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The boxes are a very good idea I'm all for them! If they are only going to be controlled by SRRS then the competitors shouldn't have to buy the box. It's no different then renting a transponder or tracker in other series. The option to buy the harness and mounting brackets should definitely be available though. If you are required to buy the box it should come with the radio so it can be used during other events not requiring it but as added safety their crew can provide for the crowd and the competitor. Everyone understands that at the SRRS races SRRS would be in control!
RWI said:
The boxes are a very good idea I'm all for them! If they are only going to be controlled by SRRS then the competitors shouldn't have to buy the box. It's no different then renting a transponder or tracker in other series. The option to buy the harness and mounting brackets should definitely be available though. If you are required to buy the box it should come with the radio so it can be used during other events not requiring it but as added safety their crew can provide for the crowd and the competitor. Everyone understands that at the SRRS races SRRS would be in control!

Agree with you 110% They want to be safe, then they need to invest the money into it. Don't pawn it off on the drivers. SRRS has alot of work into putting these events on, but they also bring in a **** ton of cash! The drivers already have a fawk load invested to attend these events, between the buggy, parts, tires, break downs on the way there, fuel, trucks, trailers, I could go on and on... With the little payout that they are going for these guys won't be around for long. If they want to put on a show, they have to start taking care of the drivers that do that.
RWI said:
The boxes are a very good idea I'm all for them! If they are only going to be controlled by SRRS then the competitors shouldn't have to buy the box. It's no different then renting a transponder or tracker in other series. The option to buy the harness and mounting brackets should definitely be available though. If you are required to buy the box it should come with the radio so it can be used during other events not requiring it but as added safety their crew can provide for the crowd and the competitor. Everyone understands that at the SRRS races SRRS would be in control!

Maybe SRRS should make the drivers start buying insurance for every race like they do in Ultra4 racing.
muddinmetal said:
Safety is awesome, but more rules & regulations are like big government & Nascar.... taking something we all used to love (America & Racing), and turning it into something the little guy is no longer a part of & can barely tolerate

Scary how close this is to what I wanted to say but didn't cause I didn't want to hear all the bullshit.
pholmann said:
Scary how close this is to what I wanted to say but didn't cause I didn't want to hear all the bullshit.
Muffinmetal is a known scale squeezer nobody gonna poke that bear! :fish:
No matter what it takes I don't ever want to see anybody get hurt. When you are strapped into your rig with all of your gear on it becomes hard to see to the sides. I have seen situations where a driver was trying to save himself from a flop and could have driven threw a crowd of people. I think this is a good call no matter what the cost.

"Change is always met with a certain amount of apprehension. It's how we deal with that apprehension to meet the change that determines what type of person you are. "
What I don't understand is why people that don't race or will never race have to put there 2 cents in to a conversation that doesn't involve them.
If anyone that is interested in racing and would be like to get on a list to rent a box. Please text 901-277-4567
Freaknick said:
What I don't understand is why people that don't race or will never race have to put there 2 cents in to a conversation that doesn't involve them.
If anyone that is interested in racing and would be like to get on a list to rent a box. Please text 901-277-4567

Part of it is the fact that this isn't about the racer, the spectator or the promoter. It is about all of them. If you think this series would be where its at without any part of those three things mentioned, you have lost your mind. So, everyones opinion is valid, unless you have a hat on thats a bird. If so, then your point is no longer valid due to said bird hat.
hayitsray said:
I think it's a great ideal I wish Brandon had one on up at rush when pedal stuck even if it puts me out of racing SRRS I still think it's a great ideal just wish it was more affordable :driving:

Hey your back. Why is your screen name different again.
June dog said:
TacomaJD said:
Just another reason to not give a **** about racing.

Best quote in this thread. Couldn't agree more.

I disagree once again. These parks hold races. One huge incident could shut down these places you like to ride. Have you guys checked on the prices that they have to pay for insurance? We are a sue happy society where an incident, no matter who is at fault, will bring out lawyers and at least settlements.
It Seems like the easy way to handle it would be for srrs require the racers to provide the wiring and then they (srrs) should provide a couple of boxs and move them from rig to rig as they race.
This will probably not settle with some but it is what it is. If 1k dollars makes it so you can't race then in all honesty you probably couldn't afford to race anyway. I see people destroy their buggies then order a couple thousand dollars worth of parts to just do it again the next weekend.
Racing here in the South is cheap compared to most other forms of racing . I mean sure SRRS could up the entry fee and cover the cost of all the boxes then you guys would complain about that. If you think SRRS is just making a ton of money then you truly don't know what all it takes to put on a race series.
If you want the series to grow and bring in much larger companies then safety has to improve.
Re: Re: Re: SRRS

Beerj said:
1k seems awful salty considering what it does. Granted it's gotta be reliable and work EVERY SINGLE TIME but part of me thinks there's a cheaper, equally reliable option.

Neal3000 said:
It Seems like the easy way to handle it would be for srrs require the racers to provide the wiring and then they (srrs) should provide a couple of boxs and move them from rig to rig as they race.

I've been wondering for a while when we would see a thread like this.

If everyone who was going to race bought a cheap aftermarket keyless entry and installed it (as a remote kill device), and either grounded the ignition or interrupt the ignition, all they would have to do his hand the remote(s) to one of the safety crew...

Power, ground, and then interrupt/ground one wire on rig...simple

Easy, cheap, and no reason everyone should not be required for the small expense.

sent from an anus from an asus
Cole said:
This will probably not settle with some but it is what it is. If 1k dollars makes it so you can't race then in all honesty you probably couldn't afford to race anyway. I see people destroy their buggies then order a couple thousand dollars worth of parts to just do it again the next weekend.
Racing here in the South is cheap compared to most other forms of racing . I mean sure SRRS could up the entry fee and cover the cost of all the boxes then you guys would complain about that. If you think SRRS is just making a ton of money then you truly don't know what all it takes to put on a race series.
If you want the series to grow and bring in much larger companies then safety has to improve.
. Straight Bible! Always wanted to say that.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but I will not take my daughter to a race until safety is improved. I would keep her out of harms way. However I would not want her to witness someone else getting hurt. That would make her think I may get hurt on a weekend joyride.

You got to pay to play, don't like it, go riding with a buddy at a different park that weekend.
Cole said:
This will probably not settle with some but it is what it is. If 1k dollars makes it so you can't race then in all honesty you probably couldn't afford to race anyway. I see people destroy their buggies then order a couple thousand dollars worth of parts to just do it again the next weekend.
Racing here in the South is cheap compared to most other forms of racing . I mean sure SRRS could up the entry fee and cover the cost of all the boxes then you guys would complain about that. If you think SRRS is just making a ton of money then you truly don't know what all it takes to put on a race series.
If you want the series to grow and bring in much larger companies then safety has to improve.

Cole I respect your opinion,but what really bothers me the most is cost and it can only be used at SRRS. I work with wireless remotes daily. http://www.daltonhydraulic.com/dalton-wireless-remote-3-or-4-wire-250-max-range This unit would be over kill for an iginition cut off and it cost les than 1/3. I agree with the safety requirements and understand the consequences of not having them. I just don't like being forced to by a piece of equipment. If the cost price was logical then i would not be writing this. Someone is profiting greatly and sneakily in my opinion. If i can rent one ,then i will be happily racing. If not i might still suck it up and race.
With the "show" that some of these drivers put on, you know, to get YouTube vids and such, I don't see it preventing anything. These drivers are all up
In the throttle during rolls and whatever in search of that ever pleasing crowd roar and YouTube highlight. As close as the crowds are, and being on steep hills, how will someone with the "Kill Button" be able to actually know to shut one down before a buggy goes off into a crowd?? It's not like it applies the brakes when it activates.

I'd also be willing to bet there are some drivers who won't ever get "shut off" because of who they are.
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