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Reiter Updates: Summer/Fall 2010

And this is the proposed main source of funding for Reiter.......stolen from this board, from another thread.

At least read the red.
NOVEMBER 18, 2010

Campground on Cypress Island. This popular destination spot is in danger of being closed permanently if recreation funding is cut. Photo: Jason Goldstein/DNR

You may have heard that DNR is working with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) to propose legislation that will help maintain and improve access to state lands managed or owned by the two agencies. This issue of DNR Recreation E-News will bring you up to date on this proposal.

When legislators meet in January, they'll face the enormous task of determining the state's budget for the next two years under extremely challenging economic times. You may have seen the news today that the revenue forecast for the state's General Fund is down $1.2 billion.

The next legislative session will be a tough road for recreation funding on state lands. Further cuts to the state's recreation budget will result in more closures, more reduced services, and will further erode the economies of rural communities whose livelihoods rely on outdoor recreation and related businesses.

DNR and WDFW are jointly proposing legislation that will provide a stable funding source for ongoing maintenance and enforcement, which will free up grant funding for renovation and development of new facilities and trails. This joint proposal will provide the legislature with options besides slashing our recreation budgets and forcing closures of recreation facilities. This request includes access fees, lifting the lid on the fuel tax refund, and streamlining and improving law enforcement.

In developing the recreation reform package of legislative requests, we drew from a number of sources including the recommendations from the Sustainable Recreation Work Group, comments from DNR's recent online forum about recreation, and public input through meetings with user groups, workshops, and one-on-one conversations with recreation enthusiasts like you.

The draft legislation currently includes the following key features:
You could read this as "if this don't work, New Reiter is dead", and I wouldn't argue that with you.

One step at a time......
What concerns me now is the reports yesterday of even lower than expected state tax revenue. Now they need to "trim" even more of the budget. If it's not a necessity or a politicians pet project it has little chance in this session.:booo:
What concerns me now is the reports yesterday of even lower than expected state tax revenue. Now they need to "trim" even more of the budget. If it's not a necessity or a politicians pet project it has little chance in this session.:booo:

Reiter is a pet project :awesomework: and has a lot of support already and is gaining
Let's hope. We'll know by the end of the looming special session for sure:corn:

It is all about support. the more support we get the better chance we have of getting it

The doom and gloomers are killing all the good everyone is doing. blabbing there mouth without asking questians first. We all have our concerns and are hoping they nexer come true.
I don't agree. What does support have to do with money?

We see this daily. How does government know $$ is needed for certain things or certain prodjects? I understand there are process's to go thru but public support never hurts. How many times in the media have we seen things happen or be pushed a certain way just by the general public support? Does it always work? No . Does that mean we should sit on our ass(just you) and wait for our own fate to be chosen without some sort of say in it? I won't and will contionue to do what I can..

I will continue to stay positive, focused as best as I can till I am able to unload my rig and wheel the new reiter.
I don't agree. What does support have to do with money?

It is all politics now and we need to gain the interest of the politicians that are in office
We get there support we will get our money. If leaders in the ORV community don
You always seem to find the glass half empty, not half full.

It's my nature and as I've proven to my boss on countless occasions I'm usually right......But this isn't my work is it......Also read my post again with a neutral point of view and you will find I didn't write anythig negative about anything. That goes for a few of you.:;
Reiter is not dead. It may be slowed down but it is not dead.
You don't know that. And I didn't say Reiter is dead.

We see this daily. How does government know $$ is needed for certain things or certain prodjects? I understand there are process's to go thru but public support never hurts. How many times in the media have we seen things happen or be pushed a certain way just by the general public support? Does it always work? No . Does that mean we should sit on our ass(just you) and wait for our own fate to be chosen without some sort of say in it? I won't and will contionue to do what I can..
I will continue to stay positive, focused as best as I can till I am able to unload my rig and wheel the new reiter.

Staying positive is great and all but the topic here is money. You can stay positive until the trail builds itself and that won't pay for anything.

(just you)
What is this supposed to mean? You think I sit on my ass?:rolleyes:
And to clarify; the purpose of this thread is so there is a single thread an individual can review that has current facts and information about Reiter and the process of re-opening it.......not a bunch of "I think" and "We should" posts.

This is a thread that I send folks to after they PM or ask me in person "What's up with Reiter?"

Just the facts ma'am.....just the facts.:;

How many times will I have to say this?
Yeah, yeah quit your bitchin. There are no negative thoughts allowed in this thread only positive.:awesomework:

I'm sure I'll be removed from this thread too like many of the others.:rolleyes:

I (me) would ask the mod that you NOT be removed. And I would ask for you to learn how to pick your battles.:beer:

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