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Who has cut the cable?

New to Net flicks? Watch "Jerico".

As far as football games go, you can find most games live on ESPN.com.

If it's a REALLY big game you want to see on a big screen, grab a case of beer & go to a buddies house.

1st of the year we are putting up our HD antenna, cutting our basic- crap cable & upping our internet speed so the new devices my kids got for Christmas don't interfere with our computers or Net flicks.
InDaShop said:
Amazon Prime and FTW!!!!

That's why I got it, I already have a prime membership, so If figured I would get a device that was capable of using it.
We have been cable free for a while now. Roku 3 on all our tvs. Netflix for movies and older shows, Hulu for current tv shows, not movies.
Redbox instant is garbage. Amazon prime is good as well.

Here's a tip on football. The watchespn app is pretty awesome, only catch is you have to have a login from a current cable provider, but that shouldn't be too hard to find from a friend or family member. I use my parents charter login.
Re: Re: Who has cut the cable?

We ended up doing the same and getting my parents Uverse login for the watch Esp app. Now I dont miss a game and still no cable. Ever since we cancelled it we spend a lot less time watching tv and the mindless carp that is broadcasted

Sent from S3
(patooyee's brother here)

We cut our cable off for about a year a while back, got it back when we first moved back to Georgia then cut it off probably a little over two years ago and will likely never get it back. Not having cable is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. At first it is awkward, I couldn't figure out how I was going to fill that time...now I wonder how I ever had time for so much TV.

Everyone has things they just never seem to have time to do yet we always seem to find time to fit in TV. Hundreds of channels at the push of a button it's just too easy to plop down turn the TV on, turn your brain off. One show turns into 3 then 4 then whaddaya know it's 12,1,2 AM dang I better get to bed, gonna be tired tomorrow.

I'll take it one step further...TV is ruining this country. I mean that literally. The average American spends 1,768 hours a year, 34 hours a week, just under 5 hours a day watching TV. That is just 6 hours shy of a full time job every week. TV hit it's stride in America in the mid to late 50's and let's be honest we have gotten considerably dumber, fatter, lazier, and less family oriented since then. Could it be because we invest 34 hours a week sitting on our asses with our brains on off mode? What if we invested that time instead on things that mattered like our health, families, minds, side work, cooking better food, reading, writing, thinking, exercising, sleeping more, or whatever else?

When you think about it makes perfect sense, how are we investing our free time? What did people do with their free time before TV existed? Probably worked or slept, maybe studied, learned/practiced music, instruments or languages, read books, wrote letters, spent time with family and friends, maybe listened to music or a little radio programming with news mixed in. What do people do after work today? Plop down in front of the TV watching Honey Boo Boo bullshit while simultaneously checking Facebook on their smartphone, ignore their families while they eat frozen pizza. Watching FoxNews or MSNBC stretch 1 hour of news into 24 hours of soap opera politics mixed with stressful, scary stories about terrorism, the economy, or who was murdered or robbed in your area none of which you can do anything about even if you gave a ****. How is this healthy?

I'm not excluding myself from this caricature either, I am guilty too. I still struggle with being a 'normal' American but I believe i am ahead of the game having acknowledged the problem. Granted I am still fat and not the smartest guy on the planet (yet ;D) but at least now I am consciously working to invest my free time where it counts.

It's the ****in modern day matrix, do you want to stay plugged in?
It's coming close to time to re-up with At&T again. I'm getting real tired of paying for cable. I get like an hour a night to watch it and I always just sit there flipping through channels looking for ANYTHING worth watching and finding nothing. What I do watch I watch on my DVR and everything there is now available on Hulu or on the networks' websites for free anyway. Half the time the shitty DVR doesn't catch it anyway and I have to watch it online.

