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Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2013
Collierville, Tn
If we are not careful, we will let today go by as just another day. We will get our kids all dressed up and go to church this weekend and forget what we are truly celebrating. This day we celebrate is a day that changed the world forever. No matter if you are black, white, Asian, muslim, budhist, atheist, jew, gentile, or Christian, this day is the most impactful day in the history of man. On this day God, in the form of Jesus Christ, humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross (Phillipians 2:8). After leaving His father in heaven, Jesus came to this earth and spent His life ministering to people. He healed diseases, taught His followers how to live a kingdom focused life, and poured life into those He met along the way. The creator of the world made His entrance to Jerusalem on a donkey as throngs of people were cheering and praising His name, all the while knowing that the same people would be cursing him and calling for his death a few short days later. Throughout the week leading up to His death, He was teaching and praying for those who would betray Him. He was teaching His disciples about eternal life and God's kingdom. Up until His final moments as a free man He was praying for those would in a few short hours murder Him. The weight of what was fixing to happen caused so much stress on His earthly body, He was crying tears of blood in the garden as he prayed. He was silent as he was arrested and as He stood trial for crimes he did not commit. He remained silent as he was accused of things he did not do. The creator of heaven and earth, the one who spoke life into existence, who is sovereign over the entire universe displayed a meekness we cannot fathom as he was convicted of the charges against Him. He was beaten beyond recognition, and forced to carry a wooden cross for miles while he was taunted, mocked, spat upon and beaten. His hands were pierced by nails, a crown of thorns was placed upon His head and He was hung, between two criminals. As the life left His body, He was crying out, not for mercy or for this to stop, but for God to forgive those who were doing this to Him, and with a spear being thrust into His side Jesus cried out "It is finished". All of this is not just a fairy tale; it happened, but why? What is finished? Our sin separated us from God, and our sin caused death, but God, through Jesus offered us eternal life. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans5:8) Christ's death on the cross tore the veil that separated us from God, and if we call upon Him and place our trust in Him and accept Him as our lord and savior, we are promised eternal life. How can we have eternal life through Jesus if He died on that cross that Friday so many years ago? Sunday's coming friends, that's how. Jesus loves you, He died for you, on this Good Friday, let's LIVE FOR HIM!


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