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No cell phone?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
Kenton Delaware
Could you live without one?

A spin off another thread......I know I could, just last year I went without one for about four months while having a dispute with the warranty on my phone. I didn't mind it one bit. In fact if it wasn't for the wife nagging me, I probably wouldn't got another one.
Some times it goes a few days before I use it now.... And that's just to see if the battery is dead. A couple of of times I've left it at work over the weekend and didn't realize it till Mon morning.
I do like to have it on me while driving especially on a long run just in case.
On weekends it sits on the kitchen counter while I'm out in the shop.
I like using mine and view it as a valuable tool but I get excited when I break or lose it and have to go without one for awhile.

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Nope....gotta have it. It monitors everything that goes on at my work... Stock market... Emergency stuff... GPS... Transactions on credit cards...purchases. You name it it keeps me updated on everything.
I tossed mine in the pond last September. Took the whole month off. No one died, my store didn't fail and I didn't miss it one bit. When my kids are grown, I will toss my phone back in the pond for good.

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I remember before cell phones, I carried rolls of quarters with me in my car, while visiting customers. I had to stop at a payphone twice a day and call the office to get my messages, then call folks back on said payphone. Then pagers came along and so on. I for one like having access to just about everything I need or want at my finger tips. Why go backwards, I think you could ask the same question about any technology, what about no electricity? People made it just fine without a lot of conveniences, sure you can do it, but, why would you want to. Just my opinion.
Preppers are always saying "when the grid goes down...", I think having google is the crutch that will kill us all. I had this same thought a couple years ago so I researched solar, hydroponics, crops, reloading, root cellars, primitive construction, gassifiers, meat curing, etc, and put it all into a binder.
Becuse of that I have no real need for a phone except for the entertainment and fellowship this forum and our limpline group text provides. That, and the kiddo camera.
I still have a "flip phone", could easily go without it. It is nice to have when I get stuck or break down out in the middle of nowhere while feeding cows and it is 30 below though.
I can understand needing it running a business but on a personal level I don't see a need to be in contact all the time. The same way as I look at facebook.....It's nice to see what's going on from time to time ( Weekly ) But I don't really care what your eating right now for dinner.
Take today for example.... A friend I haven't seen in eight years stopped by and we talked for hours....Sure we could have done it by phone/text/tweeter/facebook in about ten minutes.....It's not the same and never will be.
I hardly ever carry mine into work. It stays in my truck till i get off. I do like to text people im the evenings after work. But yes i could go with out mine. Im not that attached to it. But yes i agree it is a very handy tool to have to workd at your finger tips. But iv only had a iphone for about two years. I lived just as good before i had one
I HATE MY PHONE!!! If it were up to me I'd take zero incoming calls and return the ones I want, and have someone at my store call others back! :****:

Edit, and a special in call number for about 8-10 people.
Can't do without mine. Probably need to. I literally have it glued in my hand at all times. I despise it but it is like smokeing, it just fits and is a habit now. :'(

Nope, vital tool used too frequently. And there's nothing wrong with that. Kinda like DVR....once you have it for a while you'll never do without it. Could I live without it? Sure. But why would I need to? Technology is a good thing unless you make it a bad thing.

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Re: Re:

TacomaJD said:
Nope, vital tool used too frequently. And there's nothing wrong with that. Kinda like DVR....once you have it for a while you'll never do without it. Could I live without it? Sure. But why would I need to? Technology is a good thing unless you make it a bad thing.

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For instance, I am listening to December by Collective Soul, typing this on Tapatalk, about to upload beer pic below, while taking a big steamy deuce at home. Now how boring of a deuce this would be without my phone....haha


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I still have a flip phone and make-receive 70 to 100 phone calls a day at work. Also take a tablet to work to check emails and text's . I'm going to retire in five years and have an auction for all my equipment. When my last track hoe sells, I'm going to borrow it from the new owner and dig a deep hole..... And guess what!
Very easily ,I unplugged from TV years ago and powered my phone down 6 months ago. It stays fully charged and in my truck because I always have the kids with me and like to have it on hand if I need it but with that said the oldest has one so even when one is needed I let him call mom ect. I have cut down on interaction with most and it is by design. Ftw
Re: Re: No cell phone?

RockHales said:
Very easily ,I unplugged from TV years ago and powered my phone down 6 months ago. It stays fully charged and in my truck because I always have the kids with me and like to have it on hand if I need it but with that said the oldest has one so even when one is needed I let him call mom ect. I have cut down on interaction with most and it is by design. Ftw
The last two posts nailed it. I checked my phone this morning, have someone scheduled to stop by the house this afternoon. If they show up, great. If they do not, I still have a full days work to do. I'd get half as much done if I brought my phone along for the journey.

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If it were not for work I could do without it. Makes life lots less complicated and when the wife actually has a dead battery she has to talk to me. Otherwise I cannot get 2 words out of her that I can focus on. Haha
TacomaJD said:
For instance, I am listening to December by Collective Soul, typing this on Tapatalk, about to upload beer pic below, while taking a big steamy deuce at home. Now how boring of a deuce this would be without my phone....haha


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You take big steamy deuces in more company than I'm comfortable with.