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California Shooting.

As in it was and they are going to call it that or are they going to bull **** around and call it a workplace violence issue?
kmcminn said:
Hard for me to believe workplace violence when the have all the ied's at their home, also with the wife being involved.

A wife he married after visiting Saudi Arabia for a month.
I feel like the they are doing a lot of this to promote gun violence to get the POTUS to pass more restricting gun laws to disarm the public so we are more vulnerable?
croes said:
I feel like the they are doing a lot of this to promote gun violence to get the POTUS to pass more restricting gun laws to disarm the public so we are more vulnerable?

I've been saying that for years. And the blood wasnt even dried yet and Hilary was tweeting about it for her bull **** agenda.
Anyone else wonder what happened to the "3rd shooter/suspect"?? All day yesterday I was hearing about 3 suspects. All the way up to when they had the shootout with the cops and hubby and wifey were put down like dogs, (as they should have been) reports were saying a 3rd suspect escaped on foot... So did that guy never exist, or is he/she in Guantanamo bay right now in a dark room slightly inverted with a wet towel over their mouth from the last waterboarding session?? (perfectly fine by me if they are BTW) Only problem is that it gives obozo and libs a way to claim workplace violence instead of terrorism because it was husband and wife and husband worked where they killed all those folks. Man its sad Ive become such a conspiracy theorist, but the older I get the more I believe the gubment IS NOT here to help me.
And now that I posted this, I'm sure I'm on the no fly list. LOL
joho75287 said:
Anyone else wonder what happened to the "3rd shooter/suspect"?? All day yesterday I was hearing about 3 suspects. All the way up to when they had the shootout with the cops and hubby and wifey were put down like dogs, (as they should have been) reports were saying a 3rd suspect escaped on foot... So did that guy never exist, or is he/she in Guantanamo bay right now in a dark room slightly inverted with a wet towel over their mouth from the last waterboarding session?? (perfectly fine by me if they are BTW) Only problem is that it gives obozo and libs a way to claim workplace violence instead of terrorism because it was husband and wife and husband worked where they killed all those folks. Man its sad Ive become such a conspiracy theorist, but the older I get the more I believe the gubment IS NOT here to help me.
And now that I posted this, I'm sure I'm on the no fly list. LOL

it was probably like sandy hook. He got in the front seat of the cop car and went home.
They said it was confirmed that he had been in contact with a few terrorist names that were on the FBI watch list recently, and had a house full of ied bombs, no other way to put it than that it was an act of radical Islamic terrorism on U.S. Soil and we are going to be pussies and call it workplace violence. I hate that the common folk of the U.S. that has enough sense to know what is going on, can't do anything about it. Pisses me off, I just hope a dem don't get elected next, but with the Republican lineup, I'm afraid it will happen.
I don't watch a lot of TV unless it sports or trying to catch the local news so I can keep up with the weather. Tonight I decided to watch the world news so I could see exactly what was going on with the situation. Not sure if anybody else is trying to keep up with this mess but it blows my mind and I am curious to know why they will not show the face of the guys wife that was involved with this shooting. They kept showing the husband but a blank spot in place of her picture?? :wtflol:
rockwell 1 said:
Radical islam is way to politicaly correct for me I call them " ****ING MUSLIMS"

Exactly! Call them what they are

The enemy
****ing muslim
Goat ****ers
Sand coons
Dune coons

Call them whatever.......I want to calm them all dead. I fought in Iraq.......I ****ing hate all muslims.
kevinhumphrey said:
I don't watch a lot of TV unless it sports or trying to catch the local news so I can keep up with the weather. Tonight I decided to watch the world news so I could see exactly what was going on with the situation. Not sure if anybody else is trying to keep up with this mess but it blows my mind and I am curious to know why they will not show the face of the guys wife that was involved with this shooting. They kept showing the husband but a blank spot in place of her picture?? :wtflol:

They probably can't find one. The guys family said they had never seen her face, because she always wore one of those full body dresses.
Lampley said:
They probably can't find one. The guys family said they had never seen her face, because she always woremember on of those full body dresses.

What kills me is that a bank can and will refuse you service for wearing a ball cap or sunglasses inside but they will allow Muslims in with nothing but an eye slit showing.
Re: Re: California Shooting.

creepycrawly said:
What kills me is that a bank can and will refuse you service for wearing a ball cap or sunglasses inside but they will allow Muslims in with nothing but an eye slit showing.
I've made this very point before. Goes back to the same accomodation law that ultimately protected that looney bitch in KY that refused to marry the gays. I ain't a fan of gays at all, especially Tony Bolton (wonder if he's kin to Michael?), but that bitches job was to abide by the rules of her boss, in which case was the laws of her state.

Anyways, it's dumb. I don't like it....but what can you do. Fawking muslims.
Trust me I'm far from an Obama supporter but what I don't understand is why everybody is looking to him to send us to war. It's not his job, the founders were pretty big on the fact that those powers were in the hands of Congress. So if everyone that spends all their time waiting on him to do something would call their congressmen and start holding them more accountable we would probably be in a different position. This dude already thinks he's a ****ing king so lets quit looking up to him like he is and waiting on him to do something. The more we act like this the more it plays in his favor. He's only Commander and Chief when Congress declares war, which they haven't done since WW2.
I just saw this and thought I'd share. Not sure its true but.........


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jeepmedic said:

This guy hit the nail on the head...total ***** is right. And we are not afraid, but pissed off...I don't no about y'all but I'm wanting the government, the new, and all the talking heads to call it what it is, don't tell us it's work place violence or just one bad egg or that it's "the guns". Just say the truth, we are all adults and we can handle the truth. This PC bull crap has to stop before it gets us in a big hole then we are already in.