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rock mafia

Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2008
Went up Thurs afternoon, got back today.

Looks like a damn cool, but cold trip. That cruiser is tits, and Gregs flop off that big rock looked like it may have been wet....
InDaShop said:
Looks like a damn cool, but cold trip. That cruiser is tits, and Gregs flop off that big rock looked like it may have been wet....

60's during the day, high 30's at night with a full moon, no rain. Perfect wheeling weather.
If Greg wasn't worried about scratching his paint he wouldn't have flopped. Looks like a great weekend, how many did Your turn claim? I hope Mark was able to get his revenge on it.
Nice pics Jim, you guys took some badass lines on Mason Jar! I also like the cab trucks line on Lion's Den, nice! Question, what trail is this?

kid rok said:
If Greg wasn't worried about scratching his paint he wouldn't have flopped. Looks like a great weekend, how many did Your turn claim? I hope Mark was able to get his revenge on it.

I can't drive is why I flopped everyone else went through there withoout issue. thumb.gif

We skipped your turn this trip, we had a lot of guys who don't get to ride too much and we didn't want to ruin their trip with our possibly broken ride up that trail. We had 7 rigs most days and rode everything but Your turn, under estimated, and crawfords cry...we got the rest of them though. Most of us rode thursday night -Saturday night.
kid rok said:
If Greg wasn't worried about scratching his paint he wouldn't have flopped. Looks like a great weekend, how many did Your turn claim? I hope Mark was able to get his revenge on it.
The last time I ran can opener I did the same line with the same result. If I don't go high on that rock the driver side rock catches my b-pillar.

Ah screw that, let's go with Greg can't drive. ;D
BTW, is that the same girl John took to DPG/Oasis last time? If so, it's the first time I've seen him with a repeat. :eek:
vanguard said:
BTW, is that the same girl John took to DPG/Oasis last time? If so, it's the first time I've seen him with a repeat. :eek:

I'd say thats really none of your concern.
good time, things there are tougher when wet. can't wait to go back, definetly my favorite wheeling spot. greg and mark know how to make people look bad.
pheery said:
good time, things there are tougher when wet. can't wait to go back, definetly my favorite wheeling spot. greg and mark know how to make people look bad.

I'd have to say Jeremy did more of that with the low budget aproach.
Did ya'll hit the new trails we made last time? I take it no pizza deliveries on this trip, good times.


I'd call it Crotch Rock.
more coming


I thought you guys were the cool kids in NC until I saw Rich's Cruiser in that video pepper.gif

That place looks really fun!
http://media.putfile.com/harlanneed-valve-seals Yes I know, it's my 99k mile motor... :flipgotcha:

http://media.putfile.com/Harlan-big-perm--you-had-it- my favorite.