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Where were you when the world stopped turning?


Dont Tread On Me
May 18, 2010
Sugar Land
10 years ago.

I was 3 months on the job at Dynegy in Houston, TX (the guys that tried to buy Enron), I was standing on the 66th floor of the 71 floor Wells Fargo Tower in downtown Houston. It is geographically the tallest in downtown.
We were talking about how stupid you had to be to manage to hit a building that big with your airplane. At that time CNN was reporting it was a Cessna sized plane.
Thats when we saw the 2nd plane come into view live and hit the other tower.
Two things happened at that point: all of the Tradespark broker boxes went dead and turned into huge white noise (live open line between the broker in NY and the trader in Houston), and the Midwest VP I was standing with said, we are getting the **** out of here!!! Close out and get out now! It was close to 20 minutes later when I finally got to the street and to my car. In the parking lot a guy tried to kick my ass because I wouldnt follow him across the street to JOIN UP since we were now at war.

RIP Jay Shah

I worked with Jay at National Gas & Electric in 1999-2000 before he went back to NY to work for Cantor at eSpeed. They were on 101st-105th floors of One World Trade Center (2-6 floors above the impact zone of the 2nd plane), Cantor Fitzgerald lost 658 employees (all of the employees in the office at the time of the attacks).


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I was in Highschool sitting in History Class. My Football coach was the teacher. We heard the news over the intercom and were instructed not to turn on our TVs. Luckily Coach said the hell with that, history was happening and we were going to watch it. I remember seeing the plane hit the second tower on live TV. Ill never forget that day.

I still think the plane in Pennsylvania was shot down. it had two Jet Fighters following it. Of course the govt made the people out to be heroes that were aboard the plane. :dunno:

Its crazy the amount of conspiracy theories behind all of the 9/11 stuff. Some of them bring up some valid points.
I was working nights (6PM to 6AM) so I slept for most of the day. Once I got the call (2:00ish) I watched it on the TV in shock :puke:.

Once we figured out what was going on myself and my co-worker/roommate/ best man took a 55 gallon drum and filled it with gas....becuase we figured that was in the end of foreign oil. laughing1 I can tell you that was a long night at work that night!!
I was working nights so I was asleep. My girlfriend at the time called and asked what I was doing...."Sleeping, Why?" The world is coming to an end.......can I come over? "WHAT!?!?" Turn on the TV! I turned it on to see the second plane hit about 2min. later. I'll never forget the camera guy on the street filming/looking up and the second plane coming in.

I couldn't believe what I was watching....for the first real time in my life, I had no idea what to do. I do remember being very mad.

Don't know if any of you have seen the Discovery channel's coverage of "Rising-Rebuilding Ground Zero" If you haven't seen it, you should. It's a very moving and powerful show.
In HS, can't remember what class. Dad was working in Israel; US government made all US citizens report to the embassy for a sleepover. Out of all of the places to be re: terrorists, Israel might be the best...they know how to deal with them. :indianajones:
It was my freshman year of college, I got up and went to my 8:30 class like normal and then down to the fraternity house, pretty much spent the rest of the day watch'n everything unfold. Think’n back on it, it was a very bizarre day, the whole day just didn’t feel right.
I was actually off work that day, my cousin and I were building tree stands for hunting season, he had just got out of NAVY... so we sit in woods in schock and disbelieve...
But all the GOOD OL BOYS and WOMEN of our strong wonderful country pulled together and whipped most everything back into shape. GOD BLESS THE USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone have a good day :fish: :fish: :fish:
Being briefed by a CW5 on my first day of AIT at Fort Jackson. My dad left the Pentagon 6 hours before the jet was flown into the building.
I was on Tybee Island esat of Savannah, my cousin got married 2 days before and was on the road with his new wife whom had never been out of GA/FL to AZ for basic in the Air Force. We (was married then) we in our hotel getting ready to fly home when the 2 planes hit. Told my wife to get a move on it.

Meanwhile me parents were on the road back to Iowa (they drive everywhere) and my sister, bro in law and then only 2 kids were already supposed to be on their plane. I was FREAKING that they were in the air and nobody had cell phones that I recall.

