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Even white chickens dont like :afro:


  • 2013-01-13_08-32-12_413.jpg
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That bastard is any enemy of the constitution and an enemy of the American people and should be arrested for treason.
X2 Chad, This ****ing ****** hates Americans. I haven't met anybody that voted for him, but obviously there is a bunch of STUPID motherfuckers out there.
One of the things I've heard Biden wants to pass is mandatory liability insurance on each (individual) gun you own.
That insurance would be expencive per gun. That cost alone would limit the number of weapons a person could
afford to keep, thereby reducing the number of weapons per person. Yep, that's about stupid. But it's the way Biden thinks.
Also heard that any weapon they tag as being an "assault weapon" will no loger be "allowed" to live in your home.
Instead, Biden wants those weapons to only be stored at your " local gun club".
It's time to wake the **** up people. The gun grabbers are coming. And really, there is no telling yet exactly how deep
they want to grab. But it will be a damn hand full, for sure.

If you want to stay informed, start listening to Alex Jones on XM Radio 166
or checkout his website at www.infowars.com

Do not believe a single word that comes out of the Monkey President's mouth.
He's a damn lier.
insurance per gun molaugh
store my AR where???
try to take my guns...... good luck Ill give them up when ive use every bullet i have shooting at the SOB that comes trying to take them.

It might look good on paper and tickle the ears in washington but theres no damn way they can pin point every single gun in america. Theres too many hand me downs.
I might have 1 reg to me but the others .... what others :dunno:

They cant take what they dont know you have. They also cant take whats been "sold".

That stupid :afro: has opened a can of worms he should of left alone.
The thing i dont understand is the ****er that is goin to shoot or rob
you isn't goin to register or insure ther gun. Its goin to come off the steet.
so why are the handicapping the honest man???
From what I have read the NY law has a mandatory buyback for all band guns. :flipgotcha: :flipoff1: I dun soldem is all that comes to mind for me. I wonder if they are gonna pay a fair market value?
Bronco Buster said:
From what I have read the NY law has a mandatory buyback for all band guns. :flipgotcha: :flipoff1: I dun soldem is all that comes to mind for me. I wonder if they are gonna pay a fair market value?

Fair market value or not. Mine's not for sale...
Said on the news tonight that Oboma is going to sign an executive order when he reveils his gun control plan tomorrow. A executive orders an order that nobody has to approve! The order may not stand for long but is a start. He's talking about banning clips larger than 10 rounds, checking up on the 70,000 people who were turned down for gun purchases last year, and of course banning assault type weapons. I thought this would never happen, but new youk voted their ban intoday!
I don't know how y'all feel about it. But I'm pretty pissed off at anyone brave enuff to admit they voted for the Monkey. It sorta makes me wanta slap the
**** out of em for contributing to this bullshit mess.

Here's something else to chew on...... Now that the ****** has opened the doors and free'd all the queers on us, there WILL
come a day when a queer man will run for President. All the Queers will vote his ass right on in the White House and
this new Queer President will be LEGALLY married to another queer man. Think about it.
Two grown men, shacked up in the damn White House butt ****ing each other while trying to run this country.
This country will be laughed at around the World.

Like I said, I bout dare someone to admit supporting this God awful mess we're in.
I'd be too Ghad damn embarrassed to admit it.
I've "heard" of places that work on cars charging more per repair to people with Obama stickers on their cars...redistrubuting their wealth. :flipoff1:

Pretty sure some folks may be stocking up on 8" PVC pipe and endcaps if this :ban: happens. Gonna be an awful lotta buried treasure in backyards. :****:
so at what point will the american people get tired of being ass raped and stand up and take there country back i say we dont vote dont pay taxes strike against the ****ers we trusted to take care of this country and see what they do we that this is the kinda **** that happens when the american person **** back for so long lettin the **** happen hell and as far as gun control goes lets all load up and go to the white house and say if you can take em you can have em how are they gonna disarm a couple hundred thousand pissed off loaded gun owners seriously
People need to wake up and realize that both Republicans and Democrats want your guns. Everyone is bitching about people voting for Obama and him taking guns away, but Mitt Romney despite what he may have said in his campaign has an anti-gun past and supported Bill Clinton when banned assault rifles. Even said that he didnt "line up" with the NRA. Now the NRA and even Ted Nugent supported Romney despite his past and his reputation for flip flopping. He may have said during his campaign for President that he was pro gun but he would have flip flopped as soon as he got in office and **** hit the fan. I personally will not be renewing my NRA membership anymore as I think they shouldnt support someone like that and instead should use their massive influence to help a third party candidate who actually believes in small government and liberty. My membership dues to the NRA will be better spent stocking up on ammunition while I still can.