I want to mount a good OTA antenna on my house so I don't have to deal with the crappy $20 Wal-Mart POS antennas. I want a DVR that will record the OTA free HD broadcasts. I'll pay for Hulu, Watch ESPN, and internet to access them. That will cover virtually 100% of my watching. Anyone got links to antennas or DVR's?
Curious as well on the DVR but for antenna I would go to radio shack. I hooked up my 1980 outdoor antenna to my new tv and get every channel in my area and I'm rural!!!
Its like having a slampiece girlfriend that gets fat. You threaten to leave her for the next thing that looks at you, and she will shape up right fast. Moral of the story, call your TV provider and tell them they are fat. If that doesn't work, I cant help you.

I did that last year and it worked. But I an no longer seeing the value in spending exec $30/mo on cable.
Re: Re: Re: Who has cut the cable?

TacomaJD said:
No way I could live without cable. I use the **** out of my DVR. Love Comedy Central, except for adult cartoons....those are retarded. All the Duck Dynasty shows, any good movies that may come on TNT, USA, FX, AMC, etc. I'm a huge Walking Dead fan, so I would be lost not being able to watch that, new season starts next month I think, I've not missed a single episode of the previous 3 seasons. Any sort of sniper/gun documentaries that come on History Channel or Military Channel, **** like that interests me. Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman is another show I enjoy.

....yea, I couldn't live without tv. Then again, I live alone and work 2nd shift, so by the time I get off work, nobody else much is awake. So I spend a lot of time in the recliner watching tv into the wee hours of the morning after work. I suppose one's lifestyle would play a large part in how important tv programming is.
I live alone and work the same shift but I cut the cable and now I spend that time on four wheeling forums lol.
8 months with no sat tv (cancelled Directv in Dec)

I don't miss it, nor does the wife.

We pretty much just watch series and movies on Amazon Prime, Crackle, and straight from the TV channel websites.

Neither one of us give 2 shits about watching live sports or Nascar racing, so having a live tv service really was a waste of money for us.
Something to think about here...big change coming up in football with the new networks, in particular the SEC Network which is almost final is my understanding. Does that mean all SEC games will now be on ESPN? If so ESPN internet access would be interesting, wonder if that will change? I wonder if they will 'sell' the SEC Network over the internet direct to subscribers instead of having to go through a cable provider.

As a follow up to my previous post on the evils of TV, I have total a little over 3 years (in two stints) of not having any cable/TV under my belt. I still watch stuff on the computer, youtube and movies, and one show online (CMT Party Down South, complete junk food type TV) but overall my TV watching/computer time has reduced 80-90%.

In the past two plus years since I cut it off I have been more productive than ever. At the start of this year I started working out and eating better and have lost 41lbs and am in the best shape I have been in since college. I have read so many books, almost all non-fiction and have learned a lot and changed the way I think about certain things considerably which has impacted my behavior and my path in life for the better. I also spend all my time after work with my son until he goes to sleep which was a big reason why I cut the TV off this time around. The last benefit I would mention is that I am proudly, not up to date on current events. I try to ignore the media all the bullshit they rant on and on about, there is nothing I can do to change any of it so no sense in stressing over it.

In other words I have taken most of that average 34 hours of TV time per week and invested it in better things and it has paid off for me. It isn't obvious at first but after you refocus that time into new and better things it really starts to add up. I am very glad to have traded that time for the rewards I have today. I can only imagine how it will add up over the next 5,10,20,30 years.

I am in the same boat as Tacoma jd. I work second shift so when I get home I either work in the garage, or I watch a little TV and wind down before bed. So I have alot of shows that I'm currently hooked on .we have been talking about cancelling our dish and I think after sons of anarchy goes off this year we may just do it. I've watched sons all the way up til now so I might as well finish it out lol. We have Netflix and she watches most of her stuff on there so I don't think we would miss it after a while
Just know there are waaaaay more options than just netflix. Just have to work for it a bit and see what you like best. Just don't get hung up and think it is your only option
I dont have cable or internet in my house period!!! We just by dvds or mainly go outside and enjoy life :dblthumb:
Not much life going on from 11pm - 12pm for a father who just worked 17 hours and is due back in for another at 7am. Just need that one hour of BS to get my mind off of work so I don't dream about it.

That and college football. :)
Yeah everyone has there reasons, i know whatcha mean about midnights as im similar in my work, no cable= more time with wife ;)