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WARCRC 2012 Crawl 4 Ca$h - 7/15/12

Dec 3, 2007
Marysville, Wa

Signup Here:
WTR-2012 WARCRC Crawl 4 Ca$h - 7/15/11

Sign ups close on 7/15/2012, so get signed up if you going to attend (this greatly helps us to be signed up online).
Your $20 Cash entry fee will be collected at the event, please bring correct change (and smaller bills if possible) to help us out. Thanks!

The themed course rules will be in the next post under this thread...
If you have any questions about these rules, please post your questions up so they can be answered by Crash or myself here:
WARCRC 2012 Crawl 4 Ca$h - 7/15/12 - WARCRC . :D

Location Info Here:

Sign in at 8:30am, Drivers meeting at 9:00am, Comp starts at 9:15am.
All courses should be set up and judges/scorekeepers prepared prior to start time of 9:15am.

Parking can be a little tight up there, so everyone please try and carpool up!