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The Brown truck is ruined for me now ...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
My old UPS guy was cool. Nice dude in his 50's with white hair, minded his own business, just dropped **** off and left. Sometimes he would say something nice but when he didn't it didn't matter.

Now I have a new guy who sucks. He's one of those guys who always has, or knows someone who has, a better version of whatever you have and acts like you should care. He's a tall skinny prick and the first day he delivered something to me he goes on this diatribe about how the his buddy's BBQ joint in the next town over is probably a lot better than mine even though he has never eaten here. "He smokes his meat every night all night long, pays really close attention to temperature, uses only the finest hickory," blah blah blah. Like I care. Doesn't he know that starting a conversation with a stranger about how they probably suck compared to you or anyone you know isn't going to elicit a very fond friendship???

Now he has started actually mulling around until I open my packages in front of him so that he can see what's inside. I got a fitting from Summit today and he's just sitting in front of the door to my office BSing, delaying until I open it. So I finally do and he goes, "What, are you building something?" I know the story about his buddy who has a rock buggy 20 times as bad ass as mine is forthcoming so I try to excuse him by just saying, "Yeah, I'm always building something or another."

"Oh yeah? What's that for?"

Sigh ... "A rock buggy."

"OH! Do you know Nathan Swagger (or whatever the name is he mentioned, like I gave a ****) he's over there in west Pensacola. He's mainly a mud guy but he built a rock buggy a while back. It was crazy. You should have seen the articulation. And it had those military axles, you know, the ones with the brakes? I forgot what he called them."


"YEAH! In fact, he's got lots of those axles just laying around in his yard! He has tons of innovative ideas built into it, too. You should go see it sometime. You could probably learn a lot from it. Its all made out of pipe, he did all the fabrication himself, welding, cutting and everything!"

The BS spewed for another couple minutes but I'll spare you.

I used to enjoy when the brown truck arrived. Now I run and hide. Isn't that sad? Its like being a little kid and finding out that Santa Clause at the mall is actually a pedophiliac AA dropout who smokes 7 packs a day and is just working to save up a few bucks for his next hit of meth.

J. J.
Yeah, I read that thread. Very similar. Hell, for all I know, Nathan Swagger could have the baddest, most fawesome buggy on the ****ing planet. The point is that I don't give a **** and the UPS guy knows nothing about me yet ASSUMES I am **** compared to everyone he knows. Ignorance.

And the fact that he hangs around trying to see what I am receiving is just rude. What if I order an 18" dildo? Does this guy have to know it??? :)

J. J.
J.j. you remember making a post on who the hell is j.r. hall?

After reading this, it was the first thing I thought of. :wtflol:
Black lady that delivers to me just calls me the "tire" guy. She loves it when Reds show up in her truck and she has to deliver!
jrhall said:
J.j. you remember making a post on who the hell is j.r. hall?

After reading this, it was the first thing I thought of. :wtflol:

Yeah. I think we determined that it was a different JR Hall though, right?

Plus, the name he mentioned wasn't Nathan Swagger. I don't remember what it was because I DON'T GIVE A ****!!!!

J. J.
Matt O. said:
Black lady that delivers to me just calls me the "tire" guy. She loves it when Reds show up in her truck and she has to deliver!

****, I wish I was receiving reds often enough to be called, "The Tire Guy."

J. J.
I think one of our truck drivers is the worst one ever. It was always something. We'd try to come up with **** to trip him up. It was fun for a while...but damn. Only so many lies you can tell. Right? NOPE.

He delivered mail in the military..."Not regular mail, special mail."
Hospital stay..."Wasn't to bad, I got special food."
Water skiing... "I invented slalom skies."
Found out I drank Crown..."It's Canadian Club cut with water." "I used to make the stuff."
I bought a new bow..."I shot one across 8 lanes of traffic into a billboard....because I could."
Guns..."I made John Browning's 1911 better and never took credit for it."

One day I said:
Dude, you ought to be a rich man...Why you driving a truck?
To see the country again
You drive from Charlotte to here though.
"I've done everything else."

Damn I hate these guys. You meet a LOT of them in hunting clubs too. :****:
Our UPS guy gets changed every 6 months or so. I usually get on a first name basis with them fairly quick. They usually ask a few questions about the buggy, racing, etc... Nothing obnoxious though. But the new UPS man I have found out my daughter plays soccer and that I coach. Come to find out his daughter is a few years younger and he coaches in the same soccer league. He will stop by to drop a package and talk about soccer until my ears start bleeding. He is a really nice guy, but damn I could do without all of the soccer talk 3 days a week. Now he is on softball since soccer is over, and I have ZERO interest in hearing about 8 year old girls playing soccer. When I see him in the parking lot I have to duck around a corner to avoid a 15 minute conversation :****:
My UPS driver is cool,super nice guy. Sometimes when I get heavy stuff, I help him get it out of the truck. He never nosey , his relief driver is another story.
patooyee said:
Yeah, I read that thread. Very similar. Hell, for all I know, Nathan Swagger could have the baddest, most fawesome buggy on the ****ing planet. The point is that I don't give a **** and the UPS guy knows nothing about me yet ASSUMES I am **** compared to everyone he knows. Ignorance.

And the fact that he hangs around trying to see what I am receiving is just rude. What if I order an 18" dildo? Does this guy have to know it??? :)

J. J.
i've never met you patooyee , i assume your a nice guy......
but if you order that 18" tool .... i bet thats gonna hurt. :****:
I never see my UPS driver, but the one time I did I opened the door to meet him half way, and my Wiemaraner met him half way as well.
Shes a racist of a dog, and jumps like Michael Jordan. So she leaves the ground at about the top of the key and hits him in the shoulder just below the net. I thought she was going to take his arm off but he was quick enough to give her a good Mayweather juke and she bounced off his shoulder.
So no my UPS driver doesnt make friendly at my house. Did I mention that he is Canadian :afro: ?
my driver just sits in the street honking the horn till i come out and greet him. all this cause of the few times my German Shepperd ran him out of her yard.
InDaShop said:
I never see my UPS driver, but the one time I did I opened the door to meet him half way, and my Wiemaraner met him half way as well.
Shes a racist of a dog, and jumps like Michael Jordan. So she leaves the ground at about the top of the key and hits him in the shoulder just below the net. I thought she was going to take his arm off but he was quick enough to give her a good Mayweather juke and she bounced off his shoulder.
So no my UPS driver doesnt make friendly at my house. Did I mention that he is Canadian :afro: ?

My Wiemaraners are the same way, my :afro: UPS guy blows his horn and I meet him outside while Duke and Sadie are biting the front door.