just super-tough? Or are they super-weak for puking so often in the first place? I don't get it. Is puking for women less, equal, or more painful than for men? Why do they do it so much?
My wife and I are total opposite of you and yours. I'll make myself puke after too many cold ones, but my wife will do everything she can to hold it in even when sick.
Anything that bleeds 12 weeks out of a year and don't die, hell ya they are tough, or the devil one.
My wife is a pukey kid. Pukes at smells, sights, sounds...

Back in college she worked at NAPA, more than once she went out to run a delivery and the last person that drove the delivery truck had left a fart closed up in it.. She'd jump back, puke in the grass or bushes, then roll out.

If I puke, I'm basically at the point I need to go to the hospital, either from severe illness, or too much alcohol.
TBItoy said:
My wife is a pukey kid. Pukes at smells, sights, sounds...

Back in college she worked at NAPA, more than once she went out to run a delivery and the last person that drove the delivery truck had left a fart closed up in it.. She'd jump back, puke in the grass or bushes, then roll out.

If I puke, I'm basically at the point I need to go to the hospital, either from severe illness, or too much alcohol.

You may have been close at the hardline ride. :rolf:
Man my woman does the exact same thing, she just pukes for no good reason or say boy I feel sick to my stomach I feel like puking, I always tell her to see a dr but she won't, she doesn't eat right, might eat a piece of toast for the day but can house a bag of candy in no time, I think it's her diet cause she's always sick in stomach, and skinny as hell to boot, me I never puke unless I drank way too much or too much bootleg, can't remember last time I puked from being actually sick

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Nah I was still talking. :dunno:

Damn I HATE being that drunk now. I drank like 4 bottles of water when I crawled in the truck to sleep. Woke up feeling fine.

That damn Forty Creek did me in.
It's not that I ever have to hold it in. I literally almost never feel the need to puke. If I do it is only because the Satan-virus is inside of me.
And hammered-drunk doesn't count. You done poisoned yourself if that's why you're puking. That's your own fault.
My wife became a pro during her pregnancy. She would be driving, pull up to a stop sign, open the door and puke then keep driving. I was amazed.
When I puke I hold it in till I'm sweating and the room is spinning. Then it's like I push it out. Followed by dry heaving and usually some shitting involved.
I've had my inlaws over and went and got a motel room by myself so I could puke/**** in private. :****:
If my wife starts, then we have to go to the er for an iv because she will not stop. But the only time we will is if we are deathly sick or food poisoning
I have no problem pulling the trigger to avoid a hangover after a night of boozin'

Its also how I look so damn good in a speedo

Same here JJ, every couple of years, 3-5 maybe will I get sick enough to throw up. I'm upper 30's now so the drinking ones have gone away, but the sickness ones are horrible. I have to lay there for a couple hours and think I might need to take the cyanide capsule before I crawl to the toilet and don't move for lots of hours. VIOLENT too. Painful, broken capillaries in your eyes painful. Wife if a little that way, just not as violent. She def doesn't act as if its no big deal, but her body doesn't act the same way as mine from a virus. My boy is 7 and has only vomited twice in his life, and it was no big deal either time. I mean even as a baby. Iron gut. puked once as a 1 year old in his bed, then again at 5 on the way to a birthday party. He didn't care he was sick, was PISSED he didn't get to go to the party and was trying to play it off he was fine. Only puked once. If I'm sick enough to throw up, go ahead and clear my schedule for about 12 hours. I'll be here dry heaving after all the bile is gone from my stomach via my nose
My puking is like violent as well, like insides are cramping up and tied in a knot, and there is no holding it back, when it's coming it is projectile, splash toilet water in your eyes sounding like a monster from a horror movie growl nearly blacking out blowing chunky **** out of the nose violent. I ate some bad spicy hot chicken wings one time, after throwing them up my sinuses were bad messed up for a week, you only think that **** is hot on your tongue, snort some and see how you like that! skully laughing1

Been out deep sea fishing, 80+miles in the gulf, and was sick as hell both times when I was a kid, I was fine as long as the boat was moving between spots, but when we stopped to fish I was puking or dry heaving. At the time I though I would be fine with just dying then and there it was so bad. :p That's the only times I have ever been sick on a boat.

My friends say I sound like a pissed of grizzly bear when I'm getting sick. They all find it rather amusing.

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