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Trump for prez?

5BrothersFabrication said:
Just read where Trump said in an ABC interview that he wants oprah the racist as his veep. **** that, I'm out 100% on Trump. I get along with a couple libs, but I sure as **** wouldn't run for office WITH them.

There's not a chance in Hell that Trump will ever sniff the presidency, the guy has turned into a living cartoon character, he probably belongs in an insane asylum
kmcminn said:
Man signed up for some electrical engineering classes now he is some sort of Einstein. :flipoff1:

Lol, kinda like how he messed with some coil-springs and now he's the Hardline shock guru
Re: Re: Trump for prez?

Neal3000 said:
Lol, kinda like how he messed with some coil-springs and now he's the Hardline shock guru

Hey, if you need some advice just ask me. If I don't know the answer, I'll google it....

but really, I'm just the one that don't care to type out all of my experience when someone is dabbling into something they are unfamiliar with, to try to help.....unlike half the fawkers on here that are actually knowledgable about **** and only post to say "no, that won't work" when someone posts a question and possible idea.
Re: Re: Trump for prez?

TacomaJD said:
Hey, if you need some advice just ask me. If I don't know the answer, I'll google it....

but really, I'm just the one that don't care to type out all of my experience when someone is dabbling into something they are unfamiliar with, to try to help.....unlike half the fawkers on here that are actually knowledgable about **** and only post to say "no, that won't work" when someone posts a question and possible idea.

Ok So even when you don't know what the hell your talking about, you google the best answer for them and then post it?

All you are doing is further empowering the new idiocracy that we live in by helping those who are either too lazy to use google, or too stupid to effectively use it or comprehend what they find.

Re: Re: Re: Trump for prez?

Neal3000 said:
Ok So even when you don't know what the hell your talking about, you google the best answer for them and then post it?

All you are doing is further empowering the new idiocracy that we live in by helping those who are either too lazy to use google, or too stupid to effectively use it or comprehend what they find.

I thought the google it comment would clearly be seen as sarcasm, as I intended it to be, but I guess not.

You really are a ****. Really. Bc some folks are "too lazy" to find out their own answers? Why the **** are you even on a forum, that's centered around posting a ****ing question and expecting somebody that has already been there and done that to help you answer it?!?!How the **** did YOU or anyone else ever learn about fabrication, suspension, and the mechanics of anything before the internet was here for us like it is today? You talked to people that knew more than you did and learned from it. Most of the time when I lend what little knowledge I have, I follow it with something like "I could be wrong, but I'm fairly positive that's correct" or "this is just my experience". I'm glad we never met when I was wheeling, we clearly wouldn't have got along.

I remember when I was new to wheeling hard and was trying to troubleshoot my leaning rig. All you would do would say were things like "no way in hell that will work" or try to act like I'm a ****ing tard or something because I didn't know everything in the book about suspension, instead of explaining reasoning as to why my suggestions or ideas weren't gonna be what would solve it. You wouldn't take time to type out an explanation, but every time I would bring up amd idea, you were one of the first ones to get on here and shoot it down. Others helped me along the way though, and I finally got the mf'r to where it worked pretty damn good....thanks to those who weren't dicks and actually wanted to lend their knowledge.

Attention/Post Whore - out.
Re: Re:

kushKrawlin said:
Cause u haven't been handed a 7000 dollar fine from them bastards. Hate them fukers. Just wanted to throw that in. YAll can get back to it , carry on. ;D
You have to realize though, just how much they have idiot proofed factories across our nation. Absolutely understand from your perspective too though!

Guess you better start keeping your **** up to code :flipoff1:
Nah I was just Fukin with Ya. I mean I really did get the ticket. Cause some ding dong happened to be driving by and saw me and helper in cherry picker 10 ft off ground with no harnesses. we we're actually on lunch break and went up to look at somthin for one second. I wanted to kill that guy. But that's not important. Wat is important is that U don't have a heart attack. If u were local I would make U burn one to calm down. I have wanted to throat chop U and Neal at one time more than likely, I think anyways. Haha. But at the end of the day would still ride for either of yall if Ya needed me. Simmer down son; it's all good. Trump will save us all!! :woot:
Gittinit said:
Isn't that the voter mentality that got us Obama, among others I'm sure.

I'd say your correct sir!! That's exactly how we got Obama :****:

We got Obama because that's been the plan for the people who are really in power. The last 2 Republican nominees were shitty too. There really wasn't much choice candidates on both sides wanted your money, liberty, and guns. The people who really wanted to make a difference were pushed to a corner during the primaries and the media acted as if they were "unelectable" when in fact they really just didn't want to follow the status quo so they were shunned away. The real presidential race is during primaries where parties pick who they want to represent them and both parties keep grooming candidates that all have very similar agendas and pushing away those that don't follow along.
Re: Re: Re: Trump for prez?

TacomaJD said:
I thought the google it comment would clearly be seen as sarcasm, as I intended it to be, but I guess not.

You really are a ****. Really. Bc some folks are "too lazy" to find out their own answers? Why the **** are you even on a forum, that's centered around posting a ****ing question and expecting somebody that has already been there and done that to help you answer it?!?!How the **** did YOU or anyone else ever learn about fabrication, suspension, and the mechanics of anything before the internet was here for us like it is today? You talked to people that knew more than you did and learned from it. Most of the time when I lend what little knowledge I have, I follow it with something like "I could be wrong, but I'm fairly positive that's correct" or "this is just my experience". I'm glad we never met when I was wheeling, we clearly wouldn't have got along.

I remember when I was new to wheeling hard and was trying to troubleshoot my leaning rig. All you would do would say were things like "no way in hell that will work" or try to act like I'm a ****ing tard or something because I didn't know everything in the book about suspension, instead of explaining reasoning as to why my suggestions or ideas weren't gonna be what would solve it. You wouldn't take time to type out an explanation, but every time I would bring up amd idea, you were one of the first ones to get on here and shoot it down. Others helped me along the way though, and I finally got the mf'r to where it worked pretty damn good....thanks to those who weren't dicks and actually wanted to lend their knowledge.

Attention/Post Whore - out.

Dayum, calls it as he sees it! Somebody needs some aloe after a burn like that! molaugh
Back on topic, here is an excerpt from the Don's page. I like his character.

"Mr. Trump believes that Hillary Clinton does not have any credibility when she blames words for violence. This is the same politician who lied to the world after she failed to take proper steps to secure the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi and falsely blamed the radical Islamic attack on a YouTube video. This is the same person who illegally deleted her emails after getting a subpoena from the U.S. Congress."

"Following the violent incident, Trump canceled a sold out campaign event in South Carolina out of respect for the grieving."

"At this time of national sorrow, a responsible leader should be focused on uniting and healing the country,"



Couple articles about my pick so far that I thought Kush might find interesting. You may not be able to vote dude but that don't mean you shouldn't educate yourself on the candidates and have conversations with friends and family about who they want to support.
Trump would be a shitty president.... If he failed at running this country as many times as he has failed being a business man, the U.S. would be done. We can't afford that many mistakes now.
Dwalk said:
Trump would be a shitty president.... If he failed at running this country as many times as he has failed being a business man, the U.S. would be done. We can't afford that many mistakes now.

80% of all start-up businesses fail. By your logic America is a failure.

If I had Trump's bank account I would feel pretty dang successful no matter what people on the Internets say. In fact, I would not have time to read your comment because it would cost me too much time. There was once a study done on various rich people on how much their time is worth vs how much money would have to be dropped on the ground in front of them to make it worth their time to stop, bend over, and pick it up. Don't quote me on the exact numbers but Bill Gates would have to see like $50,000 laying on the sidewalk to justify his time to bend over and pick it up. Or in other words, if Bill dropped $49,000 on the ground he would be better off to continue walking than to stop and retrieve it. Trump was around $10,000 or so IIRC. If those numbers do not equate to success in business I don't know what would.
Re: Re: Trump for prez?

patooyee said:
80% of all start-up businesses fail. By your logic America is a failure.

If I had Trump's bank account I would feel pretty dang successful no matter what people on the Internets say. In fact, I would not have time to read your comment because it would cost me too much time. There was once a study done on various rich people on how much their time is worth vs how much money would have to be dropped on the ground in front of them to make it worth their time to stop, bend over, and pick it up. Don't quote me on the exact numbers but Bill Gates would have to see like $50,000 laying on the sidewalk to justify his time to bend over and pick it up. Or in other words, if Bill dropped $49,000 on the ground he would be better off to continue walking than to stop and retrieve it. Trump was around $10,000 or so IIRC. If those numbers do not equate to success in business I don't know what would.
Thank you. People like to bring up his bankruptcies, but don't understand the difference between business bankruptcy and personal bankruptcy.