I bought my daughter a bunch of matching jewelry for her first Christmas some three years ago. Well, my boy is having his first Christmas and it is time to start the search for a flat fender.
Matching numbers, period correct, Concours need not apply. What I would like is zero cancer, mostly complete, at minimum a roller. I haven't set a budget yet, just trying to see what people have. I have seen way to many cancer cases that people are asking 3 and 4 grand for. Complete Willys Jeep doesn't equal 4 grand if it is being held together by just a little sheet metal and Fe2O3 sheets that used to be the frame.
So, in closing........a roller, with little to no cancer, that I could work on for 14 or 15 years with my boy.
Matching numbers, period correct, Concours need not apply. What I would like is zero cancer, mostly complete, at minimum a roller. I haven't set a budget yet, just trying to see what people have. I have seen way to many cancer cases that people are asking 3 and 4 grand for. Complete Willys Jeep doesn't equal 4 grand if it is being held together by just a little sheet metal and Fe2O3 sheets that used to be the frame.
So, in closing........a roller, with little to no cancer, that I could work on for 14 or 15 years with my boy.