Call Heertz to tell them I am taking our Volvo rental car to Kansas City, "sorry sir it is not insured to leave the state of GA" :****:

So we go to the airport and get a crown vic and haul ass to get an atlas and it was a LONG spooky drive home. Atlanta was being threatened by bombing the CNN HQ's, cops passing me like I was standing still at 90. I got home to drop the rental at KCI, 16 hours later.

My boss gave me the ::) for taking an extra day off work to drive home :gtfo:
I was driving to work and heard it all unfold on the John Boy and Billy Big Show. When the first plane hit they really did not know what had happened and the reports were sketchy. By the time I got to work it was all starting to hit what exactly had happened. That was a long day at work.
I was in 8th grade in math class. Teacher rolled in the tv and all day long we watched the news.
I was at work about 5 miles from the Atlanta airport. I was a welder for a company in the airline industry that did alot of work for Delta and it shut us down for a while none of our truck were allowed in or out of the airplane hangers for a while till they figured out what was going on. No one wanted to believe something like this could happen to us even though it was right there in front of our eyes, got to say that was the quietest i have ever heard that place.
More than anything else, I remember being mad as hell!! If I'd had the button, I'd have turned the entire middle east into a big glass parking lot. In fact, I'm still mad as hell.
Sitting in Jacksboro Texas trying to fire a shitty rep that worked for me. He was weaseling and squirming. Julie was 8 months pregnant and I had just gotten out of the Air Force Reserves the month before to avoid deployment to Bosnia where I would miss the birth of my child.

I prayed hard not to get called back up and I never did. It was a miracle.

I look back now....of course, and wish I had gone back in and gotten to help settle the score with these ****sticks. I will always regret that. I ****ing HATE these people. I want them exterminated.
I was on my way to History 102 when they came over the radio and said America is under attack. I made it to history and we listened and watched the second plane hit. College got cancelled the rest of the day because they said that they didnt know what would be attacked next. So I went home and started working/welding in the shop like most days because I still had to work and make money. Listened to the radio all day keeping up with what was going on.

On a side note if you have never been to the Oklahoma bombing memorial and museum you need to go.
I agree with doctordick, I was pissed that day and still am today and would have certainly turned the place into glass :flipgotcha:. I was walking into my 8:30 class that morning and everybody was standing in the hallway in disbelief. This was my second year in college and they sent everyone home. After meeting with the baseball coaches I went home and watched the t.v. all day long. I just remember being so pissed off. Americans came together so well for the first year or so and that was a great feeling. I am proud to be an american and hope people don't ever forget what happened to our great country on that day on account of those basterds.
i was sitting about home, jsut about to head to a class(my freeman yeah in college)- friends started calling me to tell me to turn on the TV. WOW, all i coudl do was sit on the couch...... jsut sat there... then i saw the second plane hit-it was just the most horrifiing sight to see- i was speachless. Still gets me to this day when i watch videos now. Didnt know anyone personal that was affected, and could only imagine- i get chill bumps jsut thinkings about. Hard to belive its been 10 years, F'n towel-heads :woot:
I was in the USMC at the time on our way back from a 6 month deployment on a West Pacific Tour aboard the USS Cleveland. I remember listening to the radio on the flight deck trying to figure out what was going on. We were getting close to the California coast. We thought we were going to be turned around and go straight to war. I ended up getting out of the Corps in November of that year, but served a tour in Iraq 04-05 with the Louisiana Army National Guard.
Working for a landscaping crew in Houston that did apartment complexes while going to UTI, my boss rode up and said he heard a small plane had hit the tower, I imagined seeing a tail section sticking out of the building. Later he came back and said get in the truck, we went to the clubhouse of the complx and watched the towers fall on their big screen. That was the most aweful I have ever felt in my life.

I have to stop right here, before I get all political and start ranting for a day or more.
Ford World Headquarters at a supplier meeting. They broke into the meeting to tell everyone....some left, most of us that stayed were distracted, so after about 5 minutes they stopped the meeting and turned on the 2 projectors to the news so we could watch the coverage.

One of my best friends was a project super at DTW airport working an expansion project....he said it was spooky how quiet the airport got that